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Everything posted by DWbridetobe

  1. I have a "I'm The Bride" bag that I picked up at Michael's. In it is my wedding planner, an accordion type file folder, and all kinds of half-started/completed projects. The bag goes with me anytime there's anything remotely wedding-y going on, so that I always have my lists, my projects (in case I see something that can complete them, etc)... and so on. I feel like my wedding planning has taken over my free time... so I'm right there with you! You MAY want to add a 'to-pack' list. I have one, and I've been at Walmart before and seen something that was an AH HA! I need to pack THAT! moment. Just a thought!
  2. The biggest expense of mine were the pocketfolds that we used. However, I got them on sale at paperandmore.com for $60 for 50 of them. Including the paper, pocketfolds, ribbon, etc.. I think I only paid about $100 for them. It took a lot of time to do the design work and cutting, but we paid a fraction of what we would have paid to have them ordered from a professional.
  3. Wow! I love them! The transparent overlay makes them look so professionally done! Great job!
  4. I'm positive that your day will be fantastic! We can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!
  5. Awesome! I'm participating in the starfish passing thread, but I was thinking about adding a few more.. this is perfect for me. Thank you for posting!
  6. I'm so glad things worked out for you. Expecting to pay, and then getting a refund instead takes a HUGE weight off your shoulders!
  7. Ugh. I bought these full price a few weeks ago to put in my OOT bags. Of course they would go on sale! Oh well... time to stock up!
  8. I love it all! Your hair was gorgeous, and I may borrow your pic to show my hairdresser! Thanks for posting this!
  9. Cassie, everything looks AMAZING! I love the getting-ready door-hangars. I'll definitely be "borrowing" that idea! Congrats, and I can't wait to read all about it when you get back!
  10. My confession: After all the flack that FI and I have taken from FMIL about the cost of the resort, I secretly hope she stays at another resort (and has to pay the day-pass fees, as well as rent a car) so that I don't have to deal with her sh*t anymore. In the end, it will end up costing her more, which just proves me right about it all!
  11. Everything looks great. I love the embroidered bags for the girls... so cute!
  12. Thank you for sharing. It looks amazing! I particularly loved your hair inspiration/trial pic(s)! So gorgeous!
  13. Any day works for me with enough notice!
  14. The louder you scream the better it feels!
  15. I can't wait Sarah! It sounds like a fabulous time! Sorry I bailed early ladies... it was so much fun but I had [yet another] early morning.
  16. The paper cutter that I purchased from Staples had the corner rounding tool that I used. It was perfect for what I used it for (invitations, tags, etc).
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