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Everything posted by IslamoradaBride

  1. I have heard good things about Occansey Designs and Veilshop.com-- you might want to try one of those.
  2. We just booked our honeymoon cruise! We are doing a 7-day Western Caribbean cruise on Carnival out of Miami. Ports are Cozumel, Belize, Roatan (Honduras) and Grand Cayman. Since the wedding is in Islamorada, we can just drop off our rental car at MIA and then cab it to the port. Easy-peasy! I am so psyched.
  3. I am so sorry to hear about your loss, April. Take care of yourself.
  4. Woo hoo! I know-- it feels so good to be back on the bandwagon! I lost 30 lbs. a few years ago and am a little ashamed that I let the weight creep back up on me. We can do this, ladies!
  5. Are any of you ladies on SparkPeople? I've gotten back on the site and started a SparkTeam for brides! If anyone is interested, here is the link. I am glitzee on there and would love to have more people on my team!
  6. Last night I ran 2.5 miles and today I'm doing random cardio (basically whatever is available at the gym-- I'm not picky!) for 30 minutes. Tomorrow is weights and a 2-mile run. I am sore and exhausted but I know that's because I am amping up the fitness and dieting.
  7. Wow, that actually sounds like a great opportunity for both of you! I'm glad that it looks like you'll both be able to move on in a positive way.
  8. I used Oprah's Debt Diet a few years ago when I wanted to get out of debt. I found Suze Orman's book Women and Money to be very helpful as well. For me, it was really about approaching this as a permanent lifestyle change (like eating healthier and exercising) rather than a one-time thing. I'm still not perfect-- I know I could save more than I do -- but I have been debt-free for a year and it is so liberating.
  9. Wow! That's not too far from where we live, and we go there every once in a while. Scary stuff.
  10. I am in ATL as well-- just outside of Midtown actually. I've only been in Ga. since '02 (I've lived in Michigan, Ohio and Texas and grew up in Florida) and have lived in Macon and now Atlanta. Yay for Georgia brides!
  11. I lifted weights at the gym tonight and last night ran for almost 45 minutes! I also did quite a bit of walking. It was such a beautiful day and I loved being outside. I hate the treadmill with a passion.
  12. OMG I love it! I can picture one of FI's friends pulling something like that too!
  13. How awful! I'm glad you and FI are OK, but what a scary story. I am pissed on your behalf. Where in ATL were you? I want to make sure I avoid the area!
  14. I like the first one, definitely! Very Carrie Underwood.
  15. If that's what you want to do, go for it! There are no rules.
  16. To be honest, I don't love it on you. I think the high neckline makes you look bulky. As a fellow busty lady, I find a more open neckline-- one that highlights the collarbone -- to be more flattering. What was your first dress?
  17. No tutu for my flower girl. This is a J.Crew/Crewcuts dress that I got on sale a few months ago. It'll be perfect for my adorable niece-- she'll be 2.
  18. Bumping this to say, can anyone ID the script font in this invite? I'm working on the invitation design with the designer and wanted to see if she had it, but I have no idea what it's called! Thanks.
  19. Wow, that's unbelievable! Too bad you can't uninvite her. I do agree with everyone saying it will make her look like a foolish attention whore. How bizarre! I remember reading somewhere that author Plum Sykes, who is a triplet, wearing her wedding dress-- dyed black-- to one of her sisters' weddings. Even weirder is that Plum's wedding had been called off! So self-involved.
  20. Last night I did another circuit workout, and I plan to run after work today. So far I am super tired-- dieting + lots of exercise, who knew? But I know it will get easier once my body gets used to the abuse, heh heh. Then I will confuse it with something entirely different!
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