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Everything posted by H&F

  1. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to bookmark this page for when it gets closer to my OOT bag making time!
  2. Hi Chicago BDWers, I live in downtown and was wondering how many other Chicagoans are on BDW. Is anyone interested in meeting up in the city with me to chat about wedding stuff or just have fun? Let me know and I'll try to coordinate a happy hour or dinner. Also, in your response let me know if you are more interested in a dinner or happy hour. I'm thinking of coordinating something in May. Hopefully we can get a group together! Thanks!
  3. Thanks Ayita! I also love the pic of Michelle Williams and had been considering that look for my dress. My hair is super long (halfway down my back) and if I have to wear it up I want it to be loose and not too structured. I was also playing with the idea of a side pony tail. Love the ideas!
  4. Amazing! I definitely am bookmarking your thread for ideas for later! Thanks!
  5. Wow Becks! Your stuff is amazing! I'm going to bookmark your thread for later! Thanks for sharing.
  6. I think that you would be ok. If women are asking your photographer about BD pics and are interested themselves then that would be hypocritical of them to be offended if they saw you in them. Plus, how are they actually going to get you in trouble for it anyways? It's not like the school board is going to make an appointment to come in and view the BD pics-- that would be silly! If the photographer only has them in a book that she shows at her office if would be hard for random people to come in and see them. I say go for it! That's a great deal and I'm sure they will be tasteful (from your postings you always seem like a very classy girl). I'd hate for you to miss out on such a great opportunity! I wish you all the best with your decision!
  7. I think it's a really neat idea. It looks so different & I think the guest would like it. The circle really gives off a "close knit" and intimate feeling. Let us know what you decide!
  8. I just bought a ton of flip flops at Hobby Lobby for $1 a pair! They have a ton of colors: white, black, brown, purple, turquoise, yellow, orange, lime green and bright pink! They're normally $2 a pair but were on sale at half-off! Pretty decent quality for the price.
  9. I think you handled it in a really cute way! Plus, it will have them really thinking about it now. Don't worry! :-)
  10. Questions for those of you who did the raffia fans: do you need to wrap the ribbon around the handle for comfort or was that for cosmetic purposes?
  11. Hey Mrsd09, I was looking at your website blog and was wondering where you got the image for your OOT welcome cards. Was that a personal image or a stock image from vistaprint? I love it and would like to do something very similar if you don't mind. Thanks so much!
  12. Wow! You are a super-mom! That is so thoughtful of you to put them together. I think it's a touching idea to give them as gifts from the "MOB & FOB". Everyone will love them and I'm sure your daughter will appreciate the effort. Good luck!
  13. Thanks for sharing! This is great information.
  14. I think it fine to re-do the photos. Just keep it a secret! That may actually make it more fun for the two of you since it will be "your own little secret"! Good luck and I hope you get the photos of your dreams!
  15. You are referring to the restaurant, correct? We ate there on a recent trip to PV and loved it! It is so beautiful and the service is excellent! I think it would make a lovely location but Le Kliff has a special dedicated place for a wedding and would be a little closer to you. Good luck!
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