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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. JESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! Holy smokes! I can't believe its time!!! I love love love love everything you did! Its so classy and elegant and perfect! I can't wait to hear everything about the wedding and see your amazing pictures! You e-pics were so great I know Stephanie's wedding pictures of you will be awesome too! Have a blast!
  2. Nat- I totes love your story! Its so romantic! Gives me goosebumps everytime!
  3. Great Review! I hired Nate as well and your review just made me soo much more excited now! I can't wait to see your photos and see more of his amazing work, I will be stalking his blog! Congrats!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Playa2009 I've been dealing with Angie Hayes - (the US wedding coordinator), and have found her to be not very helpful. It takes weeks for her to respond to an email, and then she doesn't even answer my questions! I think my wedding coordinator at The Royal will be Zulma. Has anyone been in communication with her that can give me her email address? Or suggest how do I get in touch with someone at The Royal? My wedding is Feb. 5th, and I'd like to make some rehearsal dinner and spa reservations, and can't get my WC to respond to me so I can get something booked! Has anyone else had these issues? How far in advance do I need to have these sorts of things booked? Zulma's email is: [email protected] She is wonderful! I am not having any problems with her!
  5. I travel with my kids and have by plane before and yes, when they are under 2 (I believe) you can avoid a ticket purchase but they must ride in your lap during the flight. (Unless there happens to be an empty seat nearby and then you can get away with using it without paying for it). As for the ground transportation, I would carry-on a car seat on the plane. They do not count it towards your carry-on and they simply check it at the door like a stroller (which I also would recommend bringing) and then you get it back when you land. Or you can check it with your luggage. I would use a car seat in the Van if it were me. Extra tip, if you haven't flown with an infant, you will need to bring a bottle, or something for him/her to suck on during take off to avoid build up of presure in their ears. They will cry like mad if you don't! Hope this helps.
  6. I was always wondering about this! lol Thanks for answering girls!
  7. Aww, so jealous! I am totally addicted! I DVR every episode! I would totally go there if I lived closer! I think they have some lower budget dresses, they just don't show them on the show. I watched one the other day that the girls budget was under $1500 (which is low compared to what most of the brides spend on that show).
  8. I'm so sorry to hear this. My FI and I are fighting a lot lately too. The way you guys are fighting over stupid stuff and the way it acts feels very familiar to me only we fight about kids and money and then it spills over into fighting about the way things are done or him missing the exit on the interstate because we are bitter about other stuff. In the end, I truely think that both of our situations boil down to stress. I think he doesn't know how to handle the new routine and I think he may have some things on his mind that he hasn't shared. I would try to talk to him when things aren't heated and ask him to list all the things that are bothering him and just listen. Then maybe you can get to the bottom of what is behind all the nit-picking. He is finding reasons to fight but not about what is really bothering him. In the end I'm sure you will work everything out. In the meantime, we are here! *big hugs*
  9. Up I don't think I can do that much water in a day! lol But I'll do the normal water challenge and drink my 64oz or whatever... Man, if I did an oz for every pound I would be in the bathroom all day! lol
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by 2mckee Thanks everyone!! I ended up spending some time looking at Elizabeth Medina's website yesterday and the pics of the weddings at The Royal are BEAUTIFUL!! I didnt see a single speedo! Unfortunately, she is booked. What photographer is everyone planning on using?? The one included with the packages or did you go out and find your own? Thanks for the help! I think we are all using someone different! But most brides don't use the resort photographer. No offense to the brides that due but I think a lot of people think the resort photographers aren't as good and they don't give you very much product. I am using Nathan Cordova, he was a second shooter for Elizabeth Lloyd and is cheap and fabulous. There are several vendors on here that you could look at. Depends if you want to get one there or fly one in. (often times its actually cheaper to fly one down). If you like Elizabeth Medina, I would try Claudia Rodriguez Claudia Rodriguez wedding photography Good Luck!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by 2mckee Hey Everyone! I am brand new to this site, but am so glad I found it! We are currently booked at the Royal PDC for July 4th, but just heard some things about it that werent great..... Privacy on the beach during the ceremony and reception being the major thing, (speedo man standing behind the ceremony in front of the ocean, anyone??) along with getting "bumped" to a mediocre resort 20 miles south. For those of you that have been there, is the privacy issue that big of a deal to you? Or was I misinformed? We are currently looking at other places and TA's, but would really love to know that this isnt that big of a deal. Thanks for any help or advice you have!! The bumping should not be an issue if your guests indicate "they are with the Jones/smith wedding" when booking. Its usally non-wedding related guests that get bumped. Also working with a TA will help ensure that bumping isn't an issue. As for the privacy thing, I agree with what has already been said. It doesn't really seem to be a problem, the resort ropes off your area and you may have some onlookers but they seem to be respectful. Although most resorts have "public" beaches so it may be an issue other places too.
  12. We are staying for 9 days/8 nights at The Royal and we are staying there the whole time. I wish we could stay longer or plan an additional Honey Moon!
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