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Everything posted by DLyteful

  1. Which would Amy where? I'm not really sure. But I like the zebra shoes the best. They stand out more and seem will seem different.
  2. Welcome to the forum. I dont have any info for you, but I'm sure there are lots of posts and girls that do. Happy planning.
  3. I agree with the other girls. Its really up to you and whats important. Do you want your families to be all together? If so than you might want to further research for a resort that you like & thats afordable. But remember, its YOUR day.
  4. oh, these are very creative, i really like the one with a place for a pic or bag info
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by DelightfulDani does anyone know if it is true that the rui negril is much smaller than ROR and the dinner and wedding options are limited? I did hear tha the Rui Negril resort is better if you want a smaller setting, but I cant remember where I read that and I have not been there myself. How many guests do you think you will have and will most be young or older? Will they want to do more party type things or just relax? I think Ocho Rios has more party type stuff to do and Negril is more relaxed. but again i havent been there myself.
  6. When I read the title I was like, what?? Something doesnt sound right about this story. I'm sure its leaving lots out.
  7. it looks really great! I like your hair down, but I'm a hair down kinda girl. Its really good that it comes with a bussel cause they can be expensive. If you feel thats the one get it!
  8. WOW,thank you so much for starting this thread. You ladies sharing your experiences and information is truly helpful. My honey and I are not TTC yet, however I have a feeling when we do we are going to need some help. (I'm not on BC and havent NOT been trying, so...). Also, I dont have my cycle regulary. When ever I would tell my GYN their solution was to put me on BC. That was fine when I was younger, but a couple of years ago I had a very bad experience with 1 and I have not been taking any for about 3 years. I do need to start doing research on my own and the information you girls have here is so so so good. We talked of starting to TTC in Jan next year .I havent told anyone this, our plan or anything, bc if we have problems I really dont want my family to know.... I dont know why I feel like this but its nice to share my fears and experience with others who understand.
  9. I thought I was the only one that felt that way.... or at least I never really thought to express my feelings to others on the chance they just look at me like I'm crazy (which happens alot anyway, LOL). I hate it when a really good book ends and its even harder when its a series. I usually make up my own stories of "what are they doing now" in my head. I know it sounds weird, but it helps me get past that sad feeling of the story and characters being over.
  10. Oh my goodness. I think sometime we forget that these types of things are real until they happen close to us. Its very scary.
  11. WOW. yeah there are alot of twins in hollywood these days.
  12. those are the cutest barefoot sandles I have ever seen!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I watch it. I think overall, HBO has great series. I love they are On Demand so I can catch up when I get a chance, even if it's 3 months later, LOL. I agree it has been a tad slow, but its hard at the beginning to establish all of the characters. I was wanting to get the books. They are by Charlaine Harris? and I think there are 8 of them in the series? Maybe... I tried to look them up on E-Bay and they are one of the hottest selling items. One auction was nearly $15 per used paperback book! You could buy them new for that! I'm looking them up too. Heck yeah, you might as well get them new for $15. And you are so right On Demand is WONDERFUL. play, pause and stop at your command. Love it.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by trophywife do you pay with your points?? or real money?? (LOL sorry if this is a stupid question!!) LOL, you pay with the points you earn.
  15. oh, i want pink too!!! no worries, you will earn the 1000 back in no time. And I see a underline in your name.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Christi oh, what books?? I'd love to read them. I was just about to ask that question! I'm going to look up the books right now. Do you have HBO on Demand? If you do, they show 1 episode ahead of whats comes on the regular HBO channel.
  17. what color should it be? Its bold red right now... I'm not sure who to contact, any of the mods may be able to help.
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