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Everything posted by LadyTrunck

  1. I'm super bummed right now. Ever since I started researching photographers for our wedding, I have LOVED the TTD photos. Everything is falling into place, I have booked Elizabeth Medina (yay!) and it seems that planning is going perfectly. Except for the fact that FI is not budging on us not doing a TTD. I started planting the seed a lot time ago, and he knows how much it means to me, so I thought he would eventually give in. He usually does, especially when he knows something is important to me. I don't think it's a $$ thing, but I have also offered to choose a less expensive dress to do this. At first, he didn't want me 'trashing' my dress. Then came the excuse that he didn't want to get wet. The latest excuse is that he doesn't want to do another photo shoot the next day (I don't want to do it in between the ceremony and dinner). I really don't see what the problem is- I am just asking for two more hours for us to play and cuddle in the water! This is my only chance to ever do this, and I know I will truly regret it if I don't. What do I do and thanks for listening to the vent!!
  2. Wow Lisa a month!!?? I am so afraid that the coming 9 months are going to drag by! No wait-- the holidays always fly by, but Jan-June is going to be torture!! I cannot WAIT to hear all about your trip and to see pics!!
  3. Such a great idea, and I love B&T's poem so far... I'll try to come up with more too, because I want to do this!
  4. I got mine from discountmugs.com, I was very pleased with their service and how they turned out. I agree with Janet though, the shipping can be pretty brutal, so my advice to you is make sure that you know how many you need, also order extra for those that break so you don't have to do 2 orders and pay twice. Good luck!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by HappyBride Happy Belated Birthday Shelk!!! Is anyone wearing a veil?? tiara? I was thinking of both, but I"m not sure if it's going to be too much. I love the idea of a flower though. how bout u guys? I think I'm going to do a birdcage--- my dress is pretty much backless, so I think it will be better than a traditional. However, I have seen all of these pretty 'headband ribbon' thingys that I also like... I'm kind of confused
  6. I heard a co-worker on the phone today: "958478E as in Apple" (the other person on the line was probably like, E as in Apple? "No, uhhhh, E as in.....Epple" WTF? I was laughing out loud after that one. Really? You couldn't think of anything else that started with an E? Love it Great thread!! These are funny!
  7. I have to have two: Christina Aguilera is just so amazingly talented-- her concert was epic! my second is Kim Kardashian- how is it possible to be that gorgeous?!
  8. This is all I could find! Horrible pic! haha
  9. Thanks Lisa! I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted off. I have gotten more gray hairs this past week.... Happy Birthday Shellk!! Hope you have an awesome weekend! And Sammysgirl, I love your attitude, that's probably what I would have done too!!
  10. WOW engaged or married huh? That's some serious business!! Did people take offense?
  11. I got this from a website called emailsfromcrazypeople.com which has provided my Friday with some much needed laughter. Thought this one was appropriate to post. Is it bad that I see the Brides point??!!!!! haha In this corner: Bridezilla! Hi Everyone! Please forgive my facebook spamming. To some of you this is relevant and to some of you it isn’t – I’m spamming because I’m too tired to think so I’m adding everyone so that I don’t forget! I really don’t know if there is a PC way to say this, so please hang in there with me. Connor and I are so excited, the wedding invites are out and we can’t wait to see all of you there. Our goal for the night is to be surround by friends and family. We want everyone there to have a great night and feel free to mingle and dance until the sun comes up. One of the hard decisions we had to make was in regards to numbers. Our space, and our budget has limits so we had to make some tough choices. Because of this, we would like to ask that you please not bring a plus one if you have not been seeing/dating them for 6 months or more. We want to maximize our numbers and include as many friends and family as possible – the only way we thought to do this was to limit some of the extras. I like to think of it this way: Would you rather party with more friends, or someone you just met. My money is on more friends! Thank you so much for understanding our situation. We know that we have the greatest friends and family and we cannot wait to celebrate with all of you. Cheers, Caitlin And in this corner: Sarcastic Youngest Cousin! Alright so apparently I have about the same amount of logic as the rest of my family and just had a few questions about how this works. Question 1: When does the 6 month period begin? 6 months before receiving my invitation? 6 months before RSVPing? 6 months before the day of the wedding? I just need a timeline here folks. Question 2: When do you define the starting point of seeing/dating someone for 6 months? Is it from the first time you meet? The first text message conversation? The first date? The first hookup? Question 3: How are you determining whether or not I have been dating someone for this length of time? Is it word of mouth/family gossip? Facebook status? An interrogation by a panel of family judges? Or is there a certification to receive from a commissioner of oaths, justice of the peace, etc? Question 4: Is there a specific definition of “seeing/dating� It seems to me that it is usually hard enough to define that between the two people involved in the relationship let alone extended family members. I just want to make sure I’m clear on the finer details before I RSVP and find out that I’m ineligible to bring a plus one. Sincerely, The “I’m not sure of my relationship status because of my cousins wedding invitation†Youngest Cousin Danielle
