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Everything posted by celticgirl

  1. I absolutely hate the way mine looks lol. I have always hade a REALLY long name (29 letters), and I will be going down to 19 letters, it just looks so odd to me....
  2. I didnt have to pay shipping, I asked for 37, then asked for 10 more, and neither of those I paid a cent for... Im not sure if they come out with new ones, my wedding is in January, and I already got mine.... All of the things in it were pretty basic and not going to change, like landmarks etc... so I would imagine you are pretty safe.
  3. What was the dollarstore called, was it a dollarama or an everything for a dollar store.... I wouldnt mind checking out the ones here to see if I can find some! That is a good idea!
  4. Wow! Great job tori! I am SO jealous about your shopping trip, I may have to go out and cross the border... I am just kind of out of the way so it makes that trip difficult!
  5. I was worried about weight too, BUT, most couples can pack into one suitcase, and I asked if I could use their extra. My mom and dad are jaming into one, because they dont need to bring as much as us, and I am having the extra, same with my FI parents and aunt and uncle. I have my little boy to pack for as well, meaning diapers and food are a must.... so that will take up a big chunk of my suitcase, I think I am going to need about 4 to get all of mine, my fi, and my son's stuff to Jamaica, along with the OOT's. It seems like SO much... Also, check into the price on extra baggage, I know that for one extra bag it is something around 25.00 for us... so it is worth it for me to just pay the 25.00 and pack an extra one!
  6. Wow awesome thread, super detailed!!! Do you mind me asking the contact info for the serongs, and also, would you mind sharing how cheap you got them?? I need around 40 of them
  7. I got mine online from studiosuits.com, they have prices online.... if you shop online just hit "checkout" and they usually give you a total with tax and shipping... I paid 149.00 (taxes and shipping included) for my FI linen suit.
  8. Most of this stuff has been covered by other people, but my to do list is as follows: Photoshare cards Reserved sign for parents seating at ceremony place cards Bridesmaid & Parents cards (Thank-you's) timeline/weekend events FInish OOT welcome letter / bags Menu Guest book(I am doing a martha inspired guest book where I am glueing mini envelopes to a scrapbook and the guests can put a little note in each envelope, I saw another bride post it and I fell in love) Programs Paper Lanterns (We are doing the floating lanterns as seen on the movie tangled) Last but not least: Teaching my son to walk, I want him to walk me down the isle alongside my dad =) He will only be 13mos, so we need to work (without pushing him) on getting him to walk lol.
  9. So, My son is approaching 7 months in 10 days... (man how time flys) and still NO teeth... the last 4 months he has been teething, is that nuts?!?!? it sure is driving me nuts.
  10. I think they are amber necklaces.. I could be wrong.
  11. I just stole most of your playlist.... On a side note, is anyone else finding this extremely hard?! Theres SOOO many great songs. I think that for the party, I will just throw EVERYTHING I have on one big playlist and hit "shuffle" lol.... then I dont have to choose which ones I like best
  12. Don't they just seem so... bare?? lol, I have a survival kit, some hand sanitizer out side of the survival kit, first aid kits, tissues, a tour guide, all of my welcome information and itineraries etc... a shot glass, and it just seems so bare, the kids ones are better because I got them snorkle gear from dollarama and water guns and beach balls.. I was thinking of getting beach balls for the guests too because they come in packs of 2 at the dollar store and I can just seperate the two... so .50 each.... I definately like your face cloth idea, but ours comes with them... Pashmina's are ok, but I cant see any of my friends using them and I cant find them for less than 5, maybe ive just given up on the extent of searching I am willing to do for items lol, especially now that my wallet has swelled up and I have pretty much met my budget... lol That actually IS a great Idea, maybe I will hold off and see what happens... If I go, then great, and if I dont... well whatever lol. do you have any store reccomendations that you specifically bought from?? Thanks =)
  13. I totally agree with you about all of that, the ONLY reason why I was going to even consider it, is because I got my tote bags today, and it looks like I have nothing in them lol.... So I was thinking, hmm what can I get to put in them that will take up a ton of space to make them seem more full?? Do you have any ideas?? Id love some advice.
  14. Has anyone found any beach towels?? I am looking for something reasonably priced.... well... I admit, I am being unreasonable by wanting to spend like 2.00 a towel ahahaha, but seriously, has anyone ffound something 5.00 or below?? either online or at a store... I saw old navy had them on for 3.00 each, but we didnt have enough room to pack 65 of them
  15. I LOVE these plates! I am not sure if it will make it without something holding it down though, maybe I could rig something up!
  16. Mine are inside my welcome book (I borrowed the welcome book from someone else, and dont mind the typos, I have not proof read it yet )... but I made the meet the guests section myself, so if you browse through to the back you can see it. I changed the names for privacy reasons and took out where we met, but the general layout is there for you to change around and play with if you want. I still havent finished mine as I am waiting for some other details and photos from guests, and a schedule from my WC, but here ya go! OH one last thing, these pages are meant to be cut in half and printed out back to back, so the order is kind of weird, do a print of my template first to see how the pages are laid out when they print (print double sided) so that you know where you want your information to go... I didnt do that first, and ended up changing everything around!!! welcome booklet with guests.ppt
  17. Wow, you looked stunning!! Congrats on the wedding! You will have such beautiful pictures to last a lifetime!!!
  18. oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this great find.
  19. These looked so great! I am including both a lanyard and a wrist coil for mine! Gives them an option lol.
  20. So creative on the wording!!! I wish I was going to YOUR wedding lol, wonderful bags!
  21. Everything looks amazing!! You are going to have a blast, I LOVE the paper lantern cluster!
  22. I had not heard of this site! Thanks for sharing - I do not have any jewelry, OR a headpiece, so I will have to take a look!!!
  23. I had the same problem, it also says "lowest room category" meaning, not the ocean view rooms! It sucks, I have 60+ people book, and I got 2 free rooms when it was supposed to be one free for every 15 (4 free rooms), but, we arent all booked in the same room catagory so I got the short end of the straw. In response to the main question, TAKE IT AND RUN- I did! and I would again! and again! and again! its YOUR day, it might be costing them 1500 or so to come, but its costing you 10-20 grand to HAVE a wedding.... it was their choice to come (they could have said no) and they were fully aware of the price when booking.... 40 bucks off their trip would have meant nothing compared to you getting free trips!
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