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Everything posted by CaboBride2010

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda Who are you talking about Mike? oops sorry i mean Matt lol
  2. YAY YAY YAY i just started watching the results show and Danny has his wedding ring on maybe he took it off for a shower or something and forgot to put it back on yesterday
  3. I was talking to my FI though about why Danny might not have been wearing his ring and we both agreed that if the producers told him to take his ring off that is so tasteless and terrible and I would really hope they didnt do that. But who do you all think will be voted off tonight? I did not like Mike, Lil and Megan last night! I am hoping Megan gets kicked off! Her song gave me goosebumps, but not the good kind lol, she sounded like finger nails on a blackboard and I think her time is up she just isnt doing well anymore.
  4. yaa I noticed Simon nodding his head too! Danny was amazing tonight and really deserved the credit for how he rocked that song! it is one of my all time favourite songs and I have no clue how he held himself together singing that! he is such a strong man! but also did anyone notice Danny didnt have his wedding ring on tonight? kind of wondering why he took it off..
  5. wow this girl is just BEYOND tacky! if she cant afford her wedding that she wants than either wait like everyone else who saves for a wedding, or just take out a loan! wow i cant believe she thinks this is even close to ok. I would feel dumb showing up to my wedding knowing complete strangers paid for it because I was too bratty or impatient to wait. wow she is up for a rude awakening in life when she learns she is going to have to start paying for her own things.. wow still cant believe somehow has tried something so low...lol i guess there will always be crazy tacky people out there
  6. I feel so bad that your fiance and yourself are being given such a hard time about where you are planning your wedding. There are always going to be people that can't make it to a destination wedding but as much as your brother is coming to you about it I think don't be too harsh on them. Yes your brothers original text to you wasnt right but also I think your wedding is about FAMILY as much as it is about you and your fiance. Sorry if this is harsh but if i was one of the people invited to your wedding and found out you were saying the wedding is only about you and your FI and no one else and you didnt care because others wouldnt remember your wedding in 5 years (which is SO untrue) I would just not go even if I had the money to go. Just such a negative vibe is being given off. I would just tell your brother that he can plan his own wedding one day in the way that he wishes and that you are sorry he feels the way he does but it is hard to please everyone. Just try not to be too negative about it and also I would stay away from saying that no one else matters in the planning of your wedding, I know what you are trying to say but there can be better ways to get that point across. But again sorry that people are being like this to you, wedding planning should be fun.
  7. sorry I definately didnt mean it that way....I truly am sorry it came across that way i just reread what I wrote and I definately apologize...sorry girls
  8. hey ladies I dont remember which part of the forum it is on but we have a huge thread going about this season already
  9. I think he is a good singer and he isnt wierd looking, he looks different and I think its that his eyes seem wierd but its because he is blind. And I am sorry I think it is so arrogant and rude of people to keep saying he is only in this because people feel bad for him, he IS a great singer and there are people in the show that are definately worse than him. Sorry just it is so wrong to keep saying he is in this because he is blind because that is definately not true, there have been others in this show in previous seasons that have other things that could get them lots of sympathy votes and no one knocks them down for it.
  10. some people just turn cruel unfortunately and they never learn how much their hurt others which is the worst! i really hope he opens his eyes and realises that he is putting London in the middle of this and that is not fair at all
  11. omg sweetie im so sorry do you feel comfortable asking why he wont give you the letter? like asking him not someone else? I am so so sorry you are going through this
  12. omg sweetie im so sorry do you feel comfortable asking why he wont give you the letter? like asking him not someone else? I am so so sorry you are going through this
  13. The person that got kicked off is amazing and hasnt had a bad week in my opinion there are so many people other than him that should have gone for sure
  14. omg soooo sad about who got kicked off I really like him ugh
  15. i love that story that is so cute! it suonds like my fiance and my story a little lol
  16. awww I am so sorry you had to let your cat go that must be so heartbreaking BIG HUGS TO YOU!!!!
  17. haha ya i am not the cook in the house either but if i ask FI for something other than what he wants to make for dinner I end up either making it myself (which doesnt happen often) or just eating what he is making
  18. ok so this is my furbaby sorry the picture is a little blurry its hard to get him to stay still i hope it isnt too big..sorry if it is
  19. no he didnt catch it from another cat lol kitty pinkeye made me laugh though its just a random infection that we were lucky enough to get in two cats! bahh oh well its better now and im glad i could fix it at home since the first cat we had that got this ended up with a $800 vet bill for all the tests they put her through. but now i am soooo glad he is better he is such a cute baby ill post a picture of him in a second
  20. ok ok so i FINALLY have a great update ...my vet told us that it sounded like our kitten had something that wasnt serious and to try use the eye drops we had from our other cat who had eye problems...it has now worked and he is all better the vet said just keep up with the eye drops and he should get all better :) apparently the twitching was a pain reaction to his eye having an infection and so his eye started fogging over last night but now it is all cleared up and the twitching has stopped yay!! thank you for keeping me sane and helping me with this ladies!
  21. I think it is a comment you need to let go of to be totally honest. Yes it hurts, but there is no reason to have bad feelings over something that you and your FI and your BIL and his fiance should all be happy about. I was 20 when I got engaged and my family tried to tell me I was too young but to be honest I am totally in love and that is not their decision to make for me. If I know it is what is right in my life than that is what I will do. So please just dont let your BIL bother you about this, and dont make this a contest about who will have the "Best" wedding or anything like that which im sure this could turn into very quickly. It is an exciting time to be engaged and to see other family members get engaged so dont waste that time being angry and bitter with one another. I say just let it go completely, you dont gain anything from being upset about this and you dont need the stress.
  22. i am so sorry you are going through this I am not sure why a benign tumour would be a problem since its not a dangerous tumour however the fear of flying I would say unless he tells you differently on his own that there is another reason that I would be sad he decided not to go but that it is his choice. He may have flown alot in his life but that does not make him prone to developing a fear of flying so dont be too quick to get mad at him. Would it be possible for you to go to coffee with your FMIL to get her out of the house and have you FI spend that time with his dad one on one trying to see if indeed he does have a fear of flying or that something else is bothering him your FFIL may not feel pressured wihtout his wife sitting right there listening and he may open up to his son when he feels he may no upset anyone else. Sorry if that made no sense lol im so tired, but I hope it all works out
  23. knockoffs definately arent illegal, like Jacilyn said its only counterfeit things that are illegal since they are claiming to be the designers product when it isnt. Knockoffs are so popular with everything in life so it isnt that bad. I personally am so happy that companies overseas will make a dress knockoff because I dont think a bride should be limited to what she can buy because of price, because I am sorry no wedding dress is worth $10,000 in my opinion so it is best to go with what you want to get and if that is a knockoff than so be it as long as it makes you happy and glowing on your wedding day who is to judge? But if you arent comfortable buying one that is totally fine too just know its definately not illegal.
  24. ya everyone dont forget that it is on Wednesday and Thursday this week NOT tuesday
  25. I am also a little confused. Are you upset about postponing the wedding or about the other couple getting engaged? If it is about postponing the wedding I totally would be upset but if it means someone close to you will be there then it will definately be worth it but I dont think it is fair to get upset that another couple got engaged. It is not like they are going to get married the same day as you and steal the spotlight. He may have said he would wait but maybe the right time to ask his fiance to get married came up and that is his decision and I dont think he should be made to feel bad because he proposed when he thought it was right. Just my two cents. But sorry for the stress you are going through right before your wedding.
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