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Everything posted by Gr8ful

  1. You are so lucky! Your itinerary sounds amazing -- that is a trip to look forward to! Here are some of my suggestions for Paris / Rome: Last time I was in Paris, we stayed here: Hotel Valadon Paris - between rue cler market and eiffel tower ! It was charming, relatively inexpensive, and close to the Rue Cler, which is a cute little shopping street with little bistros, fruit stands, it is close to the Invalides, Eiffel Tower, walking distance to a lot of great stuff. In the 7th Arr. It's not five-star, but it's no-frills and charming. Another cute location is Montmartre by the Sacre Coeur, fantastic views and windy, hilly streets. I have stayed there, but have forgotten the hotel. If you don't stay here, try go at sunset for an amazing romantic view of the city. I didn't like where we stayed in Rome the last time we were there, next time I would like to stay in Travestere, which is across the river and away from everything, but it's romantic and quiet. But if you want to stay in the midst of it all, I think the Piazza Navona area is central to everything, but you pretty much walk everywhere. The metro in Rome is not nearly as comprehensive as it is in Paris, but with so much to look at, who cares if you have to walk? Go on tripadvisor.com to check out ratings, that is my bible when I'm planning a trip! Have fun, and if you have room in your suitcase, let me know if I can sneak in! hahaha PS. Don't lose track of your wallet or purse in either of these cities. I have personally seen a mugging in Paris (at dusk), and someone try to pickpocket someone in Rome (in broad daylight -- it was a kid). Not to scare you b/c these places are perfectly safe, but just be aware of your surroundings and your belongings.
  2. Wow, Roo66, I am so sorry to hear about your sister -- what a way to bring back such painful memories. I hope you are feeling better today, I am thinking about you! It is so sad about MJ, I loved all of his music, and feel badly that all of us will miss out on what he didn't get a chance to create....
  3. Congrats! His pix look fabulous! It's so great to start making big decisions and checking them off the list!
  4. Yes and no. I have been to Tulum before to scope out sites, but I have never been to the place where we are getting married! I'm basing it on a recommendation from a local, reviews about the food, and a lot of hope and faith! I hope it works out!
  5. Everyone's invitations look so good! I'm glad I'm on this thread, b/c it is kicking me in the butt to get these done! This is my goal for the weekend, however I have two questions: (1) What timeline do you use to get the responses back? 1-2 months b/f the date? I'm not sure. (2) Is anyone having an adults-only reception, and how are you handling this? My FMIL has offered to help with a nanny for that night, has anyone considered this? I'm wondering. PS. MegaShay -- your welcome dinner invites make me want to go to your party right now for a margarita! Josie -- your mom is so sweet to help out with invites -- it's so nice to have someone take that off of your hands! They turned out beautifully!
  6. Everyone's invitations look so good! I'm glad I'm on this thread, b/c it is kicking me in the butt to get these done! This is my goal for the weekend, however I have two questions: (1) What timeline do you use to get the responses back? 1-2 months b/f the date? I'm not sure. (2) Is anyone having an adults-only reception, and how are you handling this? My FMIL has offered to help with a nanny for that night, has anyone considered this? I'm wondering. PS. MegaShay -- your welcome dinner invites make me want to go to your party right now for a margarita! Josie -- your mom is so sweet to help out with invites -- it's so nice to have someone take that off of your hands! They turned out beautifully!
  7. Can I still vote? In order, I like #1, #3, then #2. However, you look gorgeous in all of them! I think you should choose the one you love the best and feel the most comfortable in. The one you want to wear all of the time, even when you go brush your teeth! haha
  8. Thank you so much for your support! This has been the only disagreement that I have had with my fiance, thus far. I feel as if this is such a tricky and sensitive topic, and b/c it's a DW, people seem to think that different rules apply. Oh well, I'm trying to let go, although I am very frustrated as to why it seems very straightforward to me, and me only! :-)
  9. I love this thread so I'm bumping it up for everyone else who hasn't seen it yet. I am going to come back again to soak in your wisdom -- thank you all so much for your thoughtful lists and details!
