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Everything posted by LadyTrunck

  1. How exciting! Congrats! What a fun way for him to propose-- sounds perfect. Happy planning!
  2. OH- and welcome Josies Mom, and hello to all of the new girls that are here now!!
  3. Hey guys!! Sorry I've been out of this thread for awhile. I see that SO much has been going on! So much stress Josie and Lisa! I'm also very surprised/not pleased with all of the nickel and diming that is going on, but as someone said earlier, we will probably forget all about it when all is said and done. I have a bit of drama of my own going on in regards to the photographer. As I previously suspected, I wasn't able to come up with the downpayment to reserve her until Oct 1st, but she is no longer available for our date! So I have already sent out the save the dates, with imprinted shotglasses and cards, for July 6th. She is available on the 7th though, so we are hoping it all works out, even though we have to change the date. OH WELL! I still have to post pics of my STD's, I have been SO busy and SICK as well. I was in a wedding last weekend, and it was so gorgeous! It defnitely helped with my 'wedding fever'. However, in the haste of checking out, I left my BM dress hanging in the closet!! Can you believe that! And I could have totally worn it again, it was from Anthropologie. The hotel claims that they didn't find it. Drama drama drama. My own fault of course. Anyway- Glad to be back, and to get all of these great new details. We have some weddings coming up to hear about and see photos of! So excited!
  4. Thanks for the encouraging words... of course no one else in my life (except for FI) gets all of this! I am holding off until all is said and done with this damn deposit situation. Wouldn't it be PERFECT if we could just pay everything up front in cash...... oh dreams
  5. I'm pretty bummed and relieved at the same time. I have been wanting Elizabeth Medina as our photographer since I started planning our wedding over a year ago. I contacted her via email in June, and she said that she was available for our date, but could not finalize anything until we gave our deposit, which is COMPLETELY understandable. Life caught up to me, and of course, one thing after another demanded our $$.... Fast forward to Friday afternoon. I am sick with the flu, but going over finances, realize that I can do the deposit on October 1st. I emailed Elizabeth, and she is no longer available for our day!! She did say however, that she could make the next day work. We have already sent out our save the date shot kits, complete with our wedding date imprinted on the shotglasses and on the card. I was in tears, and called FI at work. He knows how much having her photograph the wedding means to me, so he suggested that we do the wedding the next day, regardless of the STD's. I was so relieved that he suggested that, it's something I would have never thought of as appropriate! The more I thought about it, the more it seems ok. I just have to contact all guests now, and thank goodness, no one has booked yet!! Resort is also available for that date, so now I just have to wait for OCT 1st when I can truly lock EM in!!! Not exactly how I wanted things to start out, but come on, she really is the BEST!!!!
  6. Oh my, those are fab!! I'm checking out the site as we speak...
  7. First of all, Lori, I LOVE your siggy pic! Made me LOL. My FI’s parents are being pretty strange about the whole thing. First, my family may not even be able to attend the wedding because of $ issues, so any contribution from them is out. My FI assumed that his parents would give us 10k, because that’s what they gave both of his sisters for theirs. However, when the market tanked, I think they took a pretty big hit. So we have planned on doing it all ourselves. Since then, they have mentioned to him that they are going to help out, but don’t give a dollar amount. They never do this when I am around, which I think is very strange, we are all pretty close. So the long and short of it: we are planning on paying ourselves, and since a bulk of it is due at the very end, (resort, photog) we will see how much they give and call it a bonus! That is probably the smartest thing…. Hopefully we can come up with enough at the end!!! Sheesh
  8. I'll have to take a look too--- same exact situation, except that my dress is knee length, so they have to be super cute!! I'm a little afraid of the lack of options
  9. The remix!!!! I was trying to show my FI this video, and found this: YouTube - Pole Dancing Gone Bad (Hilarious!)
  10. I'm pretty new, so I'm up for participating!! I think all of the ideas sound great, especially the mandatory participation in the thread--- I'll admit, I'm still trying to keep up and go back to past threads. It will motivate me not only to lose weight, but to keep up!
  11. that is a really good idea/question. I've been wondering the same.... unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to rely on what people tell me via friendly calls or email. Even if they RSVP fully, I've been reading that so many people back out!!
  12. What a FUN idea! I love original ideas like that. My nieces and nephews are actually our bridal party, so I completely understand having the kiddos involved. Go for it, and Please post pics!!
  13. I really feel for you. I love that he is willing to go through counseling and mediation, but hearing that he is just like them when they are around--- that sounds horrible!!! I really hope it works out, keep us posted. Best!!
  14. LadyTrunck


    Congrats!! Have a blast planning-- this site is the best!
  15. Congrats and welcome-- have fun planning!!
  16. LadyTrunck


    Congrats and welcome! Have fun planning!
  17. It's good that your FI is ok with it. Just live and let live, don't let it bother you.
  18. I had something very similar happen to me a few weeks ago. I was putting groceries into my car, adjusting the seat and I felt a nudge. I didn’t pay much attention, but then noticed a car that was previously parking next to me speed off. I quickly got the license place # (in my head only) and tried to follow, but she got away. I put the license # into the notepad in my phone and went home to call the cops and file a report. I went to give them the license plate #, and IT SOMEHOW DIDN’T SAVE INTO MY PHONE! I distinctly remember putting it in and hitting SAVE. I don’t know what happened. There was a new blank note only. So, my FI was pretty mad at me too. I of course, got blamed, and he didn’t believe that I put it into the phone. Whatever. So I have a lovely little scratch on my bumper…. I’m so sorry that this happened to you! He’ll get over it- mine did. It could have been worse (I hate it when people say that!!) and thankfully it was only a scratch!!
  19. Read this whole thread today! How romantic and exciting--- I can't wait to see how your trip goes this month! Also- voted for you for the photog thing. I love this site!
  20. I work for a non profit insurance co, helping our providers with their billing and claims Kind of boring, but I know we do a lot of good for a lot of people!
  21. Voted-- he's going to need the business for upcoming wedding expenses hopefully! Yep, I read the whole 20 page story today. No work got done!!
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