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Everything posted by LadyTrunck

  1. I've been to a wedding on a cruise before, and they got married on the beach in St. Thomas. It was amazing! We also liked that our whole group was together some of the time, but the ship is obviously big enough where you don't have to see everyone all day. We chose an AI resort because of the alcohol bill and the fact that I get motion sickness!!
  2. I agree, just being direct and asking for a yes or no, with no hard feelings if not. I don't think an MC is necessary, but if it's what you want, 2 month countdown!!
  3. We have 60 on our guestlist. Our wedding package is for 40, but I'm thinking 30 at the most will come. We are not inviting any extended family, just close friends (that we have talked to w/in the year. We don't live in our hometown, so we're not inviting people that are just on our facebook because we know them) and immediate family.
  4. You sound like you have a very strong relationship with FI. I wish you all the best
  5. This site has provided more help than I could have imagined! Have fun!
  6. Congrats!! This is the best place for planning!! Have fun
  7. Obsessed with it! Studio fix, lip glass and all eyeshadows to be exact!! 4" heels?
  8. Oh my goodness! This has been the most fun thread to go through!! So cute!!
  9. Oh no! The first thing on here that I can't have an opinion on- never been!! Foie gras? It always gets talked up on these cooking shows- I tried it once- NOT a fan!!
  10. Thanks for this thread-- it is something I have been trying to figure out.
  11. Something I hadn't even thought about... Thanks!!
  12. LadyTrunck


    Congrats and welcome!! Have fun planning!!
  13. Congrats!! You're about a month before me! You'll find a ton of info here- have fun!!
  14. I agree with Morgan, a bit more of a character study would be nice. I think it really has potential. Shows are so tricky to catch on though... hopefully being after 'so you think you can dance' will help!
  15. My FI needs major cooling off time too. I will usually write an email telling him how I feel. This will usually break the ice, no matter whose fault I think it is, or who needs to apologize... Sending my best, I hope it gets better sooner than later!
  16. Great advise Reeves-- Etsy is the place to be!! I have seen so many cute ones on there!
  17. Thanks!! I totally understand what you mean. This site is a godsend, because everyone is so excited for you!! Doing the planning also made me realize how little I have paid attention to other peoples weddings. I have gone to one since I started, and I paid attention to EVERYTHING. So- I've come to terms with the fact that not everyone will notice or appreciate everything I put into mine, unfortunately! But from now on... I will get excited with every bride!!! Congrats to us!
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