  10. I am a November 2009 bride too! I am behind on some things (lodging), and okay with others (dress / BM dress / STDs done), and not really ahead with anything. I'm trying to focus on the budget so there have been some compromises. I already have had some BM drama (resolved), am dealing with wanting no kids at the wedding other than nieces / nephews (ongoing), and am going through periods of excitement, panic and denial. Overall, I'm excited, and I'm so happy to meet all the other November brides! Hooray & congratulations to everyone!
  11. VA VA VOOM! You look amazing -- I think the temperature in my office just went up 10 degrees when I started looking at these pix! You look absolutely incredible, and you own these pictures! You have one lucky future hubba-hubba-hubby!
  12. Thank you for this link -- it's a great idea! I have thought about doing this, so I'll continue to consider it. My greatest fear would be losing the item, but maybe I could duct tape the items to keep them secure. hahaha
  13. It's definitely possible to find "the dress" already -- and I can see why -- you look fabulous! Since it's so much fun to shop, you might as well if you have time and energy, but I'm certain that it's nice to know that you can check that box off! Congrats!
  14. Thank you for these pictures -- to see you so happy makes me happy too! And can I say that your aunt is adorable! How sweet (and talented) is she? Keep us posted -- I cannot wait to see the end result!
  15. I think your dad is being extremely childish, but I'm sure that he is getting a lot of whining and complaining from his equally-childish and annoying girlfriend (I don't like her very much). I hope that someday when he can step away from the emotion of whatever he is going through, he will realize his insensitivity towards you and apologize. It sounds like you are focused on the excitement of your wedding (hooray & congrats!) and know that all of us are rooting for you from afar! I am sorry that you have to deal with family drama while you are preparing for your wedding. But you have such a great attitude and you are going to have an amazing day!
  16. This dress is GORGEOUS and perfectly appropriate for a beach wedding -- I say go for it!
  17. For those of you (like me) who are in the fevered pitch of wedding planning, take a spare moment (if you have it) to read this wonderful article that I just found online: "Some Totally Unsolicited Advice from an Old Married Woman on the Occasion of Your Wedding". It is very sweet, and sounds quite practical! Some Totally Unsolicited Advice from an Old Married Woman on the Occasion of Your Wedding - meish dot org: life, unfolding
  18. We made our decision for a November wedding in January -- so you definitely have time. I think it is important to be flexible, b/c if you are on BDW and you have your heart set on a vendor, they might be booked on that date (that happened to me). But that isn't necessarily a bad thing b/c there are so many options out there, and you will find something that will work out for you (I was able to -- there are so many great vendors out there)! I'm SO excited to hear about your upcoming engagement! It will happen when you least expect it b/c he knows you are waiting. He wants to surprise you! Let us know all the details when it does!
  19. I think it is a "nice to have", if you have the budget, then why not? However, b/c of budgetary reasons, I'm not getting one! We are spending a little more to get a better photographer, and cutting video out altogether. Some of these tough decisions need to be made! Plus, I don't want to have to look at myself again in a video -- I'll take the airbrushed photos instead! haha
  20. You aren't being selfish at all if you don't want an AHR and your friends will completely understand that you are not having a larger event. If you do the casual event that you had mentioned, or nothing at all, it is perfectly acceptable. Your friends want you to be happy first and foremost! And, congratulations to your exciting new life in Australia! That is so exciting!
  21. Oh, and of course, not make them clean up the mess! What was she thinking!
  22. Thank you for sharing that story, although I'm sorry you went through that experience! The cheap part is almost forgivable, but to not say thank you and acknowledge your help is just tacky on her part. I hope that your friendship has been able to weather this storm. It is so strange how weddings make people get so weird. Isn't this supposed to be a happy time? All that being said, letting me know what NOT to do is very helpful. I will keep your advice in mind to treasure their presence and help, spend time with them and at the very least, thank them for their participation. Thanks for sharing! :-)
  23. A lot of people are doing it this way -- I was going to, but as all your group is web-savvy, not all of mine are. My cousin is actually doing this -- through the knot and through evite. I think it is a great idea. As with anything, as much advanced notice you can give people, the more time they have to plan. I'm with npaterson, as soon as you have a firm date, let your guests know!
  24. I can't believe you made these yourself -- you are so talented! Your guests are so lucky!
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