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About Marianna

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  1. hey ladies... just wanted to say that i am sorry that i dropped out like this. i have been going through a lot with my fiance to a point that we dont even know if we will be having a wedding all together. i wish you ladies a lot of luck and keep doing a great job. i will keep you posted on my status. as of today the people are booking and the place is set the one thing that is missing is a bride and groom... sucks.
  2. hey girls.... i live in los angeles (valley) area as well!!! I am in encino.... ACA Amy we might be neighbors. hehehehe. let me know when and I will do my best to be there. cant wait to meet you girls!
  3. Shannon you are sooo good. You should be so proud of yourself. I am struggling to loose 10-15lbs and here you are making magic happened! Congrats to you! Veronica, I have not heard of that policy! As of today I still haven't picked out a wedding package. Zulma never asked me to do that...I was under the impression that this is something that we do when we get there.
  4. hey steph, we used the a free service for our website...mywedding.com. if you want to check out our website its Marianna & Alex - wedding website by mywedding.com. i have a section about playa del carmen and the hotel so you can just cut and paste that if you want. also, a question for all of you. i noticed you talking about draping the gazebo. did anyone receive a price quote of how much that would cost? shannon i love your picture by the way!
  5. hey girls!!! thank you.. i just checked this thread from the last time i forwarded the info to Ann. I am sooo surprised. I think one word to sum it up with what i'm doing is... STRESSING. i am working two jobs, dealing with family issues, ohhh and planning this thing called a wedding. so i forget to eat. but now i am binging like craaazy. so i think that this week im sure the results wont be that good. keep up the great work ladies!!!
  6. hey cancunbride! i love you the bags. i saw that you live in LA, like me. i dont know if you already have a place where to buy the necklaces but there is a great place in downtown la. if you want you can PM me and I will get u the info. its in the wholesale garment district. i am getting my necklaces and shawls there.
  7. can i also get the three that mummergirl is getting (all except the arch) - 30 of each please please PM me the total and an email address where I can paypal the money. thank you!!!
  8. hey girls, i would love to get some if its not too late. I would like 2-3 designs but of riviera maya. please let me know what you girls decide. thank you!!!
  9. hey ladies. i was wondering if any of you had recent contact with Zulma. I have emailed her a few times during in a past month and NOTHING. ahhhhhh. I am so annoyed.
  10. Hi Amy!!! Great review and tips from you. You looked so beautiful! I wanted to actually ask you about the firedancers....do you have their direct contact or was done thru your planner at Dreams? Thanks again for all your tips and i cant wait to see your pics!
  11. i am sooo happy that you posted this information about her. i live in LA as well and it is so hard to find anything that is affordable and her work looks really good. when are you planning to do your session? my wedding is in may. should i be contacting her already? if you don't be asking how much is she charging and since she is a makeup artist will she being doing makeup as well? please let me know as much info as you can.... now i have even more pressure to hit the gym. need to look sexxxy! thank you thank you thank you, marianna
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Kriswim Marianna, do you know how much extra the cascade bouquets are? - thanks! Hey Shannon, I didn't get that far into the planning yet. Going from memory I think I read somewhere it was about $100. I am not sure. I think it also depends on what package you choose. Please let me know if you find out any details. Thanks!
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