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Everything posted by catandcleo

  1. Oooh - Kelly C - yours looks great! Just wondering - has anyone tried the 'partial' coverage look for the crystals? I am loving that one -but wondering if it will look too DIY if it isn't fully covered? Any thoughts ladies?
  2. I am so glad this is so helpful to so many people! I have gotten so many great ideas from everyone here - i am really happy to be able to contribute something!
  3. Oooh - i am so excited! I usually forget to check out this section in my wanderings around BDW, and then by the time i do, all the good stuff is gone! Please tell me i am not too late for one of the white real touch orchids? (I like the one that is white with just a bit of dark pink speckling in the middle.) I have been looking for a hair flower, but most of them are awful and cheap looking - or really expensive, and you still can't tell how good they look from the pictures. Or they are beautiful but wouldn't look good w/ my dress (it's baby blue.) I will send you a PM too, just in case!!!
  4. That's awesome - thanks for the link. I have been putting off buying one for a while now because they are SOOO expensive - especially the ones that are already decorated. This is perfect!
  5. i just saw this thread - and i agree with what everyone else has said. But i am curious - you said you were going to send her an e-mail and ask, so what did she say??
  6. those are awesome - and the saying cracks me up! very witty indeed... now i have to add that to my list of things to do!
  7. Hi Ladies - I got this in my weekly BHG craft e-mail and thought you might be interested. There are some good ideas her for DIY wedding stuff - or maybe some ideas you can build upon. (Sorry - it came in an e-mail, but i have to just put the links here!) 8 Easy Seashell Crafts 7 DIY Projects for Beach-Inspired Decor Beach and Pool Layouts Decorate with Seashells Consider yourselves warned though - there are A LOT of stupid pop-ups on the BHG site... Hope this helps!
  8. This is an awesome site -thanks so much! One quick question - the ones you ordered, is the second one the colour they are calling "Teal" or "Neon Blue"? (the teal they show looks different - and yours are the colour i would want!) Thanks!!
  9. Thanks so much everyone for your encouragement and advice. We are still a bit on the fence about everything, but i am feeling a bit better after the weekend. I had a very long talk with the best man about everything that is going on. He has known FI and the family for 25+years, so is fully qualified to speak out about their behaviour! He said basically what a lot of you are saying - the brothers are just looking to create drama - as they have been doing since childhood. And the friends that are supposedly complaining - well, it's more the wives of longtime childhood friends, and who really cares? If the guys they have been friends with since middle school had a problem with it - they wouldn't hesitate to say so. Since they haven't, we have to assume that something is being blown out of proportion by someone else. We shouldn't let a few [censored] ruin our plans. It still is upsetting, and i still feel hurt that some people are acting like this, but from now on i am going to make a concerted effort to ignore any negativity and anyone who says anything to me directly will be promptly told where to go. Thanks again everyone!!! And those of you having similar issues - good luck to you! Ashrose's comment sums it all up perfectly: "they will either come around to the idea or find something else to be upset about (I find that people have short term memory and eventually find something more sensational to gripe about)."
  10. that's a great idea! btw - Ebags.com also has them for $45.
  11. It's lovely... if you really need some colour, why not have it done in ivory frosting and put some burgundy/wine flowers (i'm thinking orchids or lilies or something exotic) on top to replace the white flowers? And maybe a few placed strategically around the base?
  12. thanks everyone for your replies. it's a very weird situation with his family. it's not so much that they (the brothers) are hurt or even that they are that close - they just can't stand to NOT be included in something. They're like my cat - they don't want to miss out on anything, regardless of what it is! If we are having people over for dinner or <god forbid!> a party for friends, if they find out, they expect to be invited. Regardless if they know or even LIKE the other people attending. His parents aren't that upset - in fact his mom doesn't WANT to go to Mexico, because she is afraid she will get killed! (She really is wonderful, but a little dramatic!) My parents aren't upset. My two sisters aren't upset. They all know us well enough to know that what we want is what suits us. It was never a matter of us wanting to specifically EXCLUDE people. We just wanted something that will be special and relaxing and casual and meaningful to US. We chose to invite the 2 couples we did because they are the ones we are closest to (both families know this!) and the ones we would actually enjoy spending our vacation with, because it will be fun and relaxing and not stressful. And let me tell you - having to spend a week of our vacation with his brothers is neither of our ideas of relaxing or special! After a few hours for holiday dinners we are both more than ready to escape to our peaceful home! But i do see the point that someone made about not cancelling the AHR because there are some people who would genuinely like to be a part of it without trying to make us feel guilty. I guess it is something FI and i are going to have to have a serious discussion about. Thanks again everyone who took the time to read my novella and respond. I appreciate your input!
