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Everything posted by CaboBride2010

  1. thanks Abbie...ya this is such an emotional roller coaster he seems to snap in an out of it so we arent sure what to do...my fiance thinks we will get there and be told nothing is wrong but still have to pay all the test costs.....so torn right now...the last hour or so he has been normal again
  2. thanks for the SPCA info! it is not too far from where I live but they only do spays and neuters it says on the site I am hoping a vet can figure out what is going on though,like just my regular vet i mean
  3. I am trying to find another vet but what is the SPCA? oh I wish my little guy wasnt going through this I feel so bad for him he is finally sleeping right now so that gives me a bit of time to get a vet who can help
  4. ughhh its started up again...not as bad this time but he is starting to twitch a little again....he is still being cuddly which is good but i think its time to call the vet my vet is a jerk about bills though he wont do payment plans so I dont know what I am going to do but this poor little guy needs to see the vet for sure wish me luck
  5. and he always snuggles with my FI and he just jumped up again and is acting all snuggly and normal yay!!! hes the cuddliest kitten ever and thats what we missed too so im glad he is back to himself
  6. actually he seems to be a bit better thankfully! he is eating now and not hiding in dark places so we are hoping it will just go away thank you for all the positive thoughts!
  7. MY vet I can call in the morning. The emergency vet is a totally different clinic and doesnt have my cats medical records so they cant help me over the phone. They tell you just to come in if you that are worried and I have friends who have brought their pets to this emerg clinic (the only one in toronto that I can find) and they walk out with a $2000 bill for something that a non-emerg vet would have charged about $500...its crazy...if i had the money i would do it though. Plus I would have to take a cab there which is a long drive and I just dont have the money for any of this until I get paid in a couple days.
  8. oh trust me if I had a penny to my name right now I would already with my kitty at the vet but pay day is in two days and until then im broke as broke can be. i dont even have a credit card or else i would use that. bahhh my kittys are my babies for sure and i give them everything I can but I am so torn right now as to what to do. I think since its almost midnight now I will get up at 7 or so in the morning and call the vet to see what to do. I have gone into serious debt for one of my kittys before and I dont regret it for a second but I dont have that option right now!! bahhh this is heartbreaking i feel like a terrible mommy
  9. Yes there is a 24 vet Abbie and I wish I could call but I have for another cat I have and they tell you just to come in no matter what the problem is and just to get a vet to look at your pet with no tests or anything included its about $300 which is crazy and which i really dont have ....so im hoping someone on here knows what is happening with him and if not ill get him to a vet first thing in the morning
  10. no there are no plants or chemicals he could get into...the thing is its 11 at night where I am so I will have to wait for the morning to go to a vet I am just hoping I dont have to...bahhh
  11. Ok I am hoping someone on here can help me. My cat is about one year old and all of a sudden tonight he is almost cowering from my fiance and I and he seems to barely open his eyes and twitches alot like he is in pain. I have no idea what is causing this and to be honest dont have the money right now for a huge vet bill but I am curious if this is something I can fix at home by giving him something or what do I do?? Any have experience with this or know what it is Thank you so much in advance I am so scared for my poor kitty right now.
  12. just an innocent question but why do so many people not children at their wedding arent they just as much a part of your family as adults sorry just dont get how kids wouldnt be at a wedding..
  13. yup thats happened to me too Lisa! ugh the people that work at these companies must laugh at us sometimes ordering things that cost so much in shipping..kinda crazy
  14. ya shipping and duty is so much money!! and it made me so upset when i got a package of things i had ordered and found out it came from Mississauga and that is right beside Toronto yet I paid shipping through the nose...ugh oh well
  15. oh i have ordered online also from VS and you just go to the american site victoriassecret.com hope that works
  16. ya I agree that Paula seems better this season! but also what is up with Simon insulting people from what they wear umm last time i checked he only seems to wear t-shirts and blue jeans! lol he has no place to talk to someone about fashion when he has no fashion himself
  17. ok I would have to disagree. I was reading on CNN.com last night about the tax that was put into place for these bonuses. The department of executives who recieved these bonuses were the department that made the most important costly mistakes, therefore sinking AIG to the point that they needed a government bailout. I understand that a company can put in its employee contracts that bonuses are given out for attaining a certain goal. However if a company if is need of government bailout then those employees do not deserve bonuses. Just my opinion, but arent bonuses given out ONLY if you do something really well, not when your company is sinking??
  18. Oh wow ok Jacilynda i didnt know that they are now going to tax wall street bonuses. But yes it is a very greedy world right now! And i am also just very peeved that I live in Toronto and our property taxes were just hiked 4% because the city needs to money to support their new budget. This was all fine and well if they really need this money, but just yesterday info was released that showed the Toronto city councillors are spending ridiculous amounts of taxpayers money on work "expenses"!! it is beyond disgusting that some of it went to one councillor because she used her work expense account to get her child French lessons, another councillor was caught buying a computer and another caught buying a GPS for personal reasons. I am sure this happens all the time but the highest amount of money spent in the last year by a councillor was just over $50,000!!!!! it is unacceptable that they spend that much of taxpayer money on top of the over $100,000 a year they recieve in personal salary. How is it right that property taxes being raised will make my personal budget tighter, yet that tax money is paying for a well off persons child to get private French lessons?! Sorry that was my vent for the day. I am just mad that people are losing jobs left right and centre and still our tax money is being spent so foolishly! It is so true that the rich are getting much richer and the poor are sinking so quickly!
  19. so is it Sunquest and Apple saying you wont get your plane tickets if you dont hand this over or just your travel agent saying she/he wont give you the plane tickets??
  20. I think it is completely you and your FIs choice! dont let your MOH and BM make the decision for you. I know i wouldnt sleep apart because we already live together and I have trouble sleeping alone now. It is totally your choice
  21. im not suprised Alexis went home at all, though I was sad that they toyed with her emotions terribly by saying they would save her and then said she wasnt good enough to save. not fair. oh well though. and i dont think Michael should have gone, the only real criticism of the song he sang was that simon couldnt understand the words but i understood them perfectly. anyone who knows the song knows thats how it sounds. so ya i think they right person was voted off
  22. i have never tried on this dress but if you look at the picture of it on Maggie Sotteros site I think the models hair looks amazing!
  23. omg you mean you handed them the credit card info they want and now they are refusing to give you the plane tickets?!?!
  24. They are thinking she had a blood clot in her head from her fall and then because of the clot, blood vessels popped and caused immense pressure in her brain. Ya she was conscious and fine when she fell. The ski patrol did their best to make sure she was ok and she seemed totally fine so her ski instructor assisted her back to her hotel room to make sure she was ok and then she complained of a headache and she went to hospital to get it checked out.
  25. Just as an update, atleast in Canada, I am not sure about the States but ALL maxi dresses are sold out at Old Navy and not even the site sells them anymore. Luckily I bought mine in store last Friday. Even the commercials have been changed so that only the small dresses are advertised.
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