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Everything posted by damaris

  1. You look so beautiful! I love your veil and hairpiece
  2. First of all shame on the bride for not having common sense. I don't think anyone wakes up on their big day and says let me wear my floral panties over my nude or white ones. And shame on her bridal party for not having her back, but MOM, you above everyone else should have my best interest at heart. My only question is who finally told her? LOL
  3. If it suits your personality I'm all for it. Did anyone see the episode of "Say yes to the dress" where the brides color story was pink and lepoard? Anything goes these days
  4. She might be upset that she is not your MOH. Some people assume that because they've known you since you were in pigtails, that they should be your MOH.
  5. I have 6 each, 2 flower girls and 2 ushers. The more the merrier!
  6. Isn't Marshall the best? You did real good, cute shoes great price
  7. Congrats! I did a site visit in April and it helped a lot. You get to picture things better when you see it in person. It's a lot more helpful then staring at the website of the resort all day
  8. Well my mom offered to pay for my dress and I told her no. Reason being they are on a fixed income. Besides I know she will have to help my brothers to get out to Mexico. My FMIL hasn't offered to pay for anything but quite frankly I feel we are asking too much already with a DW. So it's just FI and I paying
  9. since you are in Ny you may want to check out the wholesale district in Manhattan. 28th and Bway. Also the garment district has tons of fabric stores. Thats around 36th street-40th street from 5th ave to 7th ave. While you're there you might wanna check out the bridal salond in the area
  10. Like Malisa said it's better that you set it up once you get there. especially since some hotels might be right down the street from each other. What you do need to do is set up appts with the WC's at the venues you wanna visit
  11. I suggest you have your husband talk to his stepmom and dad and try to sort out the party. He has the longest relationship there and should put his foot down. Regardless of who's paying its your party. As far as the invites, look at the bright side! (yes there is one) because she messed up so badly that is your excuse to have to resend correct (albeit better) ones
  12. I feel that if this is who you and your FI are, meaning your personality is carefree and non traditional, your guest know this and will enjoy the relaxed feeling of it. From the sounds of your plans it sounds like it will be loads of fun. Your day, your wedding, your way!
  13. I'm definately in. I need all the help I can get. My first dress appt is Oct 24th.
  14. LOL. I remember voting for the lace dress. Good luck in selling it!
  15. That's so sad. This is the summer of death for Hollywood
  16. I went to a wedding where the hor d'oeuvre's were doritos, cheetos and lays, on a paper plate
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