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Everything posted by kr3611

  1. I just got back from our wedding at the Vallarta Palace adn I found that I didn't proactively hear from my WC until about 30 days before, but it all worked out. Prior to that, I got her contact info about 6 months before and would just email her questions
  2. THanks for all of the advice - it's reassuring to hear others feel/have felt the same way. It is all about the two of us, and we are so lucky that all of our immediate family will be able to join us - and after 7 years we're getting married!
  3. From the start, we knew that having the wedding in Mexico would mean that not many would come. We decided not to have a bridal party but to still invite everyone we wanted to and if they could come that would be great, if not then we understood. Then with airfare going up, gas prices, and those that "don't go to Mexico", we're down to this..... My best friend since childhood is afraid of flying, and won't go that far on a plane. Our parents, siblings, neices, nephews, my aunt and cousin are coming, which makes us a group of about 20. I keep telling myself that it's about the two of us and we're so lucky that our families are there, but as we approach the final week before the wedding I'm disappointed about the non family guest response. Many we never heard back from, and three of my coworkers did RSVP yes, however this past week one of them said her boyfriend couldn't get the time off wokr and the other one has some drama with the third coworker and is backing out with a lame excuse. I guess I just need to let it all go and focus on what's really important
  4. We're getting married at the Vallarta Palace, heading up to Sayulita for 3 nights that day after, and then back down to dreams for the last few days - so we'll spend our honeymoon in PV, just at different hotels
  5. Your stuff is so cute! Can't believe how fast time has gone!
  6. I'm so jealous! The concert here is while we are gone for our wedding..Did they sing a lot of their old stuff?
  7. Not natural but Retin A was amazing for me
  8. I think you should do hair flower and veil. the veil will cover the flower for the most part during the cermony and then it will be pretty when you take it off. That's what i am doing.
  9. I'm excited to hear there are others getting married there. I haven't come across anyone else on this forum that is getting married there. Like you, we have never been there but based on the reviews on TripAdvisor and other sites decided to go with it. Are you working with Lorena?
  10. Welcome! Where in Nuevo? I'm getting married at the Vallarta Palace.
  11. Welcome! I'm getting married at the Vallarta Palace about 12 days before you...go Nuevo Vallarta!
  12. I agree. I had a 10 country pass when i backpacked in college and it was great. For your honeymoon, definitely make reservations and get a private car of course. There's tons of options so just decide exactly where you want to go and for how long. I like the night trains b/c it always seems like a waste of a whole day to sit on a train. I've taken them in Western and Eastern Europe both alone and with my FI and never had a major problem.
  13. We invited about 50 couples and should end up with about 30 attending.
  14. That is so funny - I'm jealous you have a dog that actually likes the car.
  15. I recommend weight watchers too. My first week i lost 6 pounds
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