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Everything posted by amygirl1169

  1. The only thing I've noticed is that threads I have replied to within the past few days, don't have the little check mark beside them. Some do, but those are ones I've replied/subscribed to in the past.
  2. Props to you ladies with 2nd jobs! I seriously need to start considering this... My only saving grace is that my company recently re-instated our salaries after a 10% paycut during the past year. Also, my FI is a contractor, and I've been helping out a little bit with his jobs because he has been super swamped and every job = more money towards our debt, wedding and soon, new house! I've learned how to lay hardwood, tile and brushed up on my painting skills! Hang in there ladies, it'll be worth it when we have the wedding of our dreams!
  3. Hmmm... sounds pretty selfish if she couldn't at least give you a reason for not showing up! Don't BM's have responsibilities at the shower? Did she just not do anything for it? I hope she has a really good excuse, but if she had such a 'great night' then I doubt it's a reason you'll find excusable. It always cracks me up how people bust themselves by posting things on FB... duh!
  4. I'll take the flameless candles if you'll ship across the border I'll send you a PM.
  5. Welcome back!! Great review, everything looked beautiful Congrats!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by giraffexx I am also a bridesmaid in my best friends wedding which is happening 2 months before I am getting married. I am one of 4 girls in her bridal party and we are splitting everything for the party 25% per bridesmaid. My question to you girls is am I expected to also give a gift at the shower since I'm already paying a pretty penny to help host the event?? Any advice welcome, I'm really stumped about this. Thanks! That's a good question... I'm not sure what the protocol is on that either. I would think maybe split a smallish gift? I'm actually splitting some of the costs of the shower with my BMs. I feel bad that they're already spending a lot on the trip and they spent a lot on the engagement party as well.
  7. Oh my, how frustrating!!! You bet she better alter it for free!
  8. I had wanted to do something similar, but I really couldn't handle the thought of either having the guests pay or the BMs, myself or my parents paying the bill. We ended up opting to have a 'Ladies Afternoon Tea' at my FSIL's house. Finger foods, tea cups, the whole 9-yards! I don't think guests would be too keen on attending if they had to pay for their meal.
  9. Great! You can send them to the address I sent you yesterday
  10. Hi Kathie! I thought we discussed via email that you were selling the keychains to me? Please advise, thanks!
  11. Ughh, ok, I've been stewing about this for 2 days now and just have to get it out! My FI comes from a really big family - he's the youngest of 11! His eldest sister is sort of like a mother to them all and very sweet. Their mom is not the most nurturing and definitely not winning any mother of the year awards in her lifetime... so I kind of think of his eldest sister as his mom. She's had a rough year. She works like crazy as a cook, works hard at home taking care of her husband and teenage kids (she's quite a bit older, has 2 grown children and then 2 twin teenage boys from her 2nd marriage, the twin teenage boys are incredibly spoiled and rely on her for EVERYTHING!). She had a hip replacement earlier this year and then around Christmas time, her husband fell off a ladder putting up the lights and was in the hospital for quite a while. They had told us some time ago that they would not be able to come to our wedding due to financial reasons. Which is totally fine, we understand. I really wish they could be there, but we know not everyone can afford to attend a DW. Then, one of the younger sisters got a really good deal for all of them to go to Florida together. So they all went for 5 days or so. We were still perfectly fine with this, they needed some relaxation after all they've been through and they got a great deal. Then, two days ago, the younger sister sends out an email to all the siblings and us, saying how much the older sister really deserves to go on this trip and attend our wedding and if everyone could just pitch in a couple hundred dollars, they could pay for the eldest sister and her husband to come. (The way it was written was more of telling rather than asking) So, I read this and thought it was a really nice sentiment, but really don't see the other siblings all pitching in when they themselves can't afford to come either... I also assumed we were simply copied on the email for logistical purposes and so we could contact our travel agent regarding rates, etc... Well, was I wrong! FI calls the younger sister (and when I say younger, I mean 38 ) to confirm and she says, Yes, I want you to pitch in for this as well. So, he was caught off guard by this and wasn't direct in saying no, but rather made excuses saying money is tight for us since he's waiting for payment from quite a few clients right now and can't afford it. She says, That's ok, you can just pay me back. Is it me or is this completely RUDE?! My parents are busting their a$$es to try to come up with some money for us to cover the cost of our wedding, their trips, etc... We're struggling to come up with the closing costs for our new house that will be due 1 month after we return from the wedding and other various wedding expenses... and she is asking US to pitch in for someone to attend? Not to mention, that my sister, the MOH is currently in school and had to spend every last penny of her savings to attend and we didn't pitch in for her! (I did pay for her dress and other things to try to make up for it) I am just so flabbergasted that she even considered asking us to contribute to this... how can we be expected to shell out for one person and not the others? FI says don't worry about it, we're not paying anything and that's it... But I know I won't relax until he clarifies with her that we are not 'paying her back' and that we're very sorry the eldest sister can't attend, but what about all the other people struggling with money?? Am I wrong here?
