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Everything posted by DLyteful

  1. They look really good! You did a great job. I cant think of another way to glue the pages in.... If I think of one, I'll post it. Great job.
  2. I'm not really sure how to explain how to do it, but I can just try to do a couple for you. PM me if you want me to give it a go.
  3. Thanks for sharing, This site does really have nice options for pocket invites. Great ideas.
  4. Cardstock usually works well for those types of projects.... what template or style are you using? If its not stiff enough for you, you could try mounting two colors of cardstock. That would give it some more support. This website has some nice cardstock, I've only ordered the metallic styles and they were very nice. paperandmore.com
  5. Wow Morgan, this book does sound really interesting. I might go out and get it. I know without a doubt my honey expresses his love through Acts of Service. I cant tell if my are Quality Time or Physical Touch.... thanks for sharing Morgan.
  6. WOW, i didnt even know they sold things like that. Like all of the other girls said, its a good thing Pay Pal has it covered.
  7. Congrats Moira & welcome to the forum. Wow Scotland, Thats a long way away from my Michigan home, Its wonderful what the web can do! I dont know much about your wedding location, but I'm sure there are tons of threads and girls here ready to help. Just ask! Happy planning.
  8. awwwwww, thats what sisters are for! To give you the perfect lil gifts.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by RedDiamond I think the whole flushmount thing can be really deceiving. You'd be amazed how many places offer flush mounts, but the gap is still there... usually just a few centimeters, but still noticeable because they tend to be black. There are a few places that offer DIY albums that are flush mount with a very tiny gap though. It might be worth asking your wedding photographer about this. My photographer is my cousin, who is not a wedding photog and doesnt really know to much about photo albums. Do you recomend any one I could look into? But your right, I've had to redo my layouts in Elements, so I"m just going to adjust them abit to make sure major pictures and parts are not on the seam. Quote: Originally Posted by KHarrod It looks great, you did an awesome job Thanks so much. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv It looks great!!! I agree about enlarging the font a bit, though. My only other question, or concern, is that it seems as though some of the smaller pics will be in the page crease the way that it's set up currently. Maybe I'm wrong, and since you are using a scrapbooking program, I assume it takes that into account while you are designing it ? I am polishing up my photo book now as well. I am using Personalised Photo Books and Canvas Prints from Digital Photos (I have a Mac and it's the only program I could find that let me use my own backgrounds and is Mac compatible, but it's been really easy and the price is right - there is also a coupon code on their website, FYI. Can't wait to see your final product! Nice job!!!!! and isn't it a great sense of accomplishment to do such fabulous DIY work? YEAH!!!! Heck yeah it feels great. It will feel even better once I'm done. I saw your pages and they were SOOOOOO good. You did a wonderful job!My soft ware does not take the seam into account, but I'm going to adjust my layouts so it wount be a big problem. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 Looks great! Thanks!
  10. Girl you look good! And your pics are too cute. By the way I love your hair. The color looks perfect on you.
  11. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning.
  12. looks like you had a wonderful time. Ive never been to the melting pot before, you have made me want to go!
  13. Well, I was in the same situation. I ordered my dress for the size that I was. I lost about 20 lbs, but I didnt need any alterations b/c my dress was a corset style, so all we did was pull the corset tighter.... so I think it depends on your dress style. I would say order for the size that you are, cause even though you are planning to lose weight, you dont want the stress of trying to figure out what you are going to do if you dont.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Case*a*licious I'm pissed Kenley made it through. Even though I loved her wedding dress, I agree with all yall... WAY to similar! She shouldn't have been able to get away with it. And why didn't Jerell listen to Tim and tack those things in? It seems that whatever Tim suggests to change, and the designer doesn't, they ALWAYS get called out on it on the runway... Why can't they freaking listen! Right! I'm sure the judges have all of Tim's suggestions. I'm also surprised they put thru Kenley's dress, which is similar to another design, than Jerell's orignal (he could have made some changes). Oh well, I still cant wait for Wed's show!
  15. Girl, your invites look fantastic! I love your colors and your logo goes great with everything. Great job!
  16. Everything looks really good, you did a wonderful job. Cant wait to hear all about your big day & see pictures!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by RedDiamond The photos look great! The main suggestion I would have is to check the photos and make sure none of them are in the center of the page. Depending on the type of album you get, you don't want a line going through your photos - and some albums have a gap. You are soooo right. I am thinking about chaning some of the layouts a bit. When I first made these I was planning on ordering a flushmount photo book, which lays flat. But they are supper expensive.... and I wanted to get cheaper copies made for my mom & dad. I really still want the flushmount, but I might change the layout to accomodate any print option.
  18. Thanks ladies! I've started back up on working on the pages. I think some feedback was all I needed. I have to get more familar with the software elements, but its pretty user friendly so I should be rockin & rolling in no time.
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