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Everything posted by CaboBride2010

  1. ya I definatley think Annie will win too! and ya they definately made that situation look a little worse that it was with Melissa just for the sake of ratings but she had to actually act that way to get it on tape, there is no way she was acting!....but really did she need her Mommy to go get her stuff...she has no respect for Donald obviously because if she did she wouldnt run out of the room like a child after she was fired lol....I cant wait for next week to see if Joan will be there still.....or just to see what Donald says about the whole situation!!
  2. ya I said that to my FI about the Hitler comments, it is just beyond unnecessary and if Melissa wasnt fired tonight I was pretty sure the show was rigged, so I am glad she is finally gone! The Rivers didnt have alot of my respect to begin with but by now im tired of them and their garbage! They always think they are right and Joan drives me nuts with sucking up to people when its good for her and bashing them otherwise! And ya Melissa was so insane tonight, I was thinking Joan quit also tonight by what happened...did she??
  3. oh its insane! Melissa River and Joan River are on it and they make the show so ridiculous!
  4. I am addicted to this show and wanted to know if there is anyone else on here who loves it too?? Tonight was totally insane on the show and I want to know what others think?
  5. wow I am sad at how short an amount of time the information on Victoria was posted on the show I must say I expected atleast a little more than that...
  6. Jacilynda, no alot of my guests are not well-traveled. Most have only gone to Florida in their life, and not even flown there but driven down so this will be a whole new world for them to go to a resort in another country.
  7. ok so pretty much I think I am decided to get married in Dominican now...thank you for the advice ladies and no Ann they wouldnt move from their hometown if there was disease or something bad happening they aren't ridiculous lol, however the fact that I am picking a place for them to stay, I want to pick a place where they have the least chance of worries and concerns I feel a bit better now though thanks
  8. my question though is for people like my grandparents who have NEVER been to any of these places, and watch the news everynight, so they see stories about say the swine flu....are there problems in Dominican that seem to make the 6o'clock news?? that is the things I am worried about... they aren't irrational in their concerns necessarily and have no idea how to use the internet but if something makes the nighttime news they get worried and I dont want them to get worried..
  9. thats true...i just like if there is less likely chance Dominican will be in the news than Mexico...im pretty decided now that I am no longer getting married in Mexico...thanks ladies!
  10. haha that made me feel better what I mean though is problems that are in the media and well known...that they will hear about beforehand without doing much research, if that makes sense. if they get down there and make complaints thats their problem lol
  11. Ok so I have wanted to get married in Mexico for so long, but since I have been on this forum I have noticed brides upset that if they are getting married in Mexico they keep hearing their guests get all upset about the drug problems and now the swine flu. I understand that mostly these are problems that are just inflated by the media to be something they arent, but as a bride I do not want to plan a wedding in Mexico if these problems seem to be in the news frequently and only will cause guests to feel uneasy about booking their travel for my wedding. So my question for brides getting married in the Dominican is do you seem to encounter situations as often or as severe that are making your guests nervous?? I am willing to get married in the Dominican if that means less guests will be coming to me or FI whining about fears and problems that arent as bad as the media makes them, KWIM? its not something I feel like dealing with since my family does tend to worry alot, especially my grandparents! Any advice or experience with this would be great! TIA
  12. I hope this segment on AMW helps! It seems a little too fishy to me that there doesnt seem to be alot of information and for so long wasnt even deemed an abduction.....and yes everytime I see Tori's face on something it breaks my heart
  13. I have been following this on the news and know many people who live in Woodstock and wow has it affected that town and it is so sad I hope they find this little girl soon!
  14. Bea Arthur passed away today at the age of 86 after a battle with cancer I didnt know her other than from Golden Girls but its sad that she has passed away
  15. has anyone heard anything new on this situation it is seemed to drop off the radar, with nothing new on the news lately. So I assumed that everything was worked out. Well, now my friend messaged me that her MIL is VP of RBC Visa and has of course been dealing with all the angry customers who lost money over Conquest going under, the interesting part though is she said there is a papertrail showing Conquest DID pay all these resorts that are now harassing their guests for money!! and some people are still stuck down there from what she has said! My frustration with all this is why isnt the government stepping in and helping?!?! and why is this no longer on the news if people are still stuck there and from what my friends MIL has heard the threats to guests are getting MUCH MUCH more intense and dangerous! So does anyone else know anything new?? I am trying to search for news stories..
