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Everything posted by hamme

  1. I can't believe that happened! I'm so happy you are getting the customer service you deserve. I feel awful for the owners and all the brides. The donation idea is fantastic and I'm sure people who know those brides would offer their dresses as well. Congrats on getting everything taken care of- please post pictures of your dream dress her when you get it!!!
  2. My parents have always said they will help me with my wedding but once we are engaged I plan to go "dress shopping" in my home town with my mom and sister- try on a ton of dresses and then surprise my mom by trying on her gown. I hope it fits and is properly preserved because I would love to wear it with some minor changes. I remember her saying that my sister or I could change it if we wanted but neither one of us ever pursued it. I'm assuming she wont suspect that I want to wear it. sneaky sneaky Anyways- if I can't wear it for whatever reason I will use the money they give me to pay for the dress because I feel sentimental in that way.
  3. I really want to make these bags! I love the fabric labels as well! great job
  4. WOW I'm completely amazed!!! I'm going to ask santa for an SLR
  5. I love the inside of your envelopes! I wonder if I can make the envelopes with sheet music or interesting paper? I will add this to my todo list!
  6. I LOVE THIS!!! I have done this several times... the first time was prom a looooooong time ago and I used grey duct tape and thought I invented the idea! lol I've told my girlfriends so many times to do this! I don't use the same technique as RachelRae - I use several small pieces layered to make cups... which takes a lot of practice! good luck girlies... I wonder what the FI would say if he saw it!
  7. I'm a student and I work at in the ICU at a world class hospital
  8. LOL I've been a member for a while and I didn't even know how many it was! You're awesome!
  9. I think the main thing I'm doing is collecting ideas from different websites. I look to see how people pull their entire vision together. I love reading about how people divide the budget. I have a collection of center piece ideas, looking into favors, pricing welcome bags, keeping a look out for sales and learning some graphic design to make my logos and invitations. I have found that the more you learn before you pick at date or finish the guest list the less stress you will have later. I want my wedding to have a cohesive vision from start to finish wile also sticking to my budget. I collect Micheal's coupons and try to scout out items like ribbon, stamps, paper products, and frames. I'm also trying to remember all of my family's talents so that I can ask for ideas and help when I might need them- for example my uncle has an amazing laser cutter that he can make engraved wood and engraved glass gifts, my aunt is an interior designer that can get furniture and glass wear at wholesale prices,my other aunt is in fashion merchandising, the list goes on and on... I would love to hear how everyone began their wedding planning and what was most important or exciting to them!
  10. Stunning! Now I will use your wedding for inspiration!!! Thank you for all of the details! I hope you have an amazing trip with the love of your life.
  11. so cute!!! great job! I can't wait to see your pics!
  12. The picture of #1 doesn't do it justice. My vote is #2 bc black and beach doesn't do it for me... I see a black accented dress in a swanky club kind of wedding
  13. Congrats!!! Did you post your engagement story? We love to know all the details!
  14. I'm thinking Feb 29, 2012... no ring yet but I'm still thinking the leap year would be so much fun! It is a Wednesday so that might be an issue...any thoughts- pro or con?
  15. I was just talking to my boyfriend about this topic. My aunt and uncle talk horrible about him (and everyone) to the point where my boyfriend really can't stand being around them. He actually avoids my family that he likes so that he wont see my aunt and uncle. We were talking about our future wedding and he said that he would only want a wedding with our immediate family only. He doesn't want my aunt and uncle there and he also doesn't want my family to out number his guests. So his solution is an 8 person wedding. Not exactly how I pictured it. Guess we will see what happens when we actually get engaged. Ugh- DRAMA!
  16. My bf and I want a DW...one day. We have both decided to pay for the 6 people we want to come. His immediate family and mine. We are aware that our families would be burdened by the wedding financially, so we took that stress out of the equation for them. I know that other people in my family will talk behind our backs (no matter what the subject). I am now preparing for that conversation in the future. I will extend the invitation to anyone who would like to come to the wedding, but if you can not come- you are an adult- you choose how to spend your money. People are jealous for the most part. I will try keep my spirits up. No matter what- We want a week long celebration, not just one day.
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