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Everything posted by LadyTrunck

  1. KLee I got a nose consult too! The whole plan was to get it fixed before the wedding (you know, pics are forever) but I'm being realistic about it now and it's just NOT in the budget. It's something I'll most likely do in the future though.... Now- something I would not change?... I'm pretty happy with the rest of me, but I haven't had kids yet! I see a pattern with the mommys on here. Talk to me in a couple of years! haha
  2. I live in Monterey, CA right by the beach. I did our inititals (w/ a heart) and used it for our site. If anyone would like me to take some photos for them, I would be more than happy to walk down to the beach and do some quick shots! you can see mine at ryanandjannae.com PM me if you're interested. I am in the middle of a move, and the FILS are coming to visit so I may not be able to get it done for a week or two...
  3. I think they look great! As I stalk pics of weddings, one of my favorites was one where all of the BM's wore dresses in different shades of green and blue, and their necklaces matched the color of another girls dress!
  4. That is awesome! I'm a huge Broncos fan... but have no friends to do this with! Good luck!!!
  5. Congrats on finding the one! I'm getting a short dress, Melissa Sweet's Mari. I LOVE the back! However, it is the only one I've tried on.... I found it online and fell in love! But when I actually make the purchase soon, I'm going to take all of this advice and at least try on a couple more. I think I"ll ultimately end up getting that one... but we'll see!!!
  6. I'm getting married at the Riu Palace Riviera Maya--- I'll need to make sure and ask my TA if this will be there in July! Thanks for the info!~
  7. I think that is a great idea! We too, are having an unconventional ceremony, our 6yrs old and down nieces and nephews are our bridal party!
  8. Thanks to everyone that gave me congrats! It is exciting to lose! jkcz0702- Congrats on the baby, how EXCITING!!!
  9. Ah! Those are my colors too and I LOVE that bag!!!! I think we have too many coming for me to make the splurge though. So nice of you!!!
  10. Hello Ladies! Happy Friday! I just wanted to give everyone a quick FYI. I had done atkins way back when, so I was aware of this. The past 2 days, the FI has been having heart palpitations. He went to the doc yesterday, and everything is fine. However, we did some research and found that others that have done low or no carb diets have also experienced this, some with more severity than others. When I did atkins a long while ago, I experienced very a very rapid, pounding heart, (I was losing so much weight, I ignored it like an idiot, OH being 19yrs!!) Anyway, just wanted to give a heads up--- I have been feeling great, and the FI is just starting his low gi/gl days sooner than me. Have a fabulous weekend and ENJOY those cheat days!! I will be dreaming of a glass of wine!
  11. Lisa- Great story! On my first cheat day, my inlaws are coming out for the weekend and we're going to Napa! It is going to be perfect for one day, but slightly torture for the other... such good food and wines everywhere! Oh well, it will be worth it in the end! Also, I promise these shakes will not make you barf! Jetsbride-Congrats! That is awesome! Also, I"m so glad I'm not the only one so curious to weigh! Kathy- new siggy pic? It is goregeous!!
  12. Wow! That is amazing. Your story brought tears to my eyes while I was at work!! haha
  13. Just wanted to let everyone know that I followed Kathys advice, and got the optimum nutrition protein shakes. I got them at GNC for 45.00 (on sale)/77 servings. Seems a little pricier than the Sams club one, but I figured I would pay a little more if it tasted better. I got the cookies and cream, and it is really good! I've never had a protein shake before, so I don't have anything to compare it to--- but it's very tasty and the FI loves it too. Cannot wait to add fruit! Oh- and I cheated and weighed myself this morn. I know, I know, you're not supposed to! Lost 3.5 lbs so far and I'm on the 4th day. Yipee! I won't change the ticker until the official week mark, in case this is a fluke!!
  14. I can't wait to hear about the cheat days everyone will have I feel like if I hear about it, I'm being part of it, haha Just a quick vent: my job is awesome, for the months of June, July, and Aug, they provide fresh fruit every morn in the breakroom. It is driving me crazy! Just a few more days.........
  15. This is so FUNNY-- I was about to put a piece of gum in my mouth, and thought--- might as well go ask the girls!!! SO DON"T FEEL BAD!!!
  16. Fabulous! I love them!~ I feel your pain... I am not quite done with mine, but will be posting soon!
  17. Listen to the ladies! My photographer that I"m hoping to get is already booked for July 8, 2010 and my wedding is on July 6, but I don't have my deposit ready yet... so I"m just keeping my fingers crossed that she's still available! I heart Elizabeth Medina!!!
  18. LadyTrunck


    Congrats and welcome! I'm getting married in Playa as well, but in July. The best advice I can give you is to read this forum religiously. You will get the best ideas from it! Also, don't stress, I think picking the location and resort is hopefully the hardest part! Happy planning!
  19. BTW-- I love all of the thoughtful ideas that you gals have for your FI's! You can tell that there are some truly unique ideas out there~!
  20. Schmoopies those socks are the best idea ever!! For myself, I would like absolutely anything that comes from his heart (I know, cheeesy!) and he writes the best cards... for him, I would like to make him a BD book, but I have no idea how I'll keep that a secret!! I agree with Mrs. Griffiths- Is this something that the guys should know, or do we tell them? It's kind of silly to be like, OK we have to buy eachother something!!
  21. Welcome and congrats! I'm also getting married in July 2010. There is a thread for us brides getting married in the same month... check it out! This place is the best for planning... good luck!
  22. Wow, your cheat day is coming soon Lisa! On our first day, FI and I were trying to agree on a restaurant to go to for our first that's 3 weeks away! haha I'll have to check out that yummy powder that Kathy is talking about--thanks! That is funny about the website. Good ol sex sells... it also looks like the cals, fat, and carbs are comparable to the EAS brand, which sounds great to me!
  23. Started today guys! I got some ideas from your meal lists, Finzup, thanks! Kathy, Steph and Lisa- way to go- I can't wait to report some lbs lost!! Haven't bought the dreaded protein shakes yet- will pick them up tomorrow...Best of luck to all!!
  24. Welcome! Wow, St. Maarten is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen! Happy planning!
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