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Everything posted by wendyjd

  1. Over the weekend I watched a youtube clip on making yo-yo flowers, which are very similar to many of the flowers in shoe clips and thought I would give it a try. So for about $2 fabric, $3 for swaroski crystal beads and shoe clips (which hobby lobby didn't have so I don't have a price for those yet). Below are pics on my shoes, they are just laid on there for now. Â What do you think, any suggestions. I contemplated adding some feathers but I think they may be enough as is. My dress is shorter in the front so they will be seen for the ceremony. Â Â Â
  2. Sunstarsmoon, I didn't do a deposit either, I need to send her an email.
  3. Avong, the dress is from Davids, its short in front and full length in the back. I just took it to have it altered, the tailor is taking out the zipper and putting in a pink corset back and then she is adding a small bustle (2 ribbons on the inside of the dress) so it won't drag at all. I pick it up in 2 weeks and can't wait to see it, hopefully its not destroyed, but I do have a back up!! Â I can't believe the time is getting so close... my wedding is in 41 days. I need to get busy on some diy projects (personalizing cups, making shoe clips, picking beachy/jamaican music for the mp3 players <and covering Hannah's pic on them>), argh need to get to work today I guess. I am relieved to say that my legal documents are in Jamaica and the wedding license application is being done by the WC!!
  4. mobayjabride, I love your pics, I was on Marcia website over the weekend and spotted them and am glad to be able to tell you how wonderful everything looked. Your archway was beautiful, who did it (and if you don't mind me asking at what cost). I've hired Marcia as well so I frequently check out her new pics. Â Other ladies, the last 2 times I've emailed Nicole, I've had a response within 24 hours. I don't know if its because my time is drawing near or what but most times I get fairly quick response. Wedding October 11....41 days! Â I am thrilled to say that all my legal documents made it there and she is in the process of obtaining my official marriage license!!! woot!
  5. those are great pics, love both the ceremony and the ttd!! the sunset pics are gorgeous!!
  6. 6k "team trek" today, which included several stops for "obstacles" lifted my teammate on my shoulders, hula hooped. fun time!!
  7. my brakes... I almost had an accident today and I was driving my *fun* car which has amazing brakes. If I had been in my other-practical car, I probably wouldn't have made my noon meeting!!! and would have higher insurance premiums.
  8. Aisha, so sorry to hear about your sister. Sending positive energy your way!!
  9. it was an odd collection of questions. Â I agree, my FI (and my family as well) would never let me get that out of control. I have been very laid back about our wedding plans which is not like me, I am very OCD and like having all the details worked out. But most of the Bridezilla girls have no planning skills and very little interpersonal skills. I am not sure how many of them ended up with a man. I prefer to watch My Fair wedding, I'd love to have David come and do my wedding!!
  10. I'll be in Montego Bay, at Iberostar 10/7-10/15 Â For volume, I absolutely love bumble and bumble thickening spray, I use it daily because I have very fine hair. I'm still trying to work out my hair...I'm doing it (with my mom's help) and I have an idea but need to do a trial or two. I don't have a good hairspray for stay as I usually don't wear any. Â I sent all my paperwork to the resort over the weekend, per UPS it should be in customs tomorrow!!! one step closer.
  11. For all the bridezillas out there, here's one bridesmaid who showed her appreciation with a heartfelt gift!! Â Â http://www.slate.com/id/2264125/?gt1=38001
  12. I did level 3 for the first time last night and then again tonight. I think its more strength than cardio (I know the 3-2-1 system) but even the cardio stuff uses weights sometimes. I fared better than I thought but could def feel it in my shoulders, thighs, most everywhere really. Good luck!!
  13. Everything looks great!! I'm so glad you mom will be there. My dad had a heart attack a couple months ago and thankfully he made it and is coming with us. Â I absolutely love your wedding location, I am very jealous!!
  14. I used a TA for this very reason. I don't want to be responsible for booking anyones trip except mine and FI. My mom called to ask when I was going to do it... my response, I gave you the phone number for the TA, you need to do it yourself. I can see her missing the flight and then trying to call me to fix it. So my lovely mom dumped it on my brother's FI who will be travelling with her!! Â Good luck to you ladies booking for your guests!
  15. I haven't done any myself but I think Id start where the fan meets the handle, glue it down (probably hot glue), make sure to wrap over where you glued it so the beginning doesn't show. at the other end, do the same thing, cover up the end. Make the bow not attached to the fan and for the last step, glue the bow to the fan. You can make the bow as full as you like. Hope this helps!
  16. Tameka, love the chap stick, great outcome. I wouldn't worry about pushing the AHR back to the spring, I'm stressing mine which is 8 days after we return. On top of that its planned for our home/yard with large tents (which have already been delivered, just worring about the weather, could be cold or hot or rainy... rainy is my biggest fear, cold or hot can be dealt with...fans or heaters but not sure about rain). Shockingly, my AHR invites have already reached guests in town, I took them to the post office yesterday afternoon, had dinner with friends/neighbors who were very excited about it. Â Chong, I'm not doing a guest book but we only have 6 guests so far. For 30 guests, you could get post cards at the resort and have everyone sign post cards to you, keep in a photo album afterwards. Â Â Welcome Lo and StephiePoo.!!!
  17. TTD dress: Â Â Ceremony Dress: Â
  18. Tameka, they look great. Take it as a compliment that he stole some of them for friends. Congrats!! Â Â Â I finally sent out my AHR invites (to the folks not invited to the weddiing, the wedding invites had ahr invites included). Oh and mom hemmed (cut the train lining) my TTD dress, I think it looks better than with the lining. I'm starting to like that dress more than my "real" one. Oh well, I get to wear them both!!
  19. those are simply fantastic. I can see why you are excited to see the rest of them. Beautiful Angela!!!
  20. So FI wanted to put mp3 players in our oot bags (we only have 6 guests) and we have been looking for cheap ones so today I found $5 two gig HANNAH MONTANA mp3 today. I couldn't turn them down so now I will have to put a sticker or something over Hannah's face!! Oh well, I guess if the alcohol is flowing, maybe everyone will love her!! It will be his job to find and load music on them!
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