  12. Ugh, back pain is the WORST! I usually get sciatic nerve pain and I use those patches Vday mentioned above. They work wonders! Hope you feel better soon
  13. I kept calling my FI my boyfriend for a couple weeks after our engagement.. .just takes a while to catch on!
  14. Just fyi for everyone, I've booked a full day trip that Alexander has put together the following schedule: ================================================== ============== Private Charter Group Amy - 26th April 2010 A. The Tour: A snorkel / snuba / leisure tour to Saona, the costs are approx us$60 pp incl. dinner. We have the same itinerary as the Saona Crusoe VIP (see: Saona Crusoe Excursion) but after the mangroves we go to catuano beach on Saona. The snorkelers can snorkel off the beach here (tons of tropical fish), the snuba-ers are taken with the boat to a great snuba reef and the leisure guests can relax on the beach chairs and enjoy swimming and sunbathing. Dinner is on the beach and at the end of the day we return via the piscina natural to have a toast on the newly weds. The tour is per speedboats. B. The Schedule: I suggest the following schedule: 09:30am: Departure from beach Dreams 10:00am: Rocks of Penon 10:15am: Mangrove 10:45am: Calderas - frigate bird colony 11:15am: Catuano Beach 12:00am: Lunch 1:00pm: Catuano beach (snorkeling, leisure, snuba) 3:00pm: Piscina natural (starfish and toast in knee deep water) 4:15pm: Back in Bayahibe C. the Lunch: the lunch is a typical Dominican buffet: - pork chops - chicken drum sticks - Dominican rice (is delicious) - pasta - various salads - local fruits (pine apple, mango, etc.) If you want we can add fish but this is normally not included. The lunch is served on the beach, long picnic tables. D. The Drinks We serve soft-drinks (coca cola, sprite, orange juice and water), and 'cuba libre' (rum-coke). We do not have beers on the boat, but beers are available in Catuano. A bottle will cost 60 pesos (us$ 1.70). It's minimum 25 people and $60US pp, must be paid in cash on the day of. I think it's a GREAT deal!
  15. Oh, I'm so sorry about the cancellation, but try to remember that everything happens for a reason and brighter days are ahead. You'll sell these in no time. Best wishes.
  16. I voted for all categories too! lol Beautiful! Good luck!
  17. NO, you're not wrong to be mad... I'd be pissed off too. And that you still haven't heard from him is scary also... Everyone makes stupid decisions in life, but wow, his friend seems to make them over and over and OVER! I think you need to seriously discuss this when you get home.. he will probably admit it was stupid and say he'll never do it again, but that could've really eff'd someone's life up for sure! As you said, either you or some innocent person's life could've been changed forever. That guy should have his license terminated for good. And to use a work van of all things too... talk about jeopardizing everything he has! What an a$$! Be strong, get your point across and let us know how it goes!
  18. A TA will definitely help you narrow things down. We chose Dreams La Romana Resort & Spa: Unlimited-Luxury® Defined The new Dreams property in the Dominican. A great value and very beautiful 5*.
  19. A combination of quality and price. But I had driven through La Romana when I visited Punta Cana and I remember the tour guide guy saying This is where the celebrities come when they visit the Dominican. It's less touristy, but still incredibly beautiful.
  20. Well, I think there might be other weddings on your same date, so there is a possibility of the salon/reception/photographer booking up. If you're flexible on time and location, etc. then I wouldn't worry about it too much. I think Tiara gives the impression that it's ok to wait until you get there to do all of that, so maybe it's not a big issue as I'm thinking? brbr.bo - we're getting married at home prior to the wedding
  21. I agree with Kristy. My parents are doing the same thing. They had a set amount in mind they were going to give us, but I told them to factor in the cost they were paying for their trips. My parents wouldn't in a million years travel to the Caribbean if it weren't for our wedding and while I'm certain they'll end up enjoying themselves, I do feel it is a lot to ask of people to spend their vacation time at a place and at a rate you have dictated. However, if your step-dad were to give his other children the same amount if they were doing a DW, then that's just not right...
  22. Does anyone know if it will be a problem to bring our items through customs in order to hand them out to guests while we're waiting to board the plane?? I am just doing mugs and key/tip holders, but I wonder if this will be an issue... Since it's not the US customs, I'm hoping it won't be a problem!!
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