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Everything posted by damaris

  1. I looove it. As far as budget I'm the wrong one to ask since I have no concept of the word. LOL But yes the dress is gorgeous!!!
  2. Thank you so much for the quick responses. I will definetely reach out to Jill
  3. Hi ladies my date is a little over a year away but I want to start looking into travel agency's to help my guests. I am sending my STDs in July. Has anyone ever used Destinationweddings.com? Or does anyone have a travel agency they'd like to recommend? I'm based out of NYC. Thanks
  4. Ladies I thought of dancing to Mi Nina from El Torito the bachata version (I'm Dominican) but that is a love song not a father daughter song he sings about being in love with a younger girl. I am actually using Bendita La Luz By Mana with Juan Luis Guerra. My stepdad is who I'm dancing with and I'm grateful he came into my life so the words are so perfect
  5. I went to a DW where flip flops were given and yes most everyone used them. It becomes a lil tedious because of the sizing situation, but what she did was ask us the sizes on the RSVP's. I personally plan on doing flip flops.
  6. Well glad to hear that you decided on a resort other then Gran Bahia Principe. I went there for a wedding last November amd although the resort is beautiful, the food was horrible, and I was not the only guest complaining. Let's just say that whenmy FI and I got to the airport we were so happy to see a Wendy's. LOL
  7. Everything looks real good. Great job! I love your dress, especially the back
  8. The pics look nice. The cake looks amazing. They did a real good job, if it tastes how it looks. Yummy!!!
  9. I love it!!! How cool all the pig stuff that was a real smart spin on things. You guys look so happy
  10. My moms plasma "died" last week and she took it to a repair center, come to find out certain plasma's have this gas or liquid (don't quote me) it's like the halogen lights, well anyways it runs out and they have to replace it. The repair guy told us that it runs out every couple of years. It runs out faster when you leave the TV on all day which is what my mom does. Good luck!!
  11. Teesha the you look so beautiful in your pics. Congratulations
  12. Welcome to the site. You will find this site very helpful. I am getting married in Cancun BECAUSE of the night life. I am originally from the DR and have attended weddings there and in Cancun by far I had a better time at the Cancun weddings. Also I chose Dreams Cancun because it is kid friendly. I have a 10 year old son and a huge family with lots of kids after visiting Dreams 2 weeks ago I was sold. Hope this helps and good luck in your planning.
  13. So how funny is it that I work out in these ladies studio, and it is soooo expensive, I justify it because I love the way I look and feel. I'm so glad you found this sight and shared it with us. Now I can scale back to once a week
  14. I love the candle holders!! I can see the quest fighting over who gets to take them home
  15. Congrats on going forward with your wedding. Have lots of fun and enjoy !!!!!
  16. yeah Kelly is nuts but so is Ramona that's why they get along so well. It hurts me to watch Ramona she fidgets so much I think she's gonna break something.
  17. I don't know if this will help but I just came back from Cancun yesterday and here is some info that I received from people that work and live in Cancun. As far as the drug cartel and the kidnappings Cancun's hotel area is a strip much like South Beach so if something were to happen there are only 2 points of exit and both are manned pretty well by cops. Albeit there still are plenty of petty drug dealers at night hanging by the clubs they are really not looking for trouble. As far as the flu virus honestly we had no idea this was going on till I turned on the TV on Saturday night and so it on CNN. We got there Wednesday. Also I was preparing myself for a complete Q&A once we got to customs in NY but they didn't even check our bags. All they did was give us a memo pretty much saying to stay home if we felt ill. I feel if it was that serious customs would have been a lot harder on a full flight from Mexico. Lastly most hotels, Dreams is one of them, house there employees on a property off site. These employees only go to THEIR homes on forlough once a month, otherwise they are on site the rest of the time. So that eased my mind a little as far as the virus spreading from employee to quest.
  18. Hi Diana it's me Damaris, we met at dreams this weekend. I was there with my fiance Omar. We spoke by the pool. I also have been telling people that it's not that bad out there, especially in Cancun.
  19. I just got back from Cancun yesterday and I can say that the media has finally found something other then the recession to talk about. Ladies I had no issues whatsoever and I believe if it was that serious they would have had us checked at customs here in the U.S. they didn't even check our bags. Also I spoke to the workers at the hotel (Dreams Cancun) and he explained that the outbreaks are not only far away but most hotels in Cancun house their employees on sight. In other words they live on the resort for a month and go home on forlough after so no worries
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