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Everything posted by JGAMMAGIRL77

  1. Did your girls get measured somewhere before ordering thier dresses? I seen this website and considered ordering from there but I was afraid that the dresses would be the correct fit. Jess
  2. Your wedding looks amazing. I love your pictures. Gilda did a great job. Jess
  3. Have a good time. I'm curious to see what menu options you selected. Jess
  4. My wedding is in November and I am using roses, hydrengas, and orchids. I really wanted peonies but they are out of season. Jess
  5. Michelle, can't wait to read all the details. I'm glad that you were able to extend your stay. That was very sweet of your dad!!! Jess
  6. There is a photographer located in Bakersfield that I'm sure would be willing to travel to Vegas. Her name is Michelle. Her website is expressionsbymichelle.com. She is really reasonable with pricing and does quality work. Jessica
  7. Ana, how long is the aisle on the gazebo?
  8. Kate, Thanks for the feedback. It's good to know!!!! Jess
  9. Your invitations are so beautiful. I've seen the work that Sarah has done for the other brides and she is very creative. Jess
  10. Thanks for the feedback. I'm hoping that Sunrider would be willing to give me a group discount. Every dollar counts especially since were also in the process of building a house. You can say I have my plate full!! I actually just started having wedding nightmares. I'm walking down the aisle and I look down only to see that the lower half of my dress is missing. I think I'm started to stress out and my wedding is not until November. Jess
  11. Thanks!!! That is actually what I was planning on doing but I was just planning to pick them up while I was there. Jessica
  12. Does anyone know if there is a tuxedo rental store in Cabo? If so, can you please post the contact information. We are having 5 groomsmen all flying in from different parts of the US/Canada and of course none of them live in the same city as we do. Please help so I don't have to lug their tuxs with me on the plane. Jessica
  13. Congratulations!!!!! I'm sure that your wedding will be amazing. Jessica
  14. Erika, How many guest do are you expecting? Are you paying the additional fee for each guest over 20? Thanks, Jessica
  15. Several of my guests used Apple Vacations and I didn't hear any compliants.
  16. I think that it still might be to early to get package pricing. Have you tried asking the hotel directly to see what their pricing is? Just a thought. Jessica
  17. It is illegal transporting fireworks. You can get them in Mexico. If i recall correctly, there about $6 a piece. Jessica
  18. I love this color combo. There are so many different things you can do. I've seen some really good inspirations boards online. I just can't remember the websites. Jessica
  19. I did WW a couple years ago and lost about 10lbs. Of course, I've gained it all back. I started my healthy eating on Sunday but all I do now is crave juicy hamburgers. It's horrible. I need to lose some weight for my wedding!!! Good Luck! Jessica
  20. The review is soo helpful!!!! Thanks a bunch. I was wondering if you were able to negoiate a lower price with Sunrider. I think there online price is $45pp. I didn't know if they offered you a group rate? Jessica
  21. I am waiting to hear back from Jose Luis. It's good to know what to expect.
  22. Thanks, have you picked out your selections?
  23. Leia, I love your cake. Did you use an outside vendor?
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