  12. Ok, I just got a reply, but I'm not sure if this only applies to RPRM. I'm not sure if they have different rules, but wanted to share: Hello again! After consulting with my colleague at the wedding operations department on Palace Riviera Maya, we confirm you are allowed to bring your own photographer but another external vendor fee besides 100 usd may apply. If you shall require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Have a great weekend, Daniela Flores Weddings Sales Coordinator Mayan Riviera Weddings by RIU America's Division
  13. Hi Guys! I wonder if we're dealing with the same Daniela- This is the reply I got, but I don't know if this applies to all resorts, since she singled the name out: Hello again! After consulting with my colleague at the wedding operations department on Palace Riviera Maya, we confirm you are allowed to bring your own photographer but another external vendor fee besides 100 usd may apply. If you shall require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Have a great weekend, Daniela Flores Weddings Sales Coordinator Mayan Riviera Weddings by RIU America's Division
  14. Ok, I got here in time to edit my post Just got an email back from Daniela- Hello again! After consulting with my colleague at the wedding operations department on Palace Riviera Maya, we confirm you are allowed to bring your own photographer but another external vendor fee besides 100 usd may apply. If you shall require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Have a great weekend, Daniela Flores Weddings Sales Coordinator Mayan Riviera Weddings by RIU America's Division
  15. Is anyone using an outside photographer or vendor I am seeing new threads that RIU has a new policy that doesn't allow them. I was orignially emailing with a girl named Adriana, who said it was ok, but she is not there anymore.... So I emailed the new girl to confirm because I'm putting my deposit down on EM TODAY!!! I hope the rumor is not true for RPRM or I am going to FREAK out.
  16. I got mine from aylee bits- just google it. I paid 10 for 2 and I love them!
  17. I sent one to my WC too at Riu... I was putting my deposit down TODAY on my photog! I'm kind of scared...
  18. Uh-oh. We even changed our date to accommodate Elizabeth Medina, who I ADORE. I just emailed the gal at Riu. I was previously quoted by the other coordinator that this could be done for the $100 fee... but she is gone now!!!! EM may even stay at the resort the night of my wedding, so I am asking if that changes things... Keep you posted!
  19. Thanks for the comps on the STDs ladies!!! Paige- I'm pretty sure Calypso photography is Riviera Maya Wedding Photographer :: Juan Carlos Magallon I cannot be completely sure how I made the connection between the two, I think I found his name in the forum. BUT recently I looked at both sites and they had the same photos. So I would contact Juan Carlos and just ask. Hope I'm leading you in the right direction! Kimmy-- I can't wait to see pics of your white wedding! Gorgeous... and I hope Ael gets back to everyone soon. How frustrating.
  20. Thanks for the comps on the STDs ladies!!! Paige- I'm pretty sure Calypso photography is Riviera Maya Wedding Photographer :: Juan Carlos Magallon I cannot be completely sure how I made the connection between the two, I think I found his name in the forum. BUT recently I looked at both sites and they had the same photos. So I would contact Juan Carlos and just ask. Hope I'm leading you in the right direction! Kimmy-- I can't wait to see pics of your white wedding! Gorgeous... and I hope Ael gets back to everyone soon. How frustrating.
  21. That is so beautiful that two people he loved most are going to be able to love eachother! The same thing happened to my Grandmother. My Late Grandfather died in a tragic car accident and left my Grandma w/ 3 young children. My Current Grandfather (who I consider my father) started coming around to help my Grandma out and support her. He was my Late Grandfathers best friend in the world. They ended up getting married and having a child together 2 years later! They are still happily married- and I get to hear romantic stories of my Late Grandfather from my Grandma, and I get to hear the mischief that him and my current Grandfather got into from him!!
  22. Did you check a different airline? I just did a quick expedia search for May 10-17, and it looks like there are flights--but they're not cheap. I don't know for sure if I'm getting the cities right though!! In my opinion, I say you keep the date the same, for the people that already booked. Anyone else can drive the 1.5 hours.... I don't know about anyone else, but in order to get a cheaper flight (from San Jose, Monterey is expensive) I always have to drive over an hour to get to an airport.... I don't think it should be a problem. I mean, they're going on vacation!!
  23. I had no idea, so I set up my website with his name first, then my monogram came with mine first! I didn't want to deal with changing it, so I'm leaving it as is. I'm not traditional, but if I would have known, I would have probably put mine first. OH well!!
  24. This is HILARIOUS! I think my favorite so far is that Kristy's FI gave his a pet name. Too cute. My FI is obsessed with Apple, so Steve Jobs is his man. Such a geek and I love it!!
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