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Everything posted by **~Linda~**

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette I dont really have any suggestion exercise/diet wise...but just wanted to add that please dont let this get you down on your wedding day. I know we have this vision on how we want to look, and when we dont meet those standards get really down on ourselves. Remember that your husband to be loves you for you, and you two are getting married! Having a perfect figure on your wedding day is nice, but in the end there is so much more that matters. Obviously Im not saying throw everything out the window, just dont beat yourself up over it if you dont lose the 10lbs by your wedding day. Now Im speaking from experience. I have gained a lot of weight in the last year, some of it due to health problems, and some of it due to personal decisions. I obsessed over it. Literally. And still am after the wedding and seeing the pictures. So bad that when our TTD pictures came back, my husband said, please be kind to yourself. You are beautiful no matter how you look. I have to admit, it sort of has brought a negative cloud bearing over us. I can see the frustration and sadness in my husband eyes when all I can talk about is how much back fat I had, or big my arms looked. In reality only I noticed those things, everyone else just keeps complimented me on how beautiful I look, and how great we looked as a couple. But of course I have blinders on since Im obsessing so much. What I should focus on is how the amazing day was captured (and it surpassed amazing by miles!), and I am now married to my best friend! Just thought Id put that out there from someone who has had experience in this subject before Couldn't have said it better myself. My advice is definitely relax. Remember stressing over these things can also have a negative effect over anything weight related especially your metabolism and those sneaking cravings we get. Like the girls said your FI loves you just the way you are, don't let those small details ruin your day!
  2. That dress is gorgeous! Wow! Its got so many great details and compliments your body sooo well!! Stunning and breathtaking girl don't try anything else on!
  3. You keep on with your mindset girl. Its all about you and your FI you definitely dont have it wrong! Dont let what anyone says change your mind about where you should have your wedding. I have to completely agree with you on the fact that if someone else were paying for the wedding it would be understandable as to them trying to have a say in where it should take place. Either way I really still feel its up to the couple to decide on where their "DAY" will be. Tons of great vibes headed your way!
  4. Im officially flipping out!! OMG!! The time is near!
  5. Hi nicole, I have something very similar up for grabs http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u...e/DSCN3974.jpg i bought it in etsy and its gorgeous but since i changed my mind about my dress accessories changed as well. Let me know if your interested.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride It's great that you can at least share with us though so it's not a complete secret!! I have a confession....I'm a complete loser sitting at home all by myself for New Years! DH was even too busy at work to call me We did text each other...blah., Oh well, I think I'll just go to bed soon! Your so not a loser!!! Anyhow I have a confession about new years as well. I completely hated every second of it. Really wished the morning snow in NY would've canceled my flight back to PR since i had to leave FI behind. Got completely pissed off(full of envy) at the TV and shut it off when I saw everyone having their first new years kiss.
  7. Complete happy thoughts headed your way. I totally agree with the fact that this time of year sucks for shipping things! They will be there soon!
  8. I think that would be great! So much detail and thought into it and as well as the pictures a total keepsake more so along the lines of it being something that you know would be special to him He will love it!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Tonir If you like Rieslings, you would like this. Ok this just made me want to try it. Honestly Im not a big red wine fan at all but Im very into the whites and Rieslings are by far my favorite because of that sweetness. Now i want to try some thanks ladies >.<! lol
  10. FRIENDLY BUMP Im open to all offers ladies PM me if interested.
  11. Give him time. Maybe he will come around. As you said this is ways away. Still I am so sorry about the situation
  12. Im super excited to go see FI this saturday. My plane leaves PR at 2am saturday and arrives at 6am @ JFK! I'm only able to stay until New Years Eve afternoon but still super happy to spend some time with him and actually have time to work the kinks in every single detail for the day. The next time we see each other after this trip will be our wedding week! OMG! HOLY COW IM GETTING MARRIED! Yes this just hit me as I was typing this post! Aside from spending time with the soon to be hub! Should I be on the look out for any good sales while in NYC ? Dish it out ladies! Rambling moment over, I sound like a nutso lol! But had to share!
  13. Awww! hun you will find something i know it!.. Just wait it out until January maybe the new 2010 lines will be in at that time and you will have more choices. Thank goodness they gave you a waiver on the restocking fee and gave you your money back...
  14. Good job on negotiating!! Good luck! I know you will get everything you want and more
  15. After much debate im going to go with the Kiss French Glue on Nails. But till recently i was planning on a french manicure. My nails are long im just very unlucky and always end up breaking one at the last minute lol! Didn't want it to look uneven for the wedding..
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Lisa*~ my aunt sewed the bra into the dress, which is totally great! Your aunt is the best! Wow!! So much pinned! Congrats!
  17. I LOVE YoUr wedding! It looks like so much fun! You look gorgeous everything looked perfect! Congratulations!
  18. Sweet!! The stations sound awesome!! I definitely agree with you on the yoga first thing though lol!
  19. Just as long as it doesn't keep my plane from landing to be with FI the day after xmas then im all for it!
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