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Everything posted by damaris

  1. Well I begged and begged and finally got the Wii fit las xmas. It's in the corner with all the wedding stuff on top. I will say I do go to the actual gym every morning. So I don't feel that bad when my son reminds me that the Wii was a waste of money
  2. I think dolfinluck hit it on the head for you!! But if you insist on doing it yourself, there is a store on broadway bet 37th and 38th street in Manhattan they wholesale all types of beadings and crystals. Its a huge store you can't miss it I think the name might be bead world.
  3. What I found worked for me is to pay attention to what I put on my plate. I make an effort to buy organic and a lot of whole wheat and lean protein. I am 5"1 and weighed 135lbs at one point. I swear I looked like Pikachu. I went to PR with my FI and saw the pics of me in a bikini and wanted to cry. So I changed my outlook on food and it helps a lot. Yes its hard but trust me it only takes two weeks of you doing something regularly before it becomes second nature. I work out 6 days a week and I love love love Pilates. Ladies Pilates will firm you up so fast and you not even realize it. It works all of your muscles even ones you don't know you have. If you vcan do reformer classes. Also invest in a 9in plate. I swear it helps with the portion control. By the way I'm at 123lbs yaay me!!! And just in case you're wondering yes I still drink wine and have dessert... Just in moderation. You will see after a while your body won't crave it as much. One more trick that I found that works, Brush your teeth at night before you watch TV, for some reason it takes away that craving that you get!
  4. I love his show especially since its based out of NY. I have checked many of his stores that he promotes on his show. Like My Glass Slipper, I thought it was only a website I was so excited to know they have an actual retail location.
  5. Awww looking at your pics makes me anxious for mine!!! I can't wait. Everything looks awesome and your colors are beautiful.
  6. I love the train on your dress!! you look so pretty in it. I love pronovias and Elise is the coolest. She gave me 12% off my dress although I didn't get it on the day of the trunk show.
  7. I love the dress and it looks gorgeous on you. Congrats!
  8. Jocy that price seems too high!! Can you check with another seamstress? I ordered my dress from Pronovias and they charge $500 for unlimited alterations.
  9. I like myglassslippers.com and ninashoes.com. Also zappos.com, just enter bridal in the search field.
  10. Well you never know, what is your budget for your dress? They might have something you like. Also you will not be the first or last bride that has gone to the salon because of the show. I'm sure they get a lot of brides that go there because of the show. I'm planning on going for my veil and possibly shoes.
  11. I love this show, but I'm addicted to anything bridal lol
  12. It sounds to me like he got used to having you around, and although he is excited you are working, he didn't know it was going to be like this. Men are not like us we verbalize are feelings, they act like kids when they don't get what they want lol. Pouting and throwing fits. All I can say is try to make the most of your together time so that he can feel secure. He loves you that's why he misses you and doesn't know how to communicate it.
  13. I went to Pronovias and the girl that got fired last season from Kleinfelds now works there. When I mentioned the show she had nothing nice to say. LOL
  14. The dress looks real good for that price, and you can trash it and not feel guilty. They did a real good job.
  15. I get up in the morning and workout with my Fiance. I'm obsessed with Jillian Michaels.to the point where my FI is not threatened by no man, but he sees her on Tv and hates her lol. Anyways i work out to her Jillianmichaels.com workouts.she gives you a routine for everyday, and I do pilates twice a week. Lost 6 lbs so far!!! 10 to go.
  16. What I found when I went down for a site visit is that unlike us they do not live by their computers or pda's. I also found out that most are overwhelmed and while you are planning your wedding now for the future, they most likely are tending to 4 or 5 weddings as we speak. My WC told me Monday mornings is best to reach her.
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