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Everything posted by janapana

  1. also meant to say, if there is a spare lucky 6p knocking around between 3rd jan and 22nd can i borrow please?
  2. Â sounds like a lot, what you could always do is order some, then once you have they immediately offer you more for free, you only pay the postage. Â lyndsey, my OH suggested a swear box, there's no point, i'd have no wages left!
  3. Just seen your new pictures louise, gorgeous! thanks for all the info, will add to my list(s). Â Yer, those flowers are fake. just got to get some ribbon to tie them up with!
  4. yeah, the shipping thing... been to have my friend look at it, i have 3 options 1- drive to Madrid 2- pay an agent to do all this for me 3- do it electonically through the post office. (i think)  another friend is going to talk to his postman for me as option 3 is the best option, fingers crossed. i tell you what tho, i am never buying any thing from outside the EU again.  on the plus side, our luggage tags, pens and my W.I.F.E t-shirt arrived today.. The pens and tags look great, but i´m really disappointed with the t-shirt..... it´s HUGE. have emailed vista to complain. i know it´s only a joke t-shirt, but still, i´d like to wear it at least once.  These are the pens and luggage tags, excuse the middle one, i can´t persuade my camera to take close ups today! Â
  5. i get that all the time from antony, "when are you turning the light off, it´s too bright i can´t sleep" DURR you´ve just been snoring for the past hour, dozy sod!
  6. I feel your pain josie, i´m taking myself off to bed to try and ignore the hunger pangs. tried my wedding dress on last week and i can just about do it up, but can´t breathe. big disadvantage. it´s highly fitted around the bust and waist and nicely accentuates my pot belly. i joined weight watchers this sat to bully myself into losing this extra stone that i seem to have accumulated somehow.  nothing is simple in this country, but i have a friend here who lived in cuba then barcelona so is superfluent, and i´m hoping she will sort this out for me. fingers crossed.  lyndsey, please excuse my foul mouth! it comes from working in a very rough bar, i´m actually a very nice girl!!!!
  7. hiya, think it´s going ok so far, i´m trying to figure out when i´m still hungry or just plain greedy. haven´t had any beer since i started so that´s got to be a good thing!
  8. OOH meant to say, I got an urgent letter from the post office in Madrid today, telling me a parcel has arrived for me from the States, it´s my boarding pass invitations. I got all excited until I actually read the letter which told me that because the USA is not in the EU, i´ll have to pay importation tax before I can get them, so would i like to go to Madrid to pay this? Um.... NO! Madrid is about a 5 hour drive away. Nob-jockeys. Â
  9. Roo, poor you. What a bag of shite so close to your wedding. I don´t know how you keep your temper, I´d have told the little f*cker not to bother coming. (but as you may have guessed, there is a fault with the tact/diplomacy valve in my brain)  I´m with you, I love going to work just to get a break from the kids.  Good luck getting everthing sorted, get yourself pissed-up after work so the main thing you´ve got to worry about is your hangover tomorrow.  Big virtual hug coming to you from Spain. xx
  10. too true. could be cos we're all a teenytiny bit wedding obsessed! Â Thanks for input on bling girls, think i may have a little flutter on ebay when i get home.
  11. ah well, didn´t get too far with the lists, the urge to spend money over took me so i started looking at bridal jewellery. so far i LOVE the one you wore louise, but i also like these two, just not sure if they´re too blingy? y?...
  12. I´ve decided that rather than clean the apartment or do any exercise, i´d try and put all my lists on to one list..... been in a shopping frenzy this last week, so feel like i´m actually getting somewhere.... trouble is, i´ve found lists i made maybe 3 months ago that have all sorts of good ideas that i´d forgotten! = more shopping! (someone needs to take my credit card away!)
  13. Grrrr.... I started weight watchers online yesterday. Because i´ve paid for it i will hopefully not let myself down this time. Day one went rather well, except for the glass of cava i had after i´d been on the cross trainer - but you need to put nutrients back in after you´ve exercised.(????) I´ve realised another problem i have is finishing the kids food and/or eating it off their plates while they´re having it! "One for you, one for me" style! Oh dear will really have to work on that will power.
  14. hiya everyone, i have joined weightwatchers online today. the last time i did it was after i had my first baby, 9years ago, and it worked a treat then, so fingers crossed this time! my main problem is that i love my beer/cava too much! i´d like to lose 19lb, we get married jan 12th so i know i´ve got plenty of time, but if i don´t start now i´ll find myself in november facing xmas and new year on a crash diet!
  15. And lets be honest Nicy, a girl can never have too many handbags..... Â (or shoes)
  16. hahaha i feel your pain! when i start a diet i´ll say to FI.... don´t let me eat any chocolate..... then a couple of days later he´ll come into the kitchen to find me stuffing my face and say 'stop it, you said you´re on a diet' and i go 'DON´T YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN´T EAT!!!!!!'
  17. Haha, thanks! that´s about as far as my creativity goes though.  Louise i´ve just been looking at your planning thread to see where you got your jewellery, is it lobsterlove.co.uk?
  18. Did you take your own makeup? Can i buy this mineral stuff in the shops? And is there anything on the planet that can stop my chin from sweating?????
  19. Gorgeous bag, they obviously know you too well!  I have spent an hour trying to put together Mia´s flowers, and i think i´m getting there, planning to make button hole for Jacob and the dads, and maybe corsages for the mums..... or not! Then hopefully the hotel can match these flowers for my bouquet, and if not i´ve bought some spare purple roses and green orchids so i´ll get all white, and poke some in myself! Â
  20. This is a starter pic of what i´m aiming for for my bouquet. It´s what i´ve done for my daughter (so far), i plan on doing button-holes for the blokes and corsages for the ladies..... Hopefully the hotel will be able to do something close for me and FI, but to be on the safe side i´ve bought extra green orchids and purple roses, so if i have to i´ll order all white flowers and stick the other bits in myself! Â
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