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Everything posted by hamme

  1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I'm going through this with my friend's wedding... its soooo rude.
  2. Well said! We are the same way- we don't even have our relationship on FB. I really like keeping up with friends that are out of state so I can see how it would be frustrating not to know of your friend from high school's excitement simple bc you live far away or don't speak often. when I get my ring I will be letting those people who love us know first then let my parents spread the news.
  3. I was also thinking that the budget conscious bride could go to the thrift stores and try to find a slip with the poof you need. I would suggest calling a local tailor and ask them to do it- Don't tell them it is for a wedding or they might jack the price up.
  4. I'm sure people were rolling with laughter! Sounds like you guys had a blast!
  5. (fund your wedding) correction--- I thought your were making them and selling them... my fault
  6. Stacy- I'm from Cary!!! I'll be home in January... Those are super cute!!! You could fund your wedding by selling those!!!
  7. fantastic!!! All I could come up with was 'in lieu of gifts...'
  8. like! posting your engagement ring as your profile picture on facebook?
  9. interesting- I had no idea about these traditions. It's very nice to see the support from the greek org on your big day...kind of like a welcoming for the groom.
  10. Congrats!!! I love that your status is "Lurker"!!! That's how I feel! Love that
  11. I'm stalking your planning thread! lol can't wait to see your review!!!
  12. edible lube!!! LOL my parents would freak but my aunts and uncles would die with laughter. too funny!
  13. I love these bright colors but am afraid to use them... not sure why bc the pictures would be amazing!
  14. thanks for the info. I always ask medical staff what would they do... I'm glad you shared!
  15. I wanted to give a suggestion for a unique space in cleveland... Downtown cleveland across from the Windom Hotel -south side of euclid (next to usbank) there is a buisness that hosted a project runway party and the space is very contemporary and stunning. forgive me for not knowing the name but if you walk the street you will see where the flags are flying above the large windows (furniture design buisness- just a guess). Anywho- I thought this would be a pretty sweet reception site. They have capabilities for large projectors and beautiful up lighting already in the space. I hope this helps someone!
  16. congrats everyone!!! I can't wait to see the biggest loser makeover show! love all the inspiration
  17. haha- Jicki!!! when I make dinner reservations I use the combinations of our last names Justice + Hamm = JustHam lol!!! my boyfriend just rolls his eyes!
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