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Everything posted by CaboBride2010

  1. hey ladies! I am looking to possibly go to California this summer and would LOVE to go to the Ellen Show but have no idea about how it works with getting tickets...is it hard to get tickets I am guessing they are free also but not too sure. Also is it fun to go to or overrated?? I would love some opinions on this as I have never been to a taping of any type of show...also do you get to meet Ellen after the show?? I would love to meet her!! Sorry for all the questions just I love her show and want to know if it is as great an experience to see a show in person as I am hoping... TIA
  2. i think you girls are talking about different "miles" than Air Miles....as far as I know Air Miles is only a Canadian program....maybe I am wrong but as far as I know it is not American...feel free to tell me if im wrong though lol
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 I'm going to my mom about this because it is the principle of the matter...something that happens all the time in our family. The kids that work hard, do well, and don't generally complain or ask for help get nothing while the kids that are not hard-working and aren't grateful get everything (case-in-point my one step brother and my little sister). I haven't really brought it up with my mom in a while because like you said, it won't get me anywhere. It's nice to be able to vent to my BDW ladies about it though. Ok that makes sense sorry I was saying that to be rude I was just asking and now I totally get what you mean by going to your Mom about this, she needs to understand how maybe what she thought was a nice idea came across not so great...but of course we are always here for you to vent
  4. im just wondering, if your Mom has shrugged off the issue when you try bring it up...what are you trying to get out of this by going to your parents about it? I just mean this as will this just cause more stress and cause family fights and in that case is it better to try let it pass as much as it may sting? It may be a fight not worth picking in my opinion
  5. lol i posted this last night so i thought i would bump it up for everyone who is at work right now
  6. My local news station just posted this article! It made me feel better for being on here during work hours. Why Surfing The Net Makes You A Better Employee Thursday April 2, 2009 CityNews.ca Staff Employers, take note. Instead of banning Facebook and YouTube at the office, you should be encouraging their use in small doses. Researchers at the University of Melbourne found people who use the internet at work for personal reasons are about nine per cent more productive than those who don't. In fact, so-called "workplace internet leisure browsing" helped to sharpen concentration. "People need to zone out for a bit to get back their concentration," noted study author Brent Coker. "Short and unobtrusive breaks, such as a quick surf of the internet, enables the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total net concentration for a days' work, and as a result, increased productivity." Most popular among workers: searching for information about products, reading online news sites, playing online games and watching videos on YouTube. "Firms spend millions on software to block their employees from watching videos, using social networking sites or shopping online under the pretence that it costs millions in lost productivity," observed Coker. "That's not always the case." Coker's team surveyed 300 workers who browsed for less than 20 per cent of their workday. People who surf excessively, he pointed out, will be less productive.
  7. lol ok someone else did it too..i was gonna play along lol but thats way too funny! lol
  8. wow that would be frustrating! I would just maybe tell them that if they plan to keep booking that they will not be included in any excursions unless they pay for themselves and that they wont get things like wedding favours since they are already bought. i wonder what people think the RSVP date is for since they never seem to follow it? lol All the brides that have been saying this has happened to them are making me think that when I make my invitations that I will write this is the RSVP deadline and if you decide to book after this date you will not be included in the special activities outside the wedding and won't be getting things like a welcome bag (but in less words lol)
  9. yaa there are some really amazing things to get! like once my mom got that i think like $400 kitchenaid stand mixer for about 2000 airmiles so it was nice since she would never actually buy it for that price lol
  10. hmm im not sure to be honest how it goes for what is the best idea on how to use them for flights...but im sure it depends on the airline and what they think is a "fair" trade...I think its too many airmiles sometimes for only a small discount off flights...but ya if you are sold on using it for a flight i would use it for a more expensive flight that maybe you wouldnt normally spend the money on, KWIM? if you arent sold completely on only using your airmiles for flights though, you can get lots better things with them like appliances or ipods...more material things that you can use over and over
  11. i have to admit when I first read the title for this thread I thought it was about people getting married barely knowing their fiance! lol I was like wow I dont know anyone that has done that but I also am getting married without seeing the resort first and am hoping for the best
  12. i would definately save your airmiles and just pay the full airfare...my FI and I are trying so hard to save up our airmiles because you can get really good things with it if you try be patient (which can be hard) and let the points build...some of the smaller rewards just dont seem worth it to me... sorry for my babble lol I just think to keep your airmiles and save them for something better
  13. oh i totally didnt even clue in that she must be a member on here to see what is written in this thread..haha and "e-stalking" herself cracked me up lol
  14. Ya Megan was definately so stupid and ignorant to say that she didnt care what Simon thinks. She just kissed pretty much any record deals good bye because who would EVER want to sign an up and coming singer who doesnt respect the people trying to help them?! i bet she will wake up today and realise what a huge mistake and fool of herself she made! she obviously knew she was going home but what happened to learning with dignity and maturity?? glad shes gone! lol
  15. she is just creepy if she is finding us on here talking about her and really if she is reading this maybe instead of spending her time on the internet and begging for donations she should go out and get a job....i am pretty sure thats how the rest of us paid for our weddings..newsflash i know! lol LOL ya it is funny how she says BFF after making fun of us writing FI lol
  16. so Jaclyn now that you have seen what happened at the end what do you think of what Simon said?? I was so proud he said what he did...she will get no where talking to people above her the way she talked to Simon
  17. i was joking about it at first but I really think she was acting like she was high tonight...a little creepy really
  18. so you know for sure who it is well dont turn the channel you have to see the end of the show and what happens..
  19. anyways Jaclyn let us know when you see the show so we can actually talk about it lol
  20. ok ill wait til Jaclyn sees this to say anything else but i dont care if that person knew they were going home it doesnt give them the right to act the way they did...im not being a judging ass just embarassed someone would act that way i guess
  21. the person that went home tonight deserved it 1000000% im disgusted with their behaviour beyond belief
  22. are you watching it right now or is it on later for you? im at the point in the show now when I know who the bottom three are
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