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Everything posted by kkimi88

  1. Wow, this is fantastic! I absolutely love it!! Wish I could do a similar one for DR etc.! Fantastic!!!!
  2. After spending the best part of my Sunday afternoon trying to make my monogram (from scratch) I'm still not sure about it... Any advise or opinions would be greatly appreciated!!
  3. they look great! At first I was really confused by the 'wedsite' and was gonna make sure you'd noticed the typo. Then my brain kicked into gear and it clicked lol- I love it . Fab!
  4. I, too, am torn between the nice surprise of giving them to guests at the resort, or giving them to them before-hand so that they can take what they want... it's a tough one really. It does seem less 'special' to just hand them out before hand, but, like you say, a bit of a hassle to lug them all out there (especially if guests are arriving before you...) Sorry I can't be more help but I don't think there's a best answer for this... Kim
  5. Got my first batch of flip flops today (5 pairs for £3!), in preperation for starting this project. Thanks again for the GREAT idea!
  6. A great item! Very excited about creating my own after my makeshift lanyards arrived today!!
  7. Thanks for sharing, ladies. From what I can see you've done a great job! Can't wait to get started on my own, especially as I managed to get a load of pill boxes for 55p the other day. Just waiting for my sticker print paper to arrive now!
  8. Francys, would you mind sending some of the images to me, also? As a part-time photographer, the photos are of paramount importance, so I'd be interested in seeing his work. Email is [email protected] . I'd really, really appreciate it! Many thanks, Kimberley
  9. These are superb! Definitely the best I've seen so far, so the fact that you made them with your own fair hands is really impressive. I'm not a big fan of diamante, so these would be perfect, but that seems to be all I can find transfers in! I do wish we had the store mentioned here in the UK! Great job.
  10. I've really, really enjoyed looking through your thread; your projects look so professional!! I'm v impressed and inspired. Fantastic work! Can't wait for your big day so we can see the finished article/s!!
  11. I hope you don't mind: I've stolen you're 'paradise is...' wording. You've done a great job on these!
  12. Carla, Yeah, when we went we paid about £1200 each and managed to get a free upgrade to preferred due to an offer on Thomson's website so I'm hoping that we manage to get it for a similar price this time! I do worry that by the time dates come out, everyone will suddenly realise how amazing it is there and prices will sky-rocketing lol; the sooner I and family/friends are booked the better! Will be so nice to have a better idea of figures. Like you there are some people who are definites (our parents) and a lot of people where it depends on cost, my best man being one . That's one of the main reasons we're having to have it in the rainy season (:-/), to make it cheap enough for everyone. Other none-term time dates are just WAY too expensive. The price you've been quoted sounds pretty good for four of you, especially in March! We're definitely considering going with Caribbean Warehouse but, like you, worry about extenuating circumstances, especially in this rocky economical climate, before you even get into volcano territory! Bruuning, yeek! That sounds intense! Nice to have someone knows where I'm coming from though! I start my first official year as a high school teacher in September (I've been training for the last year) so come September I'll have zero free time too, and given all the DIY projects I've given myself the idea that I'll only have a few months, despite it being so far off, is terrifying!! Hope we manage to fit in some fun projects alongside all the hard work, I'll definitely be making the most of the next month that's for sure!
  13. I'd love to hear more details regarding the beach gazaebo as it wasn't an option last time I visited. Is it on the patch 'opposite'/ at the beach end of building 7? And how private is it?
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