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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. Wow, I love your dress! Its perfect! Who is the designer? Gotta love a dress that makes your boobs look great!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Kriswim HI - I had my reception at the Gran but did tip. We tipped the bartender ( so he'd make the drinks extra strong!) & we tipped the DJ ( not sure how much) to play longer and I tipped my WC, Michelle. Basically b/c she rocked and was a true lifesaver during my whole planning process. I didn't tip my photographer or video guy. I DID NOT include any of them in the dinner either. They worked for the resort & no one ever mentioned it to me. I think this was because they were the resorts vendors, if you have outside vendors you do have to include them in your count.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jesmcan Happy Halloween everyone! Question to past Royal brides did you guys tip? Did you give etxra or do something for your photographer, WC and so on? Also did you priovide dinner for the photographer and any other vendors? They require you to include your vendors in your "guest count" for your reception and therefore dinner count too. Quote: Originally Posted by RaychelRae I know you ladies are talking about locking down the wedding package prices, but you know about the room prices? I searched this thread (maybe I just didn't search good enough) and didn't find anything on whether or not you are able to book rooms now for 2011 and lock into the 2010 prices they have listed. I'm not sure about this but I would think you could book now with whatever prices are listed. Rooms prices change all the time so it doesn't mean it will be increased for 2011, depends on the sale. I doubt you can get flights yet but I would think you could book the rooms if you wanted to.
  4. I just got an email back from Zulma (fast turn-around!) that yes they are honoring the prices of when you booked! So no worries on the price increase!
  5. We still love you! And your wedding will still be fabulous! And you still have the cruise to look forward to after marrying your man, which of course is the most important thing! You better stick around!
  6. So I sent Zulma an email to confirm my previous pricing of $3100 for the 2010 Luxury package since it went up $600 on the site. I don't see why they are doing a change again. I hope she emails me back.
  7. Thanks for the love ladies! But I already gained a pound back! EEK! So I need to behave myself over the weekend and get it back off.
  8. AMEN! I hope you smacked her! Karma will fall upon her ass one day!
  9. Ah, I'm sorry you are feeling that way. I worry that when I finally buy a dress that I will feel that way too. I think your dress is very pretty and would be great for a DW! Maybe you will change your mind once you get it fitted and put the accessories with it! like your veil or hair flower (whatever you are doing) jewelry, etc. It might make you feel better then? Is it possible to be a 2 dress bride if you are certain you don't like it? I hope you fall back in love with it! Regardless, I'm sure your FI will think you look amazing!
  10. Kelly can you still do it tonight? You have a couple hours yet! I lost big this week, but I was sick so I feel like it was sort of a false loss because I will probably gain some of it back. But hopefully not!
  11. Yay Lisa! That is sooo awesome! It will be here before you know it!
  12. OOOOH! This is exciting! Its like christmas! I voted! Good Luck ladies!
  13. Erika- Everything looks amazing! I am sooo excited for you I could just scream! Even with everything you have been through you keep such a positive attitude and still try and help everyone else. Your wedding is going to be awesome and you are going to look so fabulous!
  14. Thanks for the Nom Holly- Your too sweet!
  15. I'm the first one to post! lol Guess I'm on top of things today! Mrs- Stacey (because she is amazing and supportive when times are tough) B2B- Jess (always positive and helpful and great at giving good advise)
  16. I completely agree with nadine! I would pick dress #1 but leave it up to her. Maybe you could try talking to her about it and sway her but I wouldn't force it.
  17. We are getting married at the resort you are looking at, The Royal. And although I wish I could do a site visit, I am not. And I am completely confident after finding BDW and talking to all the other Royal brides that everything will be perfect!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Kt Ellis I confess that it was extremely awkward to see my fiance and ex-fiance working together yesterday to help a friend of mine move. I'm ok friends with my ex now but its still weird to see them getting along. And joking together about my mom being hot*eye roll* I guess that's what I get for asking FI to give my ex a chance and not be paranoid that he's always trying to win me back. I feel your pain! My FI and my ex-husband have to converse from time to time and it has in the past result in discussions about my mother/brother/ etc. Or even me! Hey at least they got along right! lol
  19. I must have missed this thread... I have two boys Ashton (6 years old) and Logan (8 years old) from a previous marriage. It was hard to make the decision to divorce my ex, I felt gulity for what I was doing to my children but I knew having them see a poor example of a relationship and how their dad treated women was not the example I wanted for them. He does a good job being a dad, but not so good being a husband. We fought all the time and there was so much resentment. Now they have an example of a loving relationship and I have actually seen a difference in them. I didn't think I would meet someone so soon after spliting up with my ex but Michael came into my life a few months later. He lived in another state, 4 hours away. He has a daughter Samantha, she will be 14 in two weeks (God help us!) He was also previously married. Long story short, we did the long distance thing for 11 months and then he left his job of 9 years and moved him and his daugther up to Iowa with me and my boys. It is a complete mad house! 3 kids with busy lives (soccer, piano, cubscouts, cross country) and that is just this fall! Trying to plan a wedding always falls to the back burner. What is funny is that when I was married to my ex, my "fantasy" was daydreaming about living alone, or well, at least with out the man! It's hard to explain that kind of thing without someone gasping and saying "what about your kids!" No, I love my kids to death, but I never lived alone, ever, period! I would thing about how nice if would be to only worry about myself and to not have to answer to anyone and do what I want when I want. Aww... dreams. So instead I went the other extreme! I added a step daughter that is "testing her limits" with me! She gets good grades and doesn't get into trouble but she thinks she is smarter and better than everyone else... oh right she is a teenager! lol But the added stress of a teenage girl in the house is seriously too much some days! But I wouldn't trade it for the world, Michael is the best thing that has ever happened to me, he is truly my other half. Some days we both want to cry at the chaos that is our lives but regardless we stick it out together in order to be with each other. We go back and forth on having a baby. He is 34 and doesn't want to "start over" and I agree, the kids are older and we want more time for the two of us. But we still want to share that bond together of having a child together. So someday we plan to and hopefully I won't be bald from pulling my hair out by then!
  20. I'm so sorry for the loss you are dealing with, it must be so hard. I would not replace her. I don't think it will be too drepressing and I think it will be nice to honor her that way.
  21. Congrats! That is so awesome! I commute about 40 miles each way to work, it gets old but just look at it as "alone time"! I just listen to music and try to relax. So happy for you!
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