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Everything posted by wendyjd

  1. Thinking of you today and hoping you have a wonderful time. I'm sure all your guests will.
  2. No, I'm having it made by fabuluster on etsy... we are having fingerprint bands made, he'll be wearing my fingerprint and I'll be wearing his. Its below except I asked that they not put the black patina on the bands so they are shinier. Â http://www.etsy.com/listing/53066982/custom-sterling-finger-impression Â
  3. I think traditionally they should be worn on the same hand however, my band is more comfortable by itself than with the ering. I haven't decided what I'll do. I did buy a second less blingy band which is being made at present, maybe it will be more comfy together. The second band is the one I plan to wear for work and ordinary activities and the blingy one is for nights/weekends/special events. I work in a clinic which serves mainly lower income patients so I don't feel comfortable wearing almost 5ct (between ering and band), I get enough comments on the ering alone. Â Sorry for the run on thought and no real answer but, I think do what feels best for you.
  4. Amazing pics Melissa. Seeing pics from IRH gets me so excited for my wedding there in October.
  5. Deep breath, cut, paste, and realign. You got the pretty part done now just the detail work.
  6. I'm with you, sure there are things that could be done, but all the key things are done except alterations and I have an appt for that. I could stand to firm up a little but I can still wear my bikini and wedding dress with no problem. My biggest problem is totally non wedding, my cleaning lady keeps standing me up so I told her not to bother coming this time, so tonight I get to clean my house  Everyone breathe, make sure the big things are done and don't sweat all the little details. Good luck. Today is 2mo from my big day!!! Â
  7. CJ, very pretty dress. congrats!
  8. This is always a favorite at gatherings. I make a buffalo chicken dip, starts in pan, finishes in mini crockpot. 2 cans of chicken breast 2 blocks of cream cheese (I use low fat) 1 cup ranch dressing 3/4 cup hot sause (can use buffalo sauce if you prefer) 1 1/2 cup shredded cheese (I don't recommend low fat for this) combine chicken and hot sauce in LARGE skillet, stir until combined and warm, add cream cheese and ranch dressing. cook and stir until combined and warm, add shredded cheese. keep on low while serving. serve with chicken biscuit crackers (or tortilla chips) and celery sticks. Its super fast and easy and a crowd pleaser.
  9. I love looking at her work, I'm using her for our wedding in 2 mo. Can you share any pic?? Thanks!!!
  10. In 2 months from yesterday we will be in Jamaica... cant wait. I called about my dress and the shop asked me not to bring it in until middle of this month. They are just changing the zipper to a corset but she didn't want to do it any sooner. I need to do stuff for oot bags and get ahr invites out. I have a very small group so I'm going to make most of the decisions when I get there... hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the behind.
  11. Hey All, we are quickly closing in on 2 months to our big days. Everyone ready???
  12. Glad to hear you had a great experience. Can't wait to see the pics. Welcome home!!
  13. I'm doing a wedge, can't imagine my wedding day not in heels of some sort.. I wear them almost every day, probably could run a short race in them. I'd do stilettos but I'm afraid of sinking so a wedge is my compromise
  14. Freaking awesome dress. Can't wait to see it when it fits. Amazing that it fit in the tiny package!!!
  15. We are paying for ours as well. However, I wouldn't have my family pay for it... It would be in my parent's back yard and we'd have to deal with it. My confession: FI and I took a west coast swing class tonight, had a blast but looked like like fools, everyone had taken classes before but we were true first timers.
  16. Sending positive vibes your way tomorrow. Remeber, don't say "I'm a people person." Be prepared for performance based questions.. this is an example of how I worked out a conflict, how I managed time wisely, an example of something I did that I could do better... Good luck!!!
  17. I may take some out, it is quite puffy, I really like how it looks without it. I'm having a pink corset back to replace the zipper. Great pics though, congrats!!
  18. check craigslist. I bought a very nice dress, still with tags for just over 100. When I told the girl why I was buying it, she asked for photos. She found a dress she liked better and just wanted to recoup some of her dress price.
  19. I have ordered a couple of items from etsy, haven't arrived yet so I can't vouch for the quality, but the service and response to questions is great. bracelet: http://www.etsy.com/transaction/32280226 I really like the starfish and seahorse charms and it should look good with necklace and earrings (not from etsy) wedding bands: http://www.etsy.com/transaction/31763539 we are having the bands made without the black patina as FI thought it made the rings look dirty. We had a fun time crafting to make our fingerprint molds.
  20. Great pics. I absolutely love the sunset pic, stunning. Congrats on a beautiful wedding and great pics. We are dress twins, did you have some of the puff taken out of the dress?
  21. Hope you had a great shower. What a great sister to throw a shower while she's out of the country.
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