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Everything posted by LadyTrunck

  1. Hey Candice! I had heard absolutely nothing about this until Friday night. I was watching tv with the FIL's, and it came on. Apparently, I have been living under a rock, because my FMIL said the same thing-- that it has been super hyped. I was not going to watch it, but we were holed up in a hotel room, and nothing else was on. To my surprise, I LOVED it!!! It's already set to my DVR for all future episodes! It is so witty, clever, and just fun. I'm wondering if I missed the pilot and saw the second episode? I saw the one where they sang 'Don't stop Believin' at the end....
  2. Congrats and welcome!!! This is the place to be for all of your planning needs/ideas/fun, etc!
  3. Congrats and welcome!!! This is the place to be for all of your planning needs/ideas/fun, etc!
  4. We posted at the same time Susie Q! You beat me to it--- it sounds like your mind is defnitely made up-- and I don't blame you a BIT! What a rude, unhappy person she is. Your life will be better without her.
  5. What a tough situation. Honesty is really the best policy. This is your day, and I think you should be up front with this loud mouthed friend, and tell her how you feel. If you think she is going to be any burden, she should not be invited! Bholthof also had a great point-- if it's AI, and alcohol comes into the mix... could be trouble. Good luck!!
  6. Congrats! Spend a lot of time reading through this site, you'll get a TON of help!!
  7. I like #1, but I guess it also depends on the body types that they have. I love strapless, but my boobs just don't work in them!!
  8. BDW advice wins!!! I'm so happy to hear that it worked out. I totally agree with the other ladies--- a vacay with a friend is SO much better than a couple of hours on a sweaty dancefloor!!
  9. OH my gosh, I cannot WAIT to see these photos! I heart theme parties! I don't have a pic, but my worst bridesmaids dress: picture this: floor length, LONG sleeve, EMERALD green, SATIN with crochety lace on the neckline, a pointed waistline, and kind of FULL skirt!!!! I am only 5'2". I felt like part of the Wizard of Oz cast.... HORRIBLE!
  10. OH my gosh Josie, I have looked at your page so many times and I never read the proposal!!!! How precious is that man!! I actually got to weddingwindow.com because of Josie and another bride getting married at RPRM. I am doing the monthly payment of 10.99 ( I know, I know, more than if I would have just paid up front, but it was an impulse buy!) You can see ours too- ryanandjannae.com
  11. 1. Where is your cell phone? Charging 2. Your significant other? Perfect 3. Your hair? ponytail 4. Your mother? Grandma 5. Your father? Grandpa 6. Your favorite thing? Iphone 7. Your dream last night? Dog 8. Your favorite drink? Gin 9. Your dream/goal? Travel 10. The room you're in? Hotel 11. Your ex? engaged 12. Your fear? Spiders!! 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Denver 14. Where were you last night? FIL's 15. What you're not? coordinated 16. Muffins? nah 17. One of your wish list items? house 18. Where you grew up? city 19. The last thing you did? post 20. What are you wearing? shorts 21. Your TV? flat 22. Your pets? none 23. Your computer? mac 24. Your life? magical 25. Your mood? sleeeepy 26. Missing someone? family 27. Your vehicle? civic 28. something your not wearing? shoes 29. Favorite Store? Traders 30. Your summer? indian 31. Like someone? love! 32. favorite color? pink 33. When is the last time you laughed? now 34. Last time you cried? Gump
  12. OH, and Kathy and Sillygirl-- I have eaten a bug!! I laughed out loud when I saw that question. I was in Belize, and we were on a tour in the jungle. The guide was telling us that the ant provided some kind of necessity, and had us eat them. I was the first to be like, OH ok, I'll do it. It is SO out of character for me!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE Kathy! That is so not a black & white answer, so probably YES but it would depend on the circumstances obviously! Do you ever have second thoughts about getting married? Never any second thoughts-- thank goodness! There were second thoughts in the beginning about getting serious in general, but once we were there, I was in for the long haul Would you ever... Kick one of your bridesmaids out of your wedding party??
  14. My dress is 1600, Melissa Sweet: Mari. I actually found it online right after I got engaged, and knew it was the one. Since Priscilla of Boston doesn't list prices online (only dollar signs) I knew it was under 2k so that's what I was expecting. I was happy to find it was less! However, I love it so much, I would have probably paid more... like everyone says, it just really depends on your budget! I would also advise to not get your heart set on a dress before you know how much it is, because you run the risk of being disappointed, and potentially spending way more than you can afford!! Best of luck, please post pics when you find it!
  15. This is such a scary video. I hate to say, I used to be a culprit. I am done.
  16. I'm doing ribbon wands too! I think they look so fabulous in pics--- 2nd choice would be petals!
  17. Welcome! you'll find a ton of valuble info here!!!
  18. Welcome! My best advice is to do a TON of reading on here. It's the best place for any and all DW info!
  19. I have never been, but trip advisor, and some wedding reviews on here sold me on the Riu Palace RM. There is a great thread on this site with past and future brides from this resort. I think I'm the only one getting married on the beach! Everyone else is doing the Gazebo-- the FI has his heart set on the beach. Anyway-- everyone seems to love it. I think it's more pricey than the others in Playa, but I was sold on the reviews and photos! Gooooood Luuuuuck!
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