  16. hey ladies, im not pregnant, but I thought I would say for all of you who are experiencing morning sickness I saw a thing on the news today saying the more morning sickness a woman has when pregnant, the smarter the baby is later in life maybe this can help the sickness more bareable
  17. **UPDATE** so in the end of this all, I just called my aunt and told her to stop planning the bbq and that I want it all called off. I just have been so upset the past couple days about my dad being invited although originally I was told he wouldnt be, since that is what I asked for. I just havent been able to sleep and have cried a couple times from stress since I want a happy day and in my opinion my dad has no part in being at this party. SO I had a huge heart to heart with my aunt and cousin again and it was like a two hour talk and said if they can respect my wishes of not having my dad there that I would still wantthe bbq but if they want to invite him than just call the party off. So ya they are being so rude and so hurtful in not believing me although I have never lied to them or given them reason to not trust me, so I just said fine its called off. Pretty much said thanks, but no thanks. UGH im so sick so drama I wish it could just disappear
  18. Thanks Andrea, I was checking out that thread, I just thought I'd start one about the wedding
  19. so I havent seen a thread on here about Greys...just wondering how many people are as religious about watching it as I am?? I am so excited for tomorrows episode after it not being on for a month!! I cant wait to see the wedding on the show and how Izzie is doing! Also am I the only one who is so worried about Izzie's health almost like she is a real person I know that is sick in the hospital?? lol
  20. i dont have an answer for this unfortuantely but thought I would ask, if you are date twins how are you tickers two days apart?? lol
  21. that is so interesting about answering as if your phone number is the Police Dept.!! however, i would be scared someone I know would be the person callnig and think I am nuts lol. Has this ever happened to you?
  22. omg maybe im a huge sap but I was kinda emotional when two people were gone tonight it was definately the right two which im glad happened, but its hard to see two people go
  23. I just had a huge heart to heart with my aunt and said I understand that it put my aunt and uncle in an awkward situation but they have to understand I am also put into an awkward situation so we had to come up with a compromise that works for both of us. So after a long talk we made the deal that she can invite my dad and stepmom to the bbq, as long as in future i am never made to feel pressured or guilty for not inviting my dad and stepmom to any wedding related events. So now we have a deal that no matter who throws a party for my FI and I, like a shower or something, that unless I say it is ok with me, my dad and stepmom will not be invited. I think that is fair so I said fine invite him to the bbq. If he is going to show up, I will be given about two weeks notice though, as my cousin si the one inviting everybody and she is going to say she needs answers on who will be there a couple weeks beforehand since she needs to get food and decorations and just needs to organize everything. I am still a little uncomfortable with all this, but I feel alot better i guess.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB If they want to invite them, I would just say something like "thanks for offering to throw the party, but I'll just find another place, I want this to be a joyful day. It's your day, and don't do anything you won't feel comfortable doing. I totally agree that I shouldnt have to do something im not comfortable with. That is why I am so stuck right now because this is the only family member who is able to throw an engagement party for us. I am so grateful that they are having this party since they really dont have alot of money so it makes it that much more special, just I dont like at all how im being cornered. Also what is making me nervous, is to tell my FI that my dad and stepmom are invited because he is already so mad that my family doesnt stand up for me against my dad, so to find out that they are inviting my dad to this im sure my FI will say then we arent going, and I dont want that either. UGH im so torn...
  25. ok so I am in need of advice as I feel my family has cornered me and it is so unfair!! They have planned a engagement party for my FI and I in about a month and it is a big family bbq at my aunt and uncles house. I do not get along with my dad and stepmom and havent spoken to them in almost two years and whenever they come into my life in the past two years they just cause stress and drama, so if I can I try avoid them now. So when talking to my cousin today about the engagement party she was saying that my aunt and uncle (her parents) do not feel comfortable holding a party at their place and not inviting my dad and stepmom. However a couple days ago when the bbq started being planned I said I did not want them invited and my cousin said my wishes would be respected. My aunt and uncle say this is a way to give my dad a last chance to repair things with me before my wedding, however I just do not want the stress of him being there and acting fake towards me like nothing is wrong (which he is famous for doing) or the stress that he could show up and just ignore me and pretend that I do not exist (which he has done alot in the last year or so to me). SO what am I supposed to do?? I feel like since I am not holding the party I cant push who I do and dont want invited. BUT this is a party to celebrate mine and FIs engagement and I dont want the stress of worrying about my dad and stepmom being there. And I feel like its not fair that I was told my wishes would be respected in them not being invited, and now they are pushing that they be invited. what do i do my problem is that i dont want to seem ingrateful and pushy about the party and who is there, but this is a MAJOR issue with my family of how my dad acts towards me and now they are doing this....
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