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Jennifer Davis

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Everything posted by Jennifer Davis

  1. Hey Jewels! Welcome and happy planning. I apologize for being MIA - been working on my invitations! Finally finished them with the help of my wonderful fiance this weekend! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t43128 Hope all is well with you all. So glad for you guys that the swine flu drama is over! I'm back in action on the boards now! XOXO!
  2. Finished my DIY invitations today! We'll mail them out this week as soon as the custom postage stamps I ordered come in.. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t43128
  3. So, I started these invitations back in January.... I definitely didn't work on them every weekend but I would say, conservatively, they took me a solid 50 hours to complete. Vendors I used are as follows: Paper - Paper and More Navy Metallic Cardstock Navy Metallic Pocketfolds Nacy Metallic RSVP envelopes Recycled Sand Specs Paper Ribbon - Michael's Crafts Boxes & Envelopes - Papermart Woven Grass Paper - Eastern Arts Yuemei Shells & Sandollars - Quality Shells Sandpaper - Amazon
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by KarlaS Jennifer, Can you let us know what you find out about the beach towels? I have created a logo and would love to get beach towels form my OOT baskets. I contacted the wedding coordinator at EPM and she is going to order the towels for me from a vendor in Cancun so I do not have to worry about shipping or transporting them to Mexico. They cost a bit more (I'm sure the hotel did a little mark up) but it winds up to be the same price considering shipping international is very costly. Plus, it saves the hassle of us having the get the towels there! Good luck!
  5. I'm sure the resorts all do a great job, but if you are anything like me, I am SUPER picky about my nails and am very particular on how I want them to come out. That being said, I am getting them done the day before we leave and just having them squared off and polished the morning of our wedding at the resort spa.
  6. Bronx Tale. New quote: You're a girl that doesn't ask a guy what to do...
  7. My wedding is in December and we have only had a handful of people book (1. None of our parents has even booked yet and both our parents are divorced so that is 4 bookings! I wouldn't worry until about 2 months out if people haven't booked. Many people wait until the 2 - 3 month mark to book vacations. I am going to send out a reminder email at the end of May and send my invites out early to try and get people going. We'll see.....
  8. Excellence Punta Cana is a great resort! We chose to get married at Excellence Playa Mujeres because we had such a nice experience at Excellence Punta Cana!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by WindsorBride Thanks for the information..I just realized I never thanked you! We have booked with Cecilia and I am super excited to use her...she has lots of new pics on her website..beautiful! Thanks again! Congratulations......she'll be taking my pictures the day after you!!!! I am getting married on December 12th!
  10. We have a signature drink! FI invented it and named it "Kenny's Cactus Martini"! It is made up of: El Tesoro Tequila (Blanco) Agave Nectar Lime Juice They are soooooo yummy! And potent too!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by daisy14 You seem to have missed the part about this being a serious illness. If people do not want to risk getting sick that is their business and I don't think anyone is being "silly" or "B!tchy" because they are taking the proper precautions. Who are you to judge? Pot calling kettle black here...you're being equally judgmental! Let's all be supportive of each other here. Many are going through a very rough time!
  12. Just read an article this morning that they think the swine flu may have originated in California....not Mexico! FOXNews.com - Swine Flu May Have Originated in California - Infectious Disease
  13. Nice job! Those are both very well written.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Sensatori Bride Yeah I agree with you but what makes it worse now is that FI's mom won't go now. I am so pissed. How can she do this to her son?? I don't understand why everyone is making such a fuss over this...it's the freakin' FLU! It's all a product of the media. I really wish they would stop dramatizing this issue and run more factual and common sense stories. Your FI mother needs to understand - the flu is here - you have just as much a chance of catching it in the US as you do in Mexico so why not just go?
  15. Check out this place I found on Trip Advisor. It got SPECTACULAR reviews and is a very small resort located in Roatan Hondurus. I emailed the manager, Mel about package prices for all - inclusive and the rates are very reasonable. The place looks really beautiful. Roatan Beach Resort and PADI 5 Star Dive Center
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by bumbles A friend said that she'll be in Mexico "rain or swine" LMAO!
  17. For all you canadian brides who have had their weddings cancelled and are losing money...... Option: you could drive to the US and fly to Mexico from here? Based on the fact that this is all seems to be a media dramatization and the flu really isn't affecting the tourist areas, it seems to be that there was no real reason for these tour operators to cancel any weddings.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Sensatori Bride Yeah, I sure do hope so! We are coming up with a Plan B but some of my guest have already cancelled. I would still go to Playa Mujeres if I was in your situation. The media is blowing this thing WAY out of proportion. However, if you really want guests to attend that have cancelled due to the flu, maybe you could change to Excellence Punta Cana
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by heidi_lk Thanks, I appreciate everyones support. This forum is the only thing keeping me going right now. The reason it doesnt look good for May is because there are 26 of us going and no flights have that many free seats. I guess everyone is scrambling and trying to rebook. To make matters worse the company I am travelling with has said absolutely NO REFUNDS, just issuing travel vouchers. If the airline doesnt come up with something I am goingto make it my life mission to ensure no one flies with them again.... so frustrated! Heidi - if the travel company insisted that you cancel and it was not your decision, they should give you a refund. In my opinion, keeping your money for a decision THEY made would be grounds for a lawsuit.....take them to court!
  20. Mesita, I am so sorry that your wedding is in the middle of all this nonsense! Hopefully, things will be better by the end of the week and your guests will feel more at ease.
  21. Welcome to the forum from a fellow EPM bride! Happy planning!
  22. I am using them for a catamaran cruise I am booking in place of a welcome dinner for everyone. There are some reviews on them here.....all good ones.
  23. I am a huge fan of wine! We have 2 wine fridges in the house and usually keep about 3 cases on hand at any one time. My two favorite vineyards are: Wolffer Estate Vineyards: Home For reds: the Claletto and Caya are AMAZING! My California favorite is: Welcome to Cakebread Cellars For whites: Chardonnay..... that's all there is!
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