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Everything posted by DLyteful

  1. I say self portrait!!! You know you cant tease us bdw girls like that, were pic hungry, LOL. I bet it looks super cute.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 Great job! Another awesome DIY photobook! I hope when I go to make one it looks half as nice as yours!! Thanks Jenn, you are going to have a ton of fun making yours!!! And it will turn out perfect, cause you made it just how you want it! Quote: Originally Posted by Myda77 The pages look amazing and sooo professional! I never even thought of doing this DIY. I really can't afford the photographers album, wayyyyy to pricey. Good to know there are other options. What program did you use to create it? Well, I have a scrapbooking program that I made the ones above in however I've run into a major problem .....The stupid program will not export the file large enough (even tho it says it should). Thats kinda why I'm at a stand still, I'm going to have to redo them in another program, probably photoshop elements... At least I know how I want 7 of the pages to look. A lot of the time is spent trying to figure how you want to position the pictures and all that.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Erica053009 I think it looks great my only suggestion is put the page with the TTD after the wedding stuff so it is in order otherwise it looks fabulous. beautiful pics Thanks, I've been making the pages out of order and posted them in the order that I worked on them. I'm going to put the TTD one near the end. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO I love it so far! I especially like the "with this ring" page. Great job. Oh, and be glad that hubby was fine with anything that you did. Mine was in on the entire process and had suggestions at every turn & it seemed like it took me forever to finish it!!! Let me know if you need any coupon codes when you decide to print it. I used Publisher and loved the outcome. You are probably right, this way I can do what I want, but him wanting to be just as involved is great too! I just might take you up on the coupon offer. I'm not really sure who I"m going to go with. I'm going to check publisher out. Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR It looks awesome! The only minor suggestion I would make is to enlarge the font just a bit - I find sometimes with the script-like fonts it's a bit harder to read! Good idea, I'll make the font bigger, no point in having it on the page if you cant read it!
  4. I soooooo love your cake topers! I didnt have one for my wedding, b/c i couldnt find one that I liked for a reasonable price. I wish I would ahve known about Lynn too!!! They are so cute.
  5. girl, you know we want to see pics too!!! Its great that you shared your template, I know lots of brides will find it super helpful.
  6. Oh, Kenely's dress looks JUST LIKE Lily Donaldson's dress..... really the only difference is the tool that Kenley added. And they did say her work looked like someone elses. The thing is Kenely likes to do a vintage style from the 50's 60's so she actually does look at collections, just older ones. So alot of her work my look familiar since fashion tends to go in and out. I really like Jarell too, I wish they could have had 4 on the run way.
  7. Ok, I have been working on some pages for my wedding photot book. These are just samples and I have a lot more to do, but I'm kinda at a standstill and need a little kick. So I figure I'll post what I have and see what you girls think (I would ask my honey, but he's just going to say he likes what ever I do, so no help there). They are not in order, but here they are.
  8. You did a wonderful job!!!! Who are you going to print with?
  9. Girl, i think you have the whole forum up in arms for you (rightly so). As everyone has said, the girl is trippin. And like many have said just ignore her. I personally would go a few steps farther and play the whole how pathetic she is card "oh, poor thing, you must really want to be at my wedding How pathetic you are, that you would try to get "even" like we use to do in the 3rd grade. I hope you really enjoy your trip, I hope all is well for you, good luck with all that your tryin to do." And then have a TON of fun on YOUR trip and at YOUR wedding. There is nothing she can do to you, even to try to ruin your day. Just let your all your girls and honey know and then erase it from your mind because she is nothing.
  10. Wow girl, everything looks so good. You are so organized and ready to go! Your day is almost here and just from what you have shown it looks like it is going to be perfect.
  11. It sounds and looks like you had tons of fun.
  12. girl, i think you have the right to be as irrational as you want.... and he should just take it (LOL), b/c its your wedding and your only going to do it once (most of the time). With that being said, yes most invitations end up in the trash or lost somewhere and most people dont notice the little details you may have worked so hard on, AND it think destination weddings are suppose to be less stressful. So, since they are already printed and you DID work so hard on them, just be happy with your work. BUT if you want to reprint them, and it's within whatever budge you have, go ahead and reprint them. But you do have the right to want things perfect. And I'm sure your honey will marry you no matter what.
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