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Everything posted by Vikki

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette You guys are going to think Im completely crazy...but I dont have a dress yet. Well I had one but decided to forfeit my deposit on it. It was only 10%, and didnt fit in the budget anymore. I really wasnt that in love with it anymore either. So now Im on the hunt for a dress. I went to Davids Bridal yesterday to try on a dress that I found someone selling on bravobride.com. They didnt have it in but I did fall in love with a different dress there. Its on sale for $200 off, but they wouldnt give me anymore of a deal with it being a sample. It needs a lot of work done to it..the beading is all messed up. But here it is... Not to crazy after I see the picture now. But than I found this tea length dress on ebay that I love. I feel thats so much more my style, but am unsure on pulling that off. I dont know what type of shoes I would wear in the sand...here it is... Tea Length Wedding Dresses Short Gowns XLarge 50Vintage - eBay (item 280396318513 end time Sep-18-09 18:42:32 PDT) I have never tried on a tea length dress so Im afraid I think it will look cute, but than will look ridlicious. lol Any words of wisdom for me? I would go back to David's Bridal and find a tea length dress and try it on, just to get a feel for how the style would look on you. You can probably find a wrap/shawl to try with it that would resemble the picture in the auction. Either way you'll be a beautiful bride!
  2. I'm going to be barefoot for the ceremony and have been looking around for some barefoot sandals. I found this seller on E-bay and I like the look of the designs. Something to keep in mind when you give me your opinion: I have wide feet so something small and minimal might accent that and make them look even wider. Option 1: This would incorporate the "something blue" I haven't found yet. Option 2: This has a really pretty "shape" to it. Might help offset the wide foot issue. Option 3: Like #2 but slightly more subdued. Also might help offset the wide foot issue. Option 4: Has combined anklet but might be too harsh with my ivory dress and too delicate for my wide feet.
  3. Wow, your pictures are so amazing. The whole event from start to finish is just perfect! I love how almost every picture shows you with a huge smile on your face :-) Congratulations!
  4. If you all end up with a season 7 I think the daily challenges were great! I really enjoyed that during season 6. I don't think I'll be participating this time around, I got close enough to my goal last time to make me happy but I wish the best to all who do. It's so helpful to have other people helping motivate you when you don't feel like doing it on your own. Good luck all!
  5. We got the suit with a vest, here's a picture of FI in his suit. I didn't have the jacket though, we needed to have some minor alterations across the shoulders but otherwise everything was perfect.
  6. You look amazing in that dress, and I love the veil too-will you be wearing it as well?
  7. I caught the pilot and I've been hooked ever since. When I met FI I made him watch an episode with me and now I think he's more hooked than I am. It's kind of one of those shows that just makes you /facepalm.
  8. Both dresses are so pretty! I think you'll have lots of fun with the colors for your TTD session though, I'm sure your photographer will be able to come up with some good ideas to incorporate it.
  9. What a great thread! I love seeing everyone's pets with the cute captions. I have lots of pictures of my "kids" but this one of my foster kitten from the summer came to mind first.
  10. We got our T-shirts in! They look great. Our little "logo/monogram" is on the front and then the back is customized for each guest, "mother of the bride, mother of the groom", ect.
  11. Great pics, looks like you had a great time and FI will definately love them.
  12. Beautiful pictures girl! I love the shots of you and Joe on the rocks near the ocean. And Cattie coming down with her flowers-soooo cute!
  13. It comes down to what you want. I don't think there's rules for informal DW settings. I wouldn't let the fact that it's informal or your second marriage enter the equation. If you think your father's feelings might be hurt by not asking maybe there's something else you can include him in. Remember...even though we're all grown up we're still daddy's little girl somewhere deep in their hearts and all he's going to want is for you to be happy. In the long run it won't matter to him if he walked you down or not.
  14. Congratulations for surviving the confrontation. It sounds like she got the point. It's sad to lose a friend that has helped you through tough times but in this case it sounds like that friendship has been more harmful than helpful lately.
  15. It's not required but I would suggest you have all your Hepatitis vaccines. It's just a good precaution, regardless of travel locations. As for medications always travel with your medications in the original prescription bottles and if you take a controlled substance I would recommend a letter from your doctor in addition to the prescription bottles.
  16. I like the idea of both, one for ceremony and one for TTD. My vote if you had only one to choose would be the lace.
  17. Ugh. I guess the bright side of all of this is that FI wants to marry you regardless of what the parents say or think. I think he needs to step up and stand up for you though. Depending on how he grew up that may be more difficult than it sounds-but in the long run it's going to have to happen at some point. You're walking a fine line, on one hand you don't want to force him to do anything in a way that makes him resent you. But, on the other hand you don't want to give him the idea that it's ok to hide your relationship and give in to his parents when they disapprove. This creates a whole mess down the road, especially if you start a family. Good luck, and no matter what keep the communication between you and FI going-in the end it's the relationship the two of you have that matters most.
  18. Mmm, I love contests! Now, who should I vote for? ((just kidding))
  19. I might take some heat for this but I think you're right to question everything. As a wife you should be respected, defended, loved, taken care of and treated as an equal. If his behavior in these situations is anything less you have to ask why, and can I expect this to change? If you expect it to change what do you think will cause that? If you don't expect it to change are you ok with that? What about if/when you have a family? How are you and FI going to address boundaries? You don't want to end up being the bad guy but if FI can't or won't stand up to them and turns into a negative person when they're around are you ok with that after you have a family of your own. As for the 4 days before the ceremony I think you should probably let that go but the 3 days after are your honeymoon....and nobody should be around for that. Maybe your parents can run interference? Beaches has other resorts in Jamaica-could you transfer to one of those for the remaining part of your stay? Any cost would be worth those 3 days of your privacy. Don't let the FI's family know. For what it's worth the fact that FI will attend counseling with you is AWESOME and it sounds like that will probably be the way you two can work through this. FI sounds like a great guy in a tough situation, that fact that he's been through so much with you speaks volumes about how much he loves you.
  20. That's too funny. I actually would have killed for one of these last year when we were in Taiwan. Almost all the public facilities and many in restaurants and some residences are little in ground tubs (we nicknamed them squattie potties). You would walk into the stall and step up on a small platform with what looked like a urinal on it's side in the floor. It was so dirty, and you are encouraged not to use toilet paper. I can't tell you how happy I was to see the public bathroom in the LA Airport!
  21. Awww, what a great picture! You'll treasure that one. This is a regret-I should have taken some pictures. The only one I have of us is because Mom is in the mirror taking a photo of me. My Mom was so excited to go dress shopping I don't know why I didn't think of it!
  22. Hi Janelle, don't worry, there are lots of great ideas and reviews. Congratulations and happy planning!
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