  13. Hi guys. Please bear with me as it is a long story, but I am hoping someone on here will have some input that will help. FI and I are having a terrible time with his friends and family, and I am getting to the point where I just can’t take anymore. I don’t even want to be around them – which doesn’t really bode well for future relations! So, long before there was ever an engagement ring on my finger, we have always talked about when we get married we were going to go away and get married on the beach and then come home and have a big celebration. It is what we BOTH want. We have never been shy about telling people this either. And it has never been a money issue – just a matter of what would suit us most and make us the happiest. Well, as soon as we were engaged, everyone started asking about the wedding. And again we would tell them what we had planned, even though we didn’t know where or when – but we knew HOW we wanted to get married. But once we had set a date and booked the trip all hell broke loose. We invited only my best friend (and her boyfriend) and his best friend (and his wife.) – the people we were closest to and would enjoy spending our wedding and vacation with. My friends and family have been so supportive – even my MOM has not complained. She just wants us to do what will make us happy, and she is, in turn, happy for us. (She only demands lots of photos and video of the ceremony!) Not once has anyone on my side complained about being hurt that they weren’t invited or mentioned feeling upset or left out. His family and friends, on the other hand… It has been one thing after another. His brothers have invited themselves. His friends are telling anyone who will listen how upset they are not to be included. These are all the same people that we have gone to all of their weddings in the past few years and had to sit through the torture of long BORING stuffy church ceremonies – which REALLY aren’t our thing, and the whole time we have smiled and been happy for them. Because even though those events weren’t the way we would do our own wedding, it was their choice and it was THEIR special day – and if they were happy, we were happy for them. But now that it is time for OUR special day, they are all trying to make it about THEM – and I am angry and upset and disappointed. The lead up to your wedding is supposed to be full of excitement and happiness. These are supposed to be the people who love us and support us, but I don’t feel like any of these people are truly happy for us. And I have gotten to the point where I am absolutely miserable. If we could cancel everything and just get married at the courthouse in jeans, we probably would. But everything is all booked and paid for – and now we are not even looking forward to it. His friends and family are ruining our wedding, and it is still 3 months away! We have tried to be diplomatic this whole time, because in reality, these people ARE friends and family, and we don’t want to upset anyone. But I am reaching my breaking point. We are adults (30’s and 40’s) and should all be acting like it. Instead, I feel like I have been time-warped back to high school! So we were talking about it again the other night, trying to make some plans for the AHR, and FI stated that he isn’t sure we should bother with it at all. He figures if all of these people are so upset about the wedding, then they won’t want to come to the AHR. Plus he doesn’t want them to think we just want the gifts, even though we didn’t want them at the wedding. (We don’t need anything, and haven’t registered anywhere. We own our own home and have everything we could possibly need – I think if people know us well, they should realize we are not in it for the gifts!) But I got to thinking about it, and I am starting to think I don’t want to have an AHR either. In my opinion, an AHR is all about the guests. It is a party for THEM really, to allow them to be a part of your celebration. So, why should we waste our time and money planning a party for people who have not been at all supportive of us in this time? (His friends and family all live close by. Mine are scattered throughout the US.) Why should we pay gobs of money for a bunch of jerks to come and eat and drink and be merry on our nickel – when they can’t even be bothered to be happy for us? Am I wrong for being so bitter towards them all? They have all basically said the only way they are going to be happy for us is if we change our plans and invite everyone to the wedding. But then WE won’t be happy! So who should get to be happy – the bride and groom or everyone else? Are we just being selfish?? Does anyone have any suggestions for how to handle this? I am literally at my wits end…
  14. you are welcome, one and all - though i can't take much credit as the Craftster who created it is the one who REALLY deserves your praise! but i am glad it has been helpful, nonetheless!
  15. Interesting... I had never really thought about using fake flowers - i just assumed real was the way to go. But now after reading all of the comments on here - you ladies have convinced me that fake is definitely a much more sensible option. Every day is a revelation on here, i swear!
  16. what about incorporating something like this in the sand? they would go well, especially with the "linked" hearts part. These are pretty small, but you could probably find something similar in various sizes. LCI Heart Shaped Clips Gold -
  17. yeah, probably not something i would do either - but the nerd in me is completely in awe of the fact that someone calculated the diameter of the circles and the height and all that nonsense based on a picture. That's pretty darn cool to me!
  18. I saw this on Crafster and it is just incredible! For all of you ladies thinking of doing a cupcake tower (includes some instruction and hints as well!): A full, delicious, 6.5 feet of cupcakes and cheesecake!
  19. I voted "Flowers only"- i LOVE the romantic yet casual look of flowers... As i mentioned in a previous post : "I am a second time bride (i was barely 19!) and have a very vivid memory from my first wedding with the cathedral length veil. My flower girl was standing on it and as we stepped forward to light the candle, my head snapped back like a Pez dispenser! It was actually quite funny, and i still laugh about it to this day, but i think it scarred me for life!"
  20. I would say no veil, but that's just me... I am a second time bride (i was barely 19!) and have a very vivid memory from my first wedding with the cathedral length veil. My flower girl was standing on it and as we stepped forward to light the candle, my head snapped back like a Pez dispenser! It was actually quite funny, and i still laugh about it to this day, but i think it scarred me for life! On a more practical note - i agree with the comments re: the plane - it will be a total hassle, from getting caught on stuff or you sitting on it, to just getting annoying while you are trying to sleep on the plane! however - i am LOVING the idea of the DIY Bride hoodie!!!!
  21. i am getting married Oct. 9 at Aventura Spa Palace... I haven't actually been yet, but based the decision on A LOT of research and recommendations. I can tell you this though - every question or request i have had regarding any issue (major or minor) i have e-mailed my WC and she has gotten back to me within 24 hours with answers. And if she didn't know the answer, she has sent my e-mails on to someone else at the resort to get the info for me. The customer service has been incredible so far. DanielleNDerrick - i hope you don't mind if I PM you for the pics/info as well? I'm already booked and paid for, but i love getting the confirmation that i made the right choice!
  22. What a great topic BeckyN- i have the same issue (I never realized there were so many of us in that boat!) Thanks for all the suggestions ladies.
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