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Everything posted by janapana

  1. I just love buying things i know i don´t really need! Food and petrol shopping does not give me the same buzz!
  2. initially what i was going to do was agree a logo for more than one of us, get them shipped to the uk, then pay the extra for the person in the uk to ship them to me in spain. the minimum on 4imprint.co.uk was an order of 50, works out less than 3quid per mug.
  3. I know, i´ve been wearing them around the apartment, stomping around like a tranny.
  4. ok girls, i´m going to get some travel mugs as wedding favours, decided to get something people might actually use! i´m just bumping this up to make sure that no-one else wants to order any, cos if not i´ve found an ebay seller to get them from!
  5. These are my beautiful pink shoes that i absolutely cannot walk in!
  6. thanks! i could have spent a fortune while i was back, I have high hopes for october, thinking 20kg of hold luggage, 10 kg hand luggage, whole new wardrobe!!!!! Oh i love shopping!
  7. thanks nicy, i´m such a numpty! anyway there´s my shoes, i´m clumping round the apartment in them as much as possible to try to get used to walking in heels, but i´m still walking like a tranny. my downstairs neighbour must love me! not sure about the tattoo on my foot, does not look terribly classy, but what can you do?! At least the others are hidden! Also, my feet are not really on backwards, i was trying to show the shoes from both angles!
  8. shoes! oh no, can we not photobucket on here now? someone help!
  9. OOOOOHHHHH also, is it Louise´s wedding today, she was 30th july wasn´t she? HAPPY WEDDING DAY LOUISE!!!!!
  10. hiya, josie, love your fans, nicy love your shoes. Everyone else, i am cursing your inlaws as we speak! nicy, thanks for the emails, got them all, i love the lillies and roses..... getting myself a bit more organised, ordered some orchids and roses from ebay (my daughter Mia is allergic to heaps of pollens, so going to make her a bouquet of flowers to take with us, and a bout for Jacob.) And i bought my shoes, will get a pic on here as soon as i find my phone..... but they are sooooo gorgeous, far too high as i live in flip flops, so will prob break my neck or ankle, and the best bit is they were 20quid from new look. So glad i went back to sheffield for the weekend, but it´s made me realise how much good stuff you´ve got in the shops over there. Maybe another little trip back to the uk..... with a bigger suitcase this time!
  11. Ah, girls i spent the first 4 years hating OH's family, all i do now is spend as little time with them as possible, easier for me cos we're in spain, but then harder when they come out to visit! I've made it clear that they're his family, not mine, and that any interference is not welcome (when i had jacob they knew everything about everything and never hesitated to tell me i was bringing him up wrong, FFIL even pushed me away from the pram once, with a "shift, i'm pushing". yeah, i went mental..... anyway, not entirely sure how 2 weeks in mexico will go, but it's my wedding and i will not let anyone ruin it. my dad has an excellent saying "SAY NOTHING, THINK BOLLOCKS" i use this a lot when they're doing my head in. by the way, they try to show equality to my kids, but if money is given out, MY daughter mia gets about half of what OUR son Jacob gets........
  12. LOUISE!!!!! Good luck! Hope i haven't missed you, (what's it coming to when you're so busy at work you can't get on the internet!?) Will be thinking about you, have a fantastic time, can't wait to hear all about it!
  13. Haha love your desk louise..... are you doing any work today?! What have you got left to do with your next couple of days before you go? Apart from bouncing around like an over-excited tweenie!
  14. nmurch, I love your flowers! I'd like to get real touch ones done, but there's no way i'll have the room to get them to mexico! Tara, I pretty much do nothing but think about flowers!!!!! I'm even boring myself now! I love orchids, but i know they're really expensive, thought about taking some fake ones with us, but like i said above, no room! I know i want pink purple and white, reckon i'm just going to have to chill out for the next 5 1/2 months and see when i get there!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Woodsylou I am a bundle of nerves today, i am litterally living on kalms! three days more of work and that's it! YAY! i had my school friends and my Moh round yesterday for a cream tea (finger sandwiches, cake, champagne, tea etc) and i put my dress on for them to see and my shoes and jewellery and my MOH and my mum both put thier outfits on too! it was all so nice! feels sooooooooo real!! MMMMMMMM cream tea! That is a great idea! I'm so excited for you, makes it seem more real for all of us i think.
  16. nicy, we went to party in the (car)park with my family last night, there's a massive fiesta in one of the local towns, the average age was at least 60 i reckon! now i'm stuck at work wanting everyone to bugger off home, and instead i'm making cocktails..... it's sunday night people, go home!
  17. Vicki, love the dress! Josie, congrats on the job offer, that´s great great news! Becaj welcome. And a v happy sunday to the rest of you lovely ladies. We went to a most bizarre party in a car park last night, 400 pensioners livin' it large.....
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by debbmach you don't have to worry too much...I just like to get things done early and I had ppl asking me for details about the wedding before I even sent out the invites, so it kind of pushed me to do things early! Lists are a good idea though...before you know it the summer will be gone and xmas will be here and after that....is our weddings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha, i´ve spent about 4 hours surfing the internet today, i´m sure i could have been doing something more useful..... shopping for shoes maybe? Now there´s a thought!
  19. Yep, i feel your pain!!!!! We went shopping last week to find suit for OH, he wants suit trousers and waistcoat, no jacket, and possibly a coloured shirt..... hmmm not sure about that myself. anyway, we went all around the shops, department stores, etc, no-where has suits with a waiscoat this time of year, and i couldn´t even tie him down to a colour! I can´t sort out my daughters dress until he decides if he´s wearing a coloured shirt or not, cos i´d quite like us all to match! Now he´s saying he´s going to wait til he flies back to the uk for a wedding in NOVEMBER, to buy the whole lot..... we get married in january. NO WAY; NOT HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!
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