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Everything posted by Vikki

  1. Congratulations Tilicia! That sounds so exciting-I know you'll find lots of great information here to help make your wedding special. Happy Planning!
  2. Welcome and congratulations. I know there are several other Akumal reviews to give you some ideas as you plan for the big day. Happy planning.
  3. Vikki

    Hi Everyone!

    Welcome Nevesta, That is coming up pretty quickly girl! You must be so excited. I know you'll find lots of great ideas in the forums here to help make your day special. Congratulations!
  4. Vikki

    new bride

    Congratulations and welcome! Happy planning.
  5. Welcome and congratulations. Italy sounds like such a romantic place to have a DW. Happy planning!
  6. Congratulations and welcome! Once you learn your way around the forums are easy to navigate. There are lots of tricks and tips on forum navigation in the how-to section. Have a wonderful time planning!
  7. Welcome! That's so exciting, will you stay in the states or move to the uk? Either way the forums will be a great resource for you as you plan the wedding of your dreams. Congratulations to you both.
  8. Congratulations and welcome to the forums.... There's lots of places to start but I would suggest a list of your goals and expectations along with your budget :-) Happy planning.
  9. Hi Lori and welcome to the forums.
  10. Vikki


    Welcome Lyn, Congratulations on your engagement and I hope you find lots of great ideas to make it extra special here. Happy planning, Vikki
  11. Hi and welcome to the forums. I'm sure you'll find more on the location you're looking for and I hope you have fun planning your big day!
  12. Congratulations Martha, I'm not using a WC but I have a very small wedding party. Depending on what your situation is it might be easier to do it yourself but if you have a big group or lots of special requests it might help to work with someone more local. Check some of the wedding reviews for your resorts and that might help you get some ideas. Happy planning!
  13. Vikki

    Late Bride

    Congratulations Late Bride and welcome to the forums. 88 days left! Seems so far away but it will sneak up on you fast. I don't know how much planning you have done so far but there's some great ideas for DIY projects, ceremony and receptions decor and other things you can do to make your day extra special. And there's a wonderful group of people to help with all the ups and down along the way. So happy planning!
  14. Welcome to the forums. I see you've already had some great responses so I don't know if this will be that much help or not :-) I don't know about cruise packages but there are lots of resorts that offer free wedding packages with your stay. Do you have your heart set on a cruise wedding? We'll be inviting only our parents, my sister and her husband for the wedding in November. Then over Christmas we'll be fly to his hometown to spend the holidays with his family (although it won't be a formal party or anything) and my parents are putting on a formal reception for us in January locally. I think it's expected if you're invited to a destination wedding that you are to pay your own costs unless the invitation specifically says otherwise. Check out the etiquette thread for some wording ideas. Congrats and I'm sure you'll find lots of great ideas.
  15. Hi Tina, Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your December wedding.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous Vikki thats cute. Thanks Ashley~I thought it was perfect, especially since we're getting down to panic time for anything ordered on line. (still praying for you and Cuji!)
  17. Found our cake topper today! The one we designed and were having made was rejected for having copyrighted material... (sigh) so as a last minute fix we found this one and I actually like it more since we usually backpack 130 - 150 miles a year. Outside Inside Hiking Cake Topper at REI.com
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous No I didnt find her but we were ontacted by Dogs finding Dogs. Its a program where tracking dogs find dogs. So they will be coming tomm. The tracking dog just has to smell one of Cuji's blankets or toys and then they will track her. This will only work if the person walked off with her vs putting her in the car. But we're thinking that any idiot who would steal someone's dog prolly wasnt smart enuf to cover their tracks soo we'll see. My fear is if we find the house but she's inside. Bc we can only get the cops involved if she is in our sight. So the person can say she's not in the home... I pray that we're able to find her tomm.If not its back to the shelters. Oh we have another idea. We got Cuji from the SPCA but the week before we got her, she posed for the 2010 Orioles (baseball) team calendar. They do a fundraiser with the MD SPCA where they make the calenders of the dogs with the players and then sell them and some of the profits go to the SPCAs. Cuji is one of the main dogs in the calender and is even pictured on the calendar's website. So we plan to email the Orioles tonight to let them know what's going on and see if we can get some media involvement (we're thinking it'll also help them sell some calenders so they may do it) and see if they are willing to help get the word out about or celebrity dog being stolen and see if they are willing to help with reward $ for her.... I know it's a longshot but we just want our baby back you know.... Oh good luck! I hope something works and you find her.
  19. It happens! I think I did something similar too. But just think, all the posts to your thread are giving you points :-)
  20. My FI's family hasn't offered to help us at all. The only money comment they've made was why did we have to pick such an expensive wedding that his brother couldn't afford to attend. They aren't well off but they aren't broke either. I have a feeling the "gift" we'll get from them will be their attendance at the event. Which is all we asked for. My parents have pitched in $2000 cash and various other things like our AHR. They are also paying $3200 for my sister and her husband to attend. I never expected them to do any of that. As nice as it is to have people chip in we were planning to foot the bill ourselves and the only thing we asked of them was to attend.
  21. All the big stuff is....wait for it.... DONE!! Attire-check Vendors-check Final payment-check OOT/Welcome kits-check Rings-check Ceremony decor-check All guests booked and paid for-check Lots of little stuff like packing, mailing the travel reminders 5 weeks prior to departure, final dress fitting and tanning are left to do but it's nothing I can do in advance. Now it's all about the waiting game. Whew, feels good! Now what do I do for the next 6 weeks....
  22. Oh Ashley I'm so sorry about Cuji! The studio too.... I would lose it if something happened like that to our "jupiter the dog". I hope you find Cuji soon and that's she's ok. Try not to get too discouraged with the other stuff. Hopefully your homeowners/renters insurance will cover the items stolen??
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