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Everything posted by FutureMrsDawson

  1. I counted out the days and because of the stress, it's been pushed out to the week we get back YEAH!
  2. I thought it was the vampire he kept in the basement and fed on with his ex last season, but that's not possible because he exploded in a big pile of guts. I'm going to have to watch it again on line to confirm.
  3. Wait, you have to buy gifts for your future in-laws? What's with that? That wasn't anywhere on my list of things to do.
  4. Feels like we'll never get to 150, but one day by Golly I'll get there!
  5. Everyone is awesome, really friendly and helpful. Enjoy your navigating!
  6. I hope that it doesn't look like we're obsessed, but I do it all the time too!
  7. I work in automotive, I'm a Logistics Manager - co-ordinate movement of vehicles to dealerships.
  8. LOL - I am trying to get to 150 but I don't just want to post "Congrats and Happy Planning" all the time so I can open attachments.
  9. Well at least it's here so the rest of us can post and get to 150
  10. I even check BDW at work constantly to see if the threads I've subscribed to have updated....lol
  11. It feels like it's taking a long time to get to the 150...but one day soon I'll make it, I need to get to those templates!
  12. Does your FI agree with his Best Man's behaviour? I picked out the clothes for my FI and his Best Man - no issues, after all it is our wedding, not the Best Man's.
  13. Was in the same boat, my FIL wasn't coming to our wedding either until we convinced his sisters to go. Now he's coming too....but the FI doesn't think it's for him, but just to save face in front of his family. I hope he gets over this, at least his dad is coming.
  14. I assigned him the music, but of course I'm going to review the play list before it's done.
  15. Grey's Anatomy....Season Premier tonight....so excited!
  16. Can't believe how the season went, talk about dreams Sookie had!
  17. I'm team Jen. I liked Angelina from her first movies, but once she cheated with Brad (they are both responsible for the breakup if you ask me) I lost respect for her.
  18. Getting kinda nervous....November is just around the corner and so much to do.
  19. Thanks for all the info, I think I'll start small with my underarms and go from there.
  20. Can they sew pads into your dress? That's what my seamstress is doing.
  21. I had my eyes done 8 years ago and wouldn't change a thing! There's nothing better than not having to reach for your glasses every morning so you can see. It was worth every penny.
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