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Everything posted by H&F

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda I also used the knot. the knot shoes different color schemes and setups so you get an idea of what the colors look set up. I really wanted red and lime but joe saw fuschia and turquoise and liked it. Joe could really care less about the wedding as long as i show up, but whenever he has made a point that he likes something I go w/ it. It's OUR wedding, and he rarely give input so when he does I use it, it's nice to get his input! Although, he wanted the star wars jedi theme to play as we walked down the aisle together. I wasnt thrilled w/ this but now he has to have it! I gave in, its 5 minutes of of our 7 hour ceremony, cocktail and reception. And I know there are a lot of things I put my foot down and said no I want this, so why isn't he allowed to do that? Hey Jacilynda, I was at a friend's wedding where they did the exact same thing with the star wars music! It was actually really cute and surprising! It's the only time where I've actually remembered what music was played during the ceremony. I think you'll love it!
  2. Angela, your planning thread is fantastic! Thanks for sharing so much of your stuff!
  3. Welcome home! Looking forward to your review and more pictures!
  4. Mishka! They are so lovely once again! I don't know how you two keep coming up with neat & unique ideas! LOVE THEM!
  5. That is so simple and beautiful! Thanks for sharing what your artistic eye caught!
  6. It's so hard to choose! I'm going with Red, orange, and purple. My plan is to try to make one of the colors the primary focus. I'm also hoping to do different flower arrangements at each table (ex. one table primarily red with some purple & an accent of orange). Another table with primarily orange flowers with some red & an accent of purple. We'll see if this idea actually comes to fruition but at the moment that is what I'm thinking. I'd like to try to tie it all together with red tablecloths.
  7. Ohh I want one so bad! Thanks for the heads-up!
  8. Your pictures our great! I love that close up shot of the dragonfly-- what a great catch!
  9. Congratulations! I can hardly wait to hear all the details!
  10. I really like the 1st dress on you! Is it not in the running? You look very elegant and it reminds me of something I'd would've thought Grace Kelly would've worn.
  11. I like your second dress. It seems to suit you really well! What about selling the first dress to make your mom & sister feel better about purchasing the new dress? I bet once you buy the 2nd dress you won't want to wear the 1st one for your AHR.
  12. Congratulations on your graduation and on your upcoming wedding! Have a great time in Hawaii!
  13. Love them! You did a great job and the bags look like they'll be really easy to transport. Thanks for sharing!
  14. Thanks everyone for sharing. I don't know what I'm going to do yet but this has been most helpful!
  15. I've bought flip flops for our wedding guests. I just kind-of guessed on sizes. Went with more medium and large sizes (I figured people can always wear something a little larger). My feet are always killing me at the end of the night so hopefully this will make people feel a little better!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie My inspiration picture. What it actually turned out as. I love it more then the inspiration! Oh Cattie, I completely agree with you! Your cake turned out even better then the inspiration!
  17. Just wondering, has anyone done the legal ceremony after the DW? I thought I read that somewhere on here but can't seem to find it. Also, do any of you know if its just a resort policy that requires you to bring proof of your legal ceremony? We are renting a villa for our wedding so I'm wondering if then whoever is marrying us won't care to ask if we are already legally married. I'm really have my heart set on having the legal ceremony in mexico but am trying to figure out my other options if it won't work out. I think my family and friends will not understand if we were to be "legally" married before the DW and I'm a horrible lier so it would stress me out to much.
  18. What about if you are not having an AHR? I'm wondering what to do b/c I work for a medical device company (so we all work individually our of our homes). Our region consists of several states but there are 4 of us who work in the same area and are fairly close. I'm wondering if it's ok to just invite just the ones that I see & talk with on a regular basis (I don't think they will come) but wonder how it will be perceived by the team if it comes up in conversations. Any thoughts? I appreciate your help!
  19. LaBre, One more thought/idea... I went to a DW in Puerto Rico last fall that was so beautiful. You could get married on the beach there or in the mountains. There are lots of flights and hotels there so maybe that could be an option.
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