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Everything posted by Gr8ful

  1. I think you should go with the dress that you love. I think that they are both gorgeous and you can't go wrong with either. Let us know which one you choose!
  2. I am probably 90% veggie -- it has been hard to give up on fish, but I have it so rarely now, and usually when I'm traveling and have no other options. Even that I am cutting down on as well. Still eat eggs but from the farmers market, from chickens that still have their beaks. Cheese has been hard to give up, but again, not eating as often. Recently switched to soy yogurt (surprisingly not bad -- the Silk brand), and have been using soy milk for a while now (unsweetened -- the sweetened kind has so much sugar in it). I stopped b/c I read Fast Food Nation -- after that, it was just over for me -- cow, pig, chicken, turkey -- I just gave it all up after I read that book. It was hard at first, but to be honest, I don't even miss it anymore. We eat pretty seasonally -- what is available from the farmers market, and it tastes so good, and we look forward to different produce at different times of the year. Right now, it's end of cherries/apricots, and beginning of figs and stone fruits, YUM! Tomatoes soon too, hooray! Here is my current favorite cookbook from Deborah Madison -- on soups. They are yummy, healthy and everything has turned out. Amazon.com: Vegetable Soups from Deborah Madison's Kitchen: Deborah Madison: Books
  3. Totally fun idea and different. I think people would be so excited to go! It's a great idea!
  4. Looks so cute! I love the pink and the rhinestones! I also love how the kitten is lying all over your hard work! He/she definitely approves!
  5. I would do a web search to figure this out -- different countries have different rules, and it has to be recognized here in the US. I did a preliminary search, and found this, hope it helps: Marriage in France - France in the United States/ Embassy of France in Washington Also, depending on where you are getting married, maybe they have a service there that can help you with the paperwork. We were going to do the legal marriage in Mexico, but after researching it, it seemed to be too much work for us so we are going to get officially married here in Sept/Oct. and then have the ceremonial marriage in November.
  6. Thank you once again ladies for all of your input and thoughts. It's nice to have this thread so I can determine how far behind I am with all of my checklists! haha. But at least I know what I need to get done. I am going to order my wedding invitations this week if it kills me! I have a lot of guests with kids, so I think I need to make it clear. Thankfully there are options for nannies, and my FMIL has graciously offered to help with that, since it's that side that has the most kids. We'll see how this lead balloon goes over!
  7. A friend of mine just came back from a trip to Jamaica, and she is going to get married here, so I'm trying to find out more information for her. She said it was amazing and the rooms were gorgeous.
  8. These are great -- I love that you are using a postcard as a response -- that is so smart (saving paper and postage at the same time!). Great idea!
  9. I'll bet those last two rooms are now gone! I think a gentle reminder is always helpful -- there are always those last-minute procrastinators. I like how you worded this email -- it's lighthearted and fun and also gets the point across. I think we will end up doing something similar!
  10. Here are some online sites that might help you with wording. Wedding Thank You Cards Sample Wording - Make Writing Thank You Cards Easy By Following These Examples Thank You Cards - Wedding Etiquette How I love the internet!
  11. I didn't, but I am planning to do something nice while we are down there, like maybe a spa treatment/massage, and something else. I'm having a hard time thinking about the something else part though b/c I want to get them something that they like, which means it may not all be the same.
  12. You look absolutely gorgeous and so happy! Congrats!
  13. You look stunning in this dress -- it really flatters your figure! I know it is hard b/c there are so many choices out there, however I would stay with this dress -- you have made an excellent decision.
  14. Are you talking about a splurge that is $500 over your budget, $1,000 or more? If you are talking a few hundred dollars, then you can scrimp somewhere else, but if it is a LOT as in eating into your honeymoon budget, then I would think about it a little longer. The first dress I fell in love with I wish I had never tried on, b/c I still love that dress, but I couldn't justify spending that much money. It was so beautiful. So I looked and looked and looked and looked, and found something that I liked for much less. I still don't like it as much as the first dress, but for me, I would rather spend the money on our honeymoon. It was a compromise -- and I'm perfectly happy with the dress I have chosen. If I had spent that much money on the first dress, I would have felt sick about it, even now, so I'm glad I didn't.
  15. I like #2 -- it's very delicate and looks like it will go well with the earrings, which are gorgeous!
  16. Congratulations! Everyone looks so happy -- and your last picture is adorable! Do you have any leftover cake -- sure looks good! haha
  17. Megan, you look absolutely gorgeous! The dress is amazing! Your fiance is going to fall over when he sees you walk down the aisle!!
  18. I went by myself the first time, and it was SO much fun! I went to a great salon, and the people there were great. I don't think there is anything wrong with going by yourself. You can always take pictures or bring a friend with you the next time you come back. Also, you will probably know yourself which one is "the dress" -- ultimately, it is your decision! When I finally chose my dress, I would have chosen it if I had a second opinion or not. Don't forget the sales people will be there too, so you won't really be alone. Have fun, and share pix when you return!
  19. I read your post, and thought -- gosh not again. It seems that whenever someone starts planning a wedding, especially a destination wedding, people just start going crazy! Honestly, no matter what you do, or where you decide to get married, there will be SOMEONE who is not happy, and will complain. I think just goes with the territory. At the very least, make yourselves happy and the ones who want to join you on your amazing day (b/c it WILL be amazing!), will join you and that is all that matters. Agree with cdnvb9 -- talk to the fiance, and figure out what you both want, and that's what matters the most. You are not being selfish and you are not obligated to poll your guests and plan it around them. Isn't this your wedding? As an aside, my parents were NOT supportive of our getting married in Mexico, and guess what, they are going anyway, and actually bought their plane tickets last month. (A LOT of tears were shed on my part about this, believe me). The people who matter will end up going. Good luck -- I am rooting for you! I think you should do it!
  20. SORRY, I made a mistake. Here is the correct website... Cancun Nannies Service ~ Welcome
  21. I'm going to put down Sept 15th too, sounds like a good even day. FYI, I have been looking up options for nannies -- have you seen this? www.cancunnannies.com Seems fairly reasonable! If any of you have heard about this, let me know. I am going to look into it further.
  22. Looks fantastic -- very clear and easy to understand, and well-laid out. Is iPages a program that you have to purchase, or is it already installed? I have a Mac, and do not know how to use it very well. Love the idea on the shared photo account too, I will have to do something like this too, such a great idea!
  23. I think it is a great idea -- I would be doing this if I didn't have so many web-challenged people (i.e. my parents & their relatives). My cousin is doing his wedding with electronic invitations, and I thought it was cool. Their website is so sweet and personal. And to be honest, even after sending the STD out, I'm getting emails and calls anyway, so it's almost as if it doesn't make a difference anyway. However, since others have brought it up, you should check with your parents / grandparents (if they are contributing) to get their take on it.
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