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Everything posted by janapana

  1. Hiya girls, I have just started what feels like my20th diet of the year..... I have absolutely no willpower!  However, i´ll be going to get measured for my final dress fitting in a month or so , so i need to get these last 7 kgs / 16lbs off!  I´ve ordered the 30 day shred from amazon, and hopefully i will stick my diet this time for more than one week.... my biggest problem is beer (oh yeah, bread and chocolate don´t help either!). When i finish work i always have a couple of beers, then bang goes the will power and i stuff my face when i get home... not helped by the fact that OH can eat whatever he wants and stay as skinny as a racing snake.  My new leaf was turned over last night, and so far today i´m doing good, i know it´s only half a day but you´ve got to start somewhere right? Fingers crossed for tonight, when my boss says, 'would you like a beer jo?' i´ll say NO!!!!! Â
  2. Â Â We have photos! YIPPEE!!! Â You look absoluely stunning Louise.
  3. That´s excellent news. It surprises you who goes and who doesn´t. My two best friends can´t make it, for a variety of non-existent reasons, yet two of my customers from the bar are coming. Evidently i invited the whole bar on world cup night! Still... the more the merrier eh?  I´m going to stick vitapointe on my list for my october trip back to uk, my hair looks like straw.
  4. Amy you are actually a genius! Thanks so much for the help, I wouldn´t have had a clue what to do here but now i´ve got it ready to go on vistaprint. Thankyou! labels for glasses RB.doc
  5. Nicy i LOVE those photo frames..... i may steal that idea and make it my own!  I think you´re right about the luggage thing, for me i´d take 5 suitcases and just pay for it. however OH would definitely not agree and i can do without him bitching about how much luggage we´ve got! who am i kidding, we always argue when we pack to go on holiday because i take so much stuff! Â
  6. love your rings, and your dress.... and the bm dresses.... well, everything really ¡!
  7. They´re great Josie, think it´s a good idea about not having your names all over them, if we can fit it in luggage we´re going to do thermal travel mugs as gifts ( but give them straight away so they can get use from them.) but i´m either going to do a removeable sticker on them, so they´ll use them afterwards, or a general mexico 2011 one. biggest problem will be getting them in the suitcase and still being able to pack any clothes. is anyone else stressing about luggage allowance?
  8. I feel your pain! I'll be taking as many pairs as i can wedge into my case, although i've seen quite a few times on this forum that people mainly wear flat sandals and flip flops when they're there....
  9. love it! Â I'd never do anything about it cos Antony is my soul mate, but yeah, the menu looks good!!! Â
  10. Beautiful baby, and a beautiful name, Congratulations.
  11. Oh i loved shadow of the wind too, didn't know there was a second, haven't heard of the dragon tattoo series, have to have a look-see.
  12. cool will add you thanks  Nicy i wish we could do a site visit too, i've never even been to mexico or the caribbean come to that, so we're going blind!
  13. Just seen this and it made me laugh! We have a delivery guy from the brewery who is just GORGEOUS and whenever he comes in i turn into a giggling teenager and start tripping over stuff that isn't there! No harm innocently appreciating the male form.... me and FI agree that it's ok to window shop as long as we don't buy anything.... (and my delivery guy is so very very handome!) Â
  14. Welcome home Louise! Can't wait to hear all the details and see the pics.  roo, hope your mum is ok, happy shopping! are you going to do a planning thread?  Michelle, take no shit!  Nicy, the package was Jacobs shoes and a toothbrush that I left at my friends this weekend. rubbish, got all excited for nothing  Got a couple of brooches (sp?) to put on mine and Mia's flowers, and just bought clothes yesterday, not that i need more clothes but cannot resist a bargain. But at least one of the dresses i got i can take to mexico!
  15. Morning ladies! I am off to do a wee bit of shopping today, maybe look for some bridal jewellery, more likely just to take advantage of the sales.... i´m sure it´s stuff i´ll be wearing in mexico! i´ve got a notification from the post office saying i´ve got a(nother) parcel to collect, and i can´t think for the life of me what it can be. my invites went into the post from the usa on sunday, Mia´s dress was only ordered monday, and i ordered vista print stuff on the 6th, so maybe it´s that, although that´d be pretty fast delivery! or maybe i´ve ordered so much stuff recently i´ve just forgotten! ¡¡¡¡YAY!!!!! have a great day, it´s raining here for the first time in months...... LOVELY
  16. I love number one, especially as it´s sea glass. I like no3 too, but 1 is the most bridal i think!
  17. i know, i'm starting to panic cos it feels like i've got no time left to sort anything out, which is ridiculous really cos i still have 5 months, but i am the world's biggest procrastinator! the main thing i have to do is stop eating so bloody much! i wanted to be all nice and skinny for september for when i go for my dress fitting... i thought with summer being so hot, and being so busy at work that the weight would just drop off me! Maybe it would if i stopped drinking beer and eating all the time.....
  18. hahahaHA josie, you get a booth at a chavvy club! you´re going to have to get LASHED to get through that one! we went to a hen do in blackpool once, everyone told me it´s the vegas of england..... wrong wrong and wrong again, it´s got to be one of the worst weekends i ever had, i got so bollocksed, just to get through it that i lost the sight in one eye for a couple of days afterwards (though i had a brain tumor, but no, just too much booze!) Surely it won´t be that bad! Kiwimel, i reckon just give your guests as much info as you can, and they can make their own decisions about what´s cheapest for them, some of our guests have used the same travel agent as us, some have used tinterweb, and some have done it direct with resort. When Louise gets back from mexico she´ll be able to help you, cos she got married july 30th at the moon palace.
  19. We´re not having hen or stag do´s, just going to go out on the lash a couple of nights before we get married. Then when people come out for the spain party, it´ll just be one whole weekend of party!
  20. cheers. little miss mia is happy so that´s the main thing..... 9 is the new 15!
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