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Everything posted by janapana

  1. roo, you makes i larf!!! my OH is still refusing to do anything about looking for a suit, i was holding off on getting Mia´s dress sorted until he´d sorted himself out, but i found this dress on the debenhams website, only 35quid. bargain! Most importantly she likes it and it it matches the purple roses that i bought her, have been looking at making her a bouquet and i think it might just be within the realms of my limited diy skills! so now i have this for mia, little man jacob has his beige and cream outfit, so OH will just have to fit in with the rest of us. Lets not forget who is truly important in all this..... ME!!!!
  2. roo, thanks for that, will have a look, that might make my life a lot easier! nicy, love love love your bag!............ ironing? are you mad? just take them off the line, give em a shake and stuff them back in the wardrobe... life´s too short!
  3. arrrr there´s another thing i hadn´t thought of yet.... there´s only about 25 of us going, so hopefully everyone can sort themselves out.... don´t know what the table layout will be, maybe i´ll print out names and take them just in case!
  4. your wedding looked great, and you looked stunning in your dress! Congratulations.
  5. Has anyone read "The God of Small Things?" by Arundhati Roy? It was awesome! couldn´t put it down!
  6. Have just gone on my first run since forever! I think the last time i went to the gym was maybe 5years ago? Don´t know what came over me, but finally decided to go for it, spurred on by OH. I only went a couple of kilometers, it´s a trip to my daughters school that usually takes 20 min each way walking, took 30min altogether, half walking half running, time will tell how much i hurt tomorrow!!!!
  7. Welcome home! Did you have withdrawal symptoms from us?!?! Can´t believe what a bitch your MIL is, you are a stronger person than me though, i would be sorely tempted just to tell her to F*CK OFF. maybe after your wedding?! One of my best friends had very similar trouble with her MIL who thought my friend was no-where near good enough for her precious son. My friend sat on it and bit her lip for years until it all exploded..... the night before the wedding! very very messy but extremely amusing too. A few years on and my friend has absolutely nothing to do with her MIL now, she is one nasty manipulative cow-bag, but at least her son has realised it too. Good luck!
  8. Afternoon ladies, what is the world coming to when you´re so busy at work you can´t spend your time playing on´t´interweb! We´re so busy at work at the moment i had to have my 9 year old daughter in to help get the restaurant ready for evening service... slave labour! Today is my day off tho, so i put in a request last night from OH not to be disturbed when he takes our 2 yr old to nursery this morning, and when i wake up... surprise surprise it´s one in the afternoon. Love it. (about time tho, working til 2am then getting up at 7 is killing me!) So i´ve spent the last hour catching up on what everyone´s doing on here, ordering stuff from amazon and vistaprint.... which led me to my next question.... does mexico use the same plugs as usa? I was looking at travel adaptors but not sure what to get. I got some silk flowers delivered yesterday off ebay, to make my daughter Mia a bouquet. I got purple roses and green orchids, got to get some white lillies next, but i´m not happy with them though, they look blatantly fake (durr), and i´ve yet to work out what to do with them, got a feeling it´s not going to be as easy as it looks..... Anyone know when Louise gets back? I can´t wait to hear all about it and see her pictures.
  9. What a gorgeous place for your ahr josie, that is something i´ve not even looked into yet! Going to have one in sheffield and one in spain, but going to have to wait a couple of months to save up some pennies after mexico! Probably going to wait til summer next year for the spain one, that way we can have an outside party hopefully bbq, swimming pool, foam pit, bouncy castle for the kids, just a big piss up in bikinis really...... like i said we need to save up! glad your new job is going well so far, must be wierd being the new girl.
  10. Gorgeous planning thread, your flowers look amazing.
  11. I´ve just designed this t-shirt on vistaprint for the day after the wedding, I know the inlaws won´t approve, but it´s just a joke, right? (I don´t do ironing!)
  12. hiya, welcome to the forum. enjoy planning your wedding, there´s heaps on here that you probably never knew you needed!
  13. Do you have someonelse going who can help you out with this? In the past i have had problems with my future inlaws, who are a bit on the loud and irritating side themselves, to put it mildly!, and my brother has been a superstar, helping to diffuse the situation, sort of acting as a middle man/ party organiser, so when he can see i´m getting stressed he intervenes and directs the attention somewhere else! Also over the years i have learned that where FI´s family is concerned, i have to use the chinese water torture drip drip drip effect to get fi to understand things from my point of view, (rather than just saying "your dad´s an arse, he´s doing my head in" - although i did try that at first, it made things worse!!!) now FI knows when his family are winding me up and tries to rein them in himself. (i also warn my friends in advance, and they sometimes help me out like my brother, or at the very least, know to laugh rather than take offense.) good luck
  14. Wow what a gorgeous dress! I agree with the others, maybe the orange or the pink colour. It looks looks like there´s a khaki in there too? but a bright colour would be much more tropical..... what colour flowers were you thinking of having?
  15. Hi Girls Can someone tell me, can i get bubba kegs/ thermal cups in the walmart in Playa? And is walmart just like a big supermarket? English girls, is it like tesco and asda where you can buy EVERRYTHING? There´s loads of stuff i´d like to have for decoration, but there´s no way i can pack it all in our luggage and still have room for any clothes! So if I can buy it once i get there cheap enough that would be great. Cheers peeps
  16. we're just giving everyone who comes to mexico a thermal travel mug and not bothering with the oot bag. (not enough luggage allowance). i wanted to give people something they'll use. Then we're getting maracas for everyone for the actual wedding day. The only think i'm stuck on now is a gift for my mum and dad to say thankyou.
  17. roo i love the shania song, makes me go goosey. and you can never have too much cheese. going to book myself into the mac counter next time i come back to sheffield. better save up some pennies! could do it here, but "less is more" does not apply in spain, the ladies on the makeup counters look like they put their makeup on in the dark!
  18. oh i´ve just booked our flights from alicante to manchester (and back again!) for the day before we fly to mexico, it´s suddenly made it seem so much more real. now, i just have to hope that you lot don´t have any excessive snow like you did last year!
  19. roo66 how exciting, i think the hair extensions are a great idea! Think i might do the same, then can scrape the frizz back and let the fake do the work! Did the MAC lady give you a step by step guide as to how to get your makeup right? I love MAC, but i look like a drag queen with makeup on, can´t seem to get it right.... an idiots guide would be great! I´m not doing OOT bags either, got far too much stuff to take as it is, so i´m going to get everyone a thermal travel mug, give it to them all as they arrive (want to get them something they might actually use!), and then just get maracas for everyone when we get there as a wedding favour. You must be getting so excited!
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