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Everything posted by damaris

  1. Look at this couples amazing and so cute STD. YouTube - Jeff & Erin's EPIC Wedding Trailer: Save the Date
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by becks1581 Thanks for the link! I really like those...very cool for a beach bag! Are the sides just transparent plastic? Were you happy with the quality and what color(s) did you get?? I love the quality of the bags and yes they are transparent. I ordered yellow.
  3. Forgot to add he has a bunch of colors. If you email him and tell him how many you want and what color he will set it up so you dont have to go through the whole auctioning.
  4. I got mine on Ebay from Kirmansurplus. They cost me $1 and are the quality of the bags you get from Victoria secret. Also very roomyWHOLESALE LOT OF 25 EXPANDABLE JELLY TOTE BAGS - eBay (item 350306792550 end time Jan-23-10 11:57:57 PST)
  5. You did an amazing job. Your hard work shows. I love how personalized it all is
  6. I've been going for 3 weeks. I'm totally hooked!!
  7. Everything looks great. Rebecca is the best she did my STD's, Pasmina and OOT bag tags. She is also doing my invites.
  8. They were originally posted by Da.Shmoopies. You can search and it will come up, but since you're a noob you won't be able to open the attachment. You have to have 150 posts to be able to open any attachments
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by poohshek A couple of things you can do between now and your big day: 1. Cardiovascular exercises or Interval Training to get your heart pumping and raise your metabolism. 2. Cut out the booze - I know it is easy to say but hard to do. 3. Cut down on salt intake. 4. Drink lots of water. 5. Cut out fast food and eat clean (salads, grilled chicken/fish). 6. Cut down on carbohydrates intake (bread, pasta). At this point, do what you can and don't stress out over it. Hope this helps. 100 percent agree with Poohshek. Also another member mentioned Bikram Yoga (heated room 105degrees). It works miracles. try it for one week and you will see results. Not only do you sweat out toxins and junk it also helps relieve stress and stress triggers Cortisol, which loves to hang around our midsection.
  10. I think mostly all of us have gone through this talk with a parent or relative. People always are opposed to trying something different. My advice to you is tell them that they should look at it as a wedding and vacation rolled into one. I have sold it to some family members as an opportunity to visit someplace they've never been before and experience something different. I went 5 years ago to my first destination wedding, some people that were going were complaining till they got there. Then all you heard was how that was the best experience ever and how they would do it again in a heartbeat. Since then 4 other couples have done DW's and it's always the same. The biggest and loudest complainers enjoy it the most.
  11. I love that dress on you. Seriously that dress was made for you!!
  12. I am doing Pashmina's for the girls and for the men we decided on "Game Over" t shirts.
  13. Everything looks great. You look so pretty in your dress.
  14. I don't mind this snow day, because it's a weekend. Cookies and a marathon of something on tv... Yaay!!!
  15. Nicole I don't know if you plan on having other desserts at your wedding but from what other brides have mentioned on this forum, many of them who had cake had a lot leftover because no one ate the cake. Maybe you can get a small one for the cake cutting and feeding and have the desserts that are already included for your guest as "the cake"
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by moonpalacebride I've taught 1 class this week, and I'm attending a 2hr spinning/bootcamp class tomorrow. Should be seriously tough but I'm looking forward to it Yes it was my first time and I will say at firstthe clothing or lack there of on some people took me by surprise lol
  17. Actually when I first walked in the heat was unbearable. I told myself there is no way I can do 90 min of this. After 15 minutes I felt so good. It all came down to the breathing and the stretches felt so good. And yes the heat helps you stretch deeper. I swear I think I sweated 5lbs lol
  18. well I also have curly hair that frizzes in the humidity. I've been doing Keratin treatments for the past year and originally got it done 2 weeks before my sight visit to Cancun in April. The treatments are an investment but it's so worth it. It is NOT a relaxer. My hair still curls it just doesn't frizz and I can style it on half the time.
  19. I didn't spin this week I did try Bikram Yoga, that's the one with the heated room. Awesome!
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