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Everything posted by amygirl1169

  1. I'm using them, but also have been having a so-so experience with them. It was the 1st post engagement thing we purchased and I wish I had of done more research first. I don't think I'll actually be booking with them, but it sucks to lose our deposit Our TA has given us what we thought was some good advice and then we hear the contrary from other TA's, so it's confusing. She's pretty flaky and seems to forget about us... she was supposed to get back to me 2 weeks ago with pricing for next April. I wish I had found this website before finding theirs...
  2. I think this forum will do that to you - you see how beautiful everyone else's dresses are and you start to wonder about your choice - I've been doing the same thing! I started sending my maid of honor links to new dresses and she kept saying you're crazy, your dress looks amazing on you! I'm sure we'd all love to have a million dresses if we could! I've seen your dress in another thread and it's beautiful! Just keep everything in perspective and stop second guessing yourself! You will be glowing on your day in whichever dress you chose because you're marrying the love of your life!
  3. That's a super cute dress! Perfect for the reception. I'm having the same dilemma! I'm going to keep my eye out for a cute white dress... although we're paying all that money for the wedding dress and will only get to wear it once! ....sigh....
  4. You read my mind! I actually googled: 'cost of liposuction' the other day!
  5. Oh dear, those were the same things I am stuck on with those 2 resorts as well! Although, I haven't been there... There was another thread where the bride pretty much said the same things you have, but also warns everyone against DPC because there was loud clubby dance music that overshadowed the wedding music. Something to keep in mind!
  6. That's exactly how I found my dress too! It was the 3rd dress I tried on (picked out by my best friend) but felt it was too soon to commit to a dress... then after going to a few more stores and hating everything else (and continually referring to the 3rd dress as 'my' dress) I knew it was the one! It's such a great feeling to find your dress, congrats!! It's beautiful on you! Are you going to add the cap sleeves shown on the model or stay strapless?
  7. Hi Taratoons - which resort did you decide on? And why?
  8. Yikes! How odd!? Poor mommies But I'm sure they won't let it stop either of them from enjoying your wedding!
  9. I saw one of the online ads for this product claiming to rid cellulite. It also claims to be 'the fountain of youth', endorsed by Oprah and Dr. Oz. After doing some research, while Oprah and Dr. Oz have recommended it, they don't necessarily endorse it and those online sites to order it from are scams. But it is available in health and supplements stores - has anyone actually tried this? Or have any recommendations for good cellulite solutions?
  10. I LOVE THIS DRESS! Can anyone post pics of them in it? I'm afraid it will be too much material... but it looks stunning on the model.
  11. Ladies, After reading this post (about the sweating between the legs) I decided to give it a try. Earlier this week FI and I went to an amusement park and I was wearing a cotton summer dress, so I bought some spray on deoderant and sprayed it on my lower regions We walked around all day on a hot, sunny day and my legs were much drier than they normally would be. HOWEVER, by the end of the day, my legs were SO sore and my inner thighs were actually red and VERY swollen! It was very strange... since then they've been red and irritated Someone said it's because the deoderant is not letting them breathe! (I used Secret) Help, I need to find a solution to this sweaty thigh problem!
  12. I did too! I think it's a great way to meet people and it's becoming more and more popular! I hated meeting drunk slobs at bars/clubs and this way you can sort through the jokesters and players to find the true gems! When we first started dating we were embarrassed to admit how we met. But now I'm proud of it! I try to get my single girlfriends to do it, but they haven't had the same luck as I did. It's definitely the new age way of dating!
  13. Hi ladies! I'm also an April 2010 bride - although, we haven't nailed down the exact date... we're still waiting for package prices to come out - apparently the Canadian prices aren't finalized yet But my TA promises next week! Here is my dress: Bridal Gowns Informal bridal bridesmaids Prom Flower Girl Quinceanera Stores Totally not what I thought I wanted, but just fell in love with it! It's hot as hell - at least it was in the bridal store, even though it's from her Voyage line! FI has his suit - a fitted medium brown suit from RW&Co. He looks AMAZING in it and it's a pretty much wrinkle free fabric! I also haven't decided which resort to have it at... my top 4 are: Majestic, Melia, Dreams PC and Dreams PB. Dreams PB wasn't even on my radar until a few days ago when I read a review from another bride! I have our wedding website all set up, I don't think I'll be sending out formal invitations though... just not my thing. And I'm having 3 girls in my bridal party and FI has only decided his BM so far... and he wants to have an equal # of GM to me, so we'll see. I told him it doesn't matter if it's lopsided! TTYL - FI says I spend too much time on the computer since discovering this site...eeek!
  14. Wow, it must've taken a lot to bite your tongue! I'm sorry but a $3k bachelorette party in Vegas?! Fun sure, but I think that's asking a little much from your girls. My friend was recently a MOH for a bride who did a bachelorette party in Vegas and she put together these cute travel kits for all the guests (that cost her a fortune), organized the whole trip and planned the daily activities. At the end of the trip, the bride complained that the MOH didn't 'get the party going' enough by ordering shots at the clubs... WOW! I hope I am the opposite of Bridezilla! I'm normally pretty easy going, so I don't think it will be a problem. Even though weddings can be stressful, you just have to remember that your wedding party are not your slaves and after the wedding they are still your friends and you have to face them! I'm sure none of us DW brides would be like that anyway
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by adhinsa I am also interested in the cupcakes....no prices posted yet. Another question I have is for all those people who had their reception in the a la carte restaurants. Did you think it was okay? I am worried that it will not seem fancy enough. I am on a strict budget, but I do not want to cut corners in the wrong places. Please tell me your honest feelings, and if you regretted it when you arrived or if you were pleasantly suprised. Thank you That's a good point. I really want to be able to have a 1st dance and speeches, but some resorts charge a fortune to have a private dinner. I've met brides who didn't do the private dinner and were still able to do that in the a la carte restaurant or disco (they said their group was large enough that they ended up taking over the restaurant and then at the disco they just asked the DJ to play their CD). But I don't want to risk the resort saying no and then we miss out on the traditional wedding stuff. Anyone have any recommendations?
  16. While at the cottage for a romantic wintery Valentine's Day weekend, my FI, Roy had gotten up very early to use the washroom. Thinking nothing of it, I fell back asleep. Once we awoke, had breakfast and got ready for the day, we decided to go for a walk. I suggested we go down to the lake to see the ice. As we walked down to the lake, there were some very slippery parts. Roy kept sayng, "Watch your step!" Meanwhile, I was thinking, "What a jerk, he's not even helping me down the path!" So as I was watching my step, I finally looked up at Roy who was then down on one knee and on the ice in huge/life size black letters behind him was written 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?' I started crying and Roy said something romantic, it's all a bit of a blur neither of us completely remember exactly what was said, but it was the most incredible surprise proposal! It turns out he had cut all these planks of wood and painted them black the day before we left. To his dismay, I had decided to work from home that day. Luckily I didn't catch him painting all that wood at the side of our house! I really thought I'd know when it's coming, but he really pulled it over on me and made the most memorable proposal! *I have pics, but I can't seem to upload them here Will try again later...
  17. Dreams is my top pick so far too! My wedding coordinator had to hound their wedding coordinator, but we finally got through and they have now been very responsive, so keep trying!
  18. Hi! I'm Amy from Toronto, ON. I'm marrying my amazing FI Roy next April 2010 in a yet to be determined location - likely Dreams PC/Majestic/Melia or in Mayan Riviera at the Barcelo - I still haven't decided!
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