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Jennifer Davis

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Everything posted by Jennifer Davis

  1. Just got home from the gym! Did an hour on the elliptical machine and 45 minutes of weight lifting! Now, I get to eat tacos for dinner!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Sensatori Bride My dress finally came today!! OMG it took forever. I'm going to try it on at 9:30am first thing in the morning! I am soooo excited. Take pictures!!!!
  3. I am so sorry. That's terrible! I do not think BC is a good solution though. You don' know how your body is going to react to the pills. It might actually be worse Not to mention what someone else said - you have to start them the first Sunday after your period starts or the first day of your next period.
  4. HOw about a "Tide To Go" stick. I carry one everywhere in case I spill! They work fantastic!
  5. I set up wireless internet in my living room. My favorite place to be is on my couch with the laptop going on BDW forum and my favorite show on TV!
  6. Great idea! Thanks for sharing! I am definitely going to do something similar for our welcome book!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Sensatori Bride Hey. I wanted to share these pictures with you guys. They are the best I've seen so far! Mexico Those are great pics! Thanks!
  8. We picked our date around hurricaine season and my work schedule. Got engaged in Dec 07 and knew we wanted a long engagement to save money and plan. Jul 08 - Aug 08: Summer = too hot! Sep 08 - Dec 08: Large transitioning project at work. I manage an office building and had about 1000 people moving out of my building and into a new one. Sep 08 - May 09: Large construction project ongoing in my facility for new commercial Tenant moving in. I needed to be around. May 09 - Jun -09: budget season. Need to be around. July 09 - Aug 09: Summer = too hot! Sep 09 - Nov 09: Hurricaine season Dec 09 - We knew we wanted a Saturday. Dec 5 - friends married this weekend in 08 and did not want duplicate date. Dec 19 & 26 - too close to Christmas.....drumroll......tada.....Dec 12, 2009 it is!
  9. Let him go fishing with his buddies! If that's how he wants to spend his last few hours as a single man, then you should let him. He needs to be able to do something to relax before the big event too while you are at the spa. I'm sure your FI will be back in time for your wedding. NO worries!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by reevesbride I really love your centerpiece. I was wondering how you were going to get it to mexico, are you shipping it or putting it in your carry on luggage. Neither. Yamina is having the florist at the resort make them for us. I emailed Yamina the picture and she emailed it to the florist who said they will duplicate them. Only thing is, we have to give the vases back which isn't a big deal since I couldn't bring them home anyway.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by thope I love your centerpieces...Awe yes I love the lanterns and stones for the ceremony too! You all are sooo creative I am not a DIY kinda girl but I'm inspired by all of the creations ! Who did you get your invites through? They are beautiful and look very expensive..I have been searching for the perfect one but not found any economical...I think I have unrealistic ideas of what invitations should cost.. Thank you for the compliments. That's really nice. I made my wedding invitations myself! Another DIY project.
  12. I ran 8 miles on the treadmill this morning while watching "The Today Show".
  13. I used to drink a ton of coffee - three 16 oz cups a day! I drank it with milk and no sugar. Recently, two weeks ago, I gave up coffee and switched to green tea. Now, I am drinking 1 - 2 16 oz cups of green tea per day. I drink the green tea with one splenda and no milk.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Sensatori Bride By the way do you guys read trip advisor as much as I do?? The reviews are awesome! Dude! I'm on trip advisor EVERY DAY! I am so addicted! I am already planning my trip to Antigua for my one year anniverary! I made my own STDs and am making boxed invitations now. Here's a preview of the invitations but they are not done yet: I am not planning on doing programs for the ceremony or giving out bubbles or anything. I did get a sound system though. I hired DJ Doremixx and he is only charging me $50 for it. I am going to do a DIY mailer/brochure with luggage tags about a month out and I am going to make a welcome book to put in the OOT bag but I think that will be the extent of my DIY projects. Oh, I'll also attach the centerpieces that I am having made by the resort.
  15. Welcome and happy planning. There are tons of tips on here to allow you to save money!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by thope Oh wow! I love the gazebo I only wish you could see the ocean from it...is anyone doing additional decorations aside from flowers in it? I am not doing the gazebo but I am getting additional decorations and custom centerpieces. I am going with the river stones and lanterns for the aisle as my "included" decoration and then spending extra money for the chair ribbons and the chuppah (not sure if the chuppah comes with drapery but if not, I'll be spending extra on that too). For the centerpieces, I did not like what the resort offered so I sent Yamina an email of what I wanted and she provided me with a price to have the resort florist make them (they were actually less expensive than the included centerpieces! Go me!). The only thing I am a little annoyed about is that they do not offer chair covers for the beach location and I really kind of wanted them. Oh well, guess I can't get everything!
  17. I just sent out an email letting people know that fares had been reduced and to book soon to take advantage. I am also sending my invites out super early and asking for a 6.30.09 RSVP date. My response cards ask for the reservation number and the dates of travel for the guests.
  18. I interview people all the time. Skirt, pants - I don't feel this matters - it is 2009! As long as you are dressed neatly in a business suit appropriate for the season with neat hair, minimal makeup and conservative nail polish, you'll give off an organzied, put together vibe and a good first impression! Good luck!
  19. I'm sorry you are in an awkward situation. It would definitley be better to call if you can try and arrange it into your schedule. I wouldn't stress too much. Most of these resorts have babysitting service available. To avoid this happening to you again, could you maybe put some verbiage on your website or send out a distribution email advising that the ceremony and reception are adults only? Put the informtion in the note about the babysitting service and cost offered by the resort. Make it a positive informational thing rather than a "NO KIDS" thing. Good luck!
  20. Hey Sarah! Yep...we have the same date. cool! I have stayed at Paradisus before. It's a great choice for a wedding! I'll let you guys know about the beach towels as soon as I hear back from the company. I sent the note to them Sat so I am hoping to get a response back. Beach Towels wholesale manufacturer of custom embroidered monogrammed bath towel for corporate events
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