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Everything posted by wendyjd

  1. so ReeRee, how did the make up turn out. I went to Sephora and they tried to sell me the Temptu but I couldn't justify spending the $$ for it, plus I cant think that i could use an airbrush on myself and it turn out right!!! I finally gave up after 3 different eye trials and said fine, I just didn't buy the eye products or the temptu!! I will go back to MAC for an eye makeover! Â
  2. I was just at a wedding where they had a memorial to a cousin, who was to be a groomsman. They had a photo on a pedestal with a candle. The groom (cousin of the departed) and the cousin's widow joined together and lit a candle. It was touching. If you go this route, you may need a hurricane or something to protect the candle from the wind. Â Â Sorry to hear about your extended family's loss. Â I can't believe its getting so close. FI and I are working on music for our guests mp3 players tonight before I leave for CA on Monday for a week long conference (any other time a great experience, just poor timing this time for me). 15 days til our wedding!!!
  3. So this is kinda like my last weekend to get wedding stuff done... Tomorrow I pack and head to CA for the week. FI has teeth (never thought this would be a concern but it quickly became the most pressing problem). Today I picked up my wedding dress, the tailor did a great job converting the zipper to a corset back (with fuschia ribbon, no less)--I love my dress even more. We scrambled and found one more mp3 player for our last minute guest. So on Sat pm FI and I are going thru our ipods looking for music to load on for our guests players. I quickly became a huge fan of Pandora tonight, great for some reggae additions. Â Â I cant believe the wedding is in 15 days!!!
  4. I have them ordered, they should arrive next week, will post pics/review of the quality then. Â
  5. Here's my confession... I had Juvaderm injections in my lips yeserday. I have always felt like my lips were very thing and am very pleased with the results. I do have a little bruising (which is not uncommon) and some swelling from the manipulation of the filler in my lips. I am taking pics every day and will post the before/after soon.
  6. Jessica, hope you have a wonderful time. Don't forget to come back and give us a review. Fingers crossed for good weather for you.
  7. We are doing a sand ceremony and FI wants to use Red Stripe bottles instead of vases that we use individually to pour into a vase. Part of me thinks it will be okay but part of me is thinking a jamacian redneck wedding and waiting for the 4wheelers and mudding to begin... any opinions ladies??
  8. I can't believe it. Three weeks until the wedding day, 16 days til we leave for Jamaica and 6 days until I leave for a geriatrics conference in California. This month is FLYING BY!!
  9. I'm doing one each however my guest list has a total of 7 people so I feel like I can do a little more.
  10. Wow Tameka how crazy your life must be right now. I can only imagine the stress you and your FI are under presently. Good luck getting everything organized and enjoy your wonderful wedding day with friends and family and try not to think about home life once you get there. Â I made my own to-do list and love crossing things off it. THis weekend was very productive. We have everything for the OOT bags and linens are ordered for the AHR (which is a week after we return). Now down to the little details, which is good because I must finish everything this week, next week I have to go to a Geriatrics Conference and will not be able to think about the wedding.
  11. I heart icanhascheezburger. cuteoverload is also good to turn a crappy day into a bearable one. I have a cuteoverload desk calendar so every day has a new cute animal.
  12. I spoke with her on Thur or Friday (last week) and confirmed all my final details. I know her phone number changed. If you call her the new number is on the voice mail.
  13. Your group is much bigger than mine. I thought we'd have a few more but it didn't work out. We aren't doing a private reception (seems odd for 8 people), just dinner at one of the restaurants, I can't decide which one, so hard to pick when you haven't been to any of them. I'm debating on fabric for the huppa, thinking fuschia would be nice. I may peek in at yours to see a larger wedding; not behind the huppa though, I promise. Â Much relief after visit to the oral surgeon and dentist. He will have a temporary smile in 2 weeks, the long term solution (implants) will be a close to a year long project and series of oral surgeries.
  14. thanks for the well wishes. we have been to both the oral surgeon and the dentist this week. In 2 weeks from yesterday he will have a flipper/temp bridge and his bottom teeth will be fixed. The long term fix for the upper teeth will be about a year n the making, bone grafts, possible gum grafts and then implants which is a 2 or 3 step process. I wanted to hug my dentist and all the staff for working him in the next day even though he wasn't a regular patient (he hadn't found one here yet, we moved last year). RELIEF!! Â We finished our mugs/cups and submitted the "final wedding" details worksheet back to the WC... In 1 month, I will be in Jamaica sipping some rum punch and hopefully relaxing!! Â Good luck with the playlists, we need to make a tropical/jamaican mix for the mp3 players for the OOT bags and FI is not rushing to finish it very quickly.
  15. vlynn, I love the green shoes! Â I've had my shoes for months but was looking for something to finish them as they were plain but were fuschia wedges that weren't too casual. I finally decided to make these shoe clips to dress them up. FYI, my dress has a flower on the front with a shorter front so the shoes are visible. Â
  16. Glad I could relieve stress. I'd recommend making sure you have tracking with your courier, just for peace of mind. You are welcome to check out our wedding, I'd prefer it not be in front of the huppa during pics or the ceremony, but otherwise no problems! We are planning to get married on the beach with the huppa instead of the arch. We have a small group (8 people total) so it may look different if you are having a large group. I have floating orchids to place behind the huppa and I'm debating about bringing a colored sheer for the huppa instead of the white. I'm not planning to do extra flowers, the beach is beautiful enough. My stress level is not too high for the wedding but my FI broke out 2 teeth and broke off 2 more over the weekend so we now have the stress of lots of dental work and some quick work to get rid of his empty spaces before we leave, which is 1mo from today!!! Â
  17. I'm bumping this bc its getting time for us to start working on vows and this was helpful. Thanks to all who shared.
  18. On a similar note, today's Groupon in Nashville TN is a $10 hardcover photo book from shutterfly. Â Â "$10, you get one 20-page 8"x8" hardcover photo book (a $29.99 list-price value) from Shutterfly. This Groupon cannot be used toward tax or shipping and handling, which starts at $7.99; it expires on November 22, 2010, and is limited to one per person."
  19. Hi Ladies!! hope everyone had a good weekend. All of my calmness around the wedding disappeared yesterday. FI was helping a neighbor and my brother take down a detached garage when the garage door spring mechanism thing smacked him in the mouth and broke out 2 teeth and broke 2 more. Tomorrow he goes to the oral surgeon to take out the 2nd tooth root, it broke at the gumline and couldn't be removed in the ER. He's going to have to get a flipper (think Toddlers and Tiaras wierd smiling girls) for the pics (and until he's able to have 2 implants). Glad we weren't over budget on the wedding!! Thankfully, he is doing well and unharmed aside from the teeth and cut lips. Â On a good note, went to Mom's and did a hair trial and love it (she's doing it for the wedding), just recieved the "final details" sheet from the WC. We leave one month from tomorrow!!
  20. Jenn, she told me that father's names don't have to be on the birth certificates, I asked the same question. I sent my legal documents to her and she received them in less than a week (from the US and cost about $50 with tracking). Looks like we will be there around the same time, my wedding is 10/11, will be there thru the 15th. Hope you are able to relax a little, I think in the end DW are less stressful, but at some times it just doesn't seem like it. Â
  21. Hey CookieMunchkin, it says Junior member beside your name now!! Have fun downloading.
  22. Your pics are great. I saw them on her site last week... I've hired her for our wedding next month and love seeing her work!! Congrats.
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