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Everything posted by Jenn79

  1. My husband yes, but I lived in Bermuda when I was younger so I knew what we were getting into. Timm however, in spite of my assurances, was the big worry wart. He's a bit of a compulsive planner, and likes to have all his ducks in a row, so leaving everything up to outside sources was difficult for him. But it all worked out, just like I said it would, and I never let him forget it. With such a gorgeous backdrop as the ocean, it's pretty hard not to go well!
  2. Johnny Depp. He loves everything the man does, (who am I kidding, so do I). Hey, what's not to like?
  3. We just watched Tropic Thunder, and while I wasn't really interested in seeing the movie, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Ben Stiller's movies have never been the top of my "to see" list in the past, but I love Robert Downey Jr. We also tried to watch War Inc. with John Cusack...it was, well, different, for lack of a better word. I wasn't able to finish watching it, which is odd because I LOVE John Cusack. But this was just too out there for my liking. Saw Death Race land Taken last week and really liked them both. Great action, and Taken is just a really smart story. Can you tell I'm trying to get caught up on my movies? Too many come out at the same time, it's impossible to see them all.
  4. I've always taken mine with me. I just never felt comfortable leaving it on the ship. It was also the only form of official ID I had (I don't have my license yet, shhhh!!!), so I figured better to have it with me just in case.
  5. Sorry about the deleted file, Timm noticed a grammatical error and in order to fix it he had to repost it. He just forgot to tell me! Here it is: My Sweet Frannie Thanks to those who read it!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 This is such a fun thread, thanks for starting it Erin! BIL and his wife wrote in our wedding card that our nephews need cousins....I was like "no thanks!" haha, we're so not ready for that and I'm not sure if/when we ever will be. My BIL and SIL are the same. They have two kids and while I love them to death and can't wait to have my own, it irks me to no end when people start to put the pressure on. My mom has been lamenting about not having grandchildren since before I even met my husband! She knows they're coming but she just gets so impatient. They can all just keep on waiting, the babies will come when we're both good and ready!
  7. I just had to share this with everyone I can think of, because I am just so proud. My husband is an aspiring author. I've read a lot of his work and though I may be biased, I think it is pretty good. But getting published is not an easy (or cheap) task, so it's been difficult for him to get his stuff out there. Until now. Chapters.ca (think Borders but the Canadian equivalent) has recently added a section called Shortcovers to their website. It's a where you can download books to your different mobile devices, but it also offers writers a place to post their work to the general public. It doesn't pay anything, but it gives exposure, which is the most important thing for new authors to get. So, without further ado, here is the link to my husband's short story, My Sweet Frannie. He's hoping to add more stories as time goes on, but this has long been one of my favourites. Hope you like it!
  8. We had talked about doing one and even went to far as to reserve a space, but after the wedding we just didn't see the point. Yes, there were a lot of people who weren't at the wedding but there was a reason for that. We had a great time with the wedding we had and were more than happy with how things turned out.
  9. Congratulations! One of the best pieces of advice I can give you regarding TWE is to keep every correspondance you have with them. All the best in your planning, the itinerary sounds amazing!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I love being married. I didn't think anything would change, but there is just this wonderful extra feeling of love around us. It's subtle, but there is definitly something different. I love this sentiment and totally agree. It's funny, because people always tell you that feeling will go away or dwindle (well, the older married relatives have always said that to me, not sure about the rest of you), but it just seems to get stronger to me. Our friends still get mock grossed out when we kiss each other or are caught holding hands, but that's just who we are, the cutesy couple.
  11. Almost, we got engaged June 2005 and married May 2007. It just wouldn't have worked if we'd tried to get married sooner. I was still in school and didn't graduate until June 2006. While I know it can be done, I didn't want to be worrying about assignments and wedding planning at the same time. I did some random idea searching for the first year but we didn't really start planning until about a year before the wedding. I think you're doing the best thing for you and it's a shame people can't respect that. Lots of people wait to get married, so you shouldn't worry.
  12. I still can't believe it's been almost two years since the wedding. I didn't find this site until about three months after I was married, but I stick around because I just really love weddings. I love looking at the planning journal threads, and the pictures once the brides come back from their weddings. I know I don't post a whole lot, but that has a lot to do with shyness that I've been battling since I was a kid. I've been using message boards as a way of trying to open up a bit more, and it is helping...but I still tend to sit back and play silent observer more often than not. I get really excited when I see any Bermuda brides and try to help out where I can. Otherwise, I just love reading what all you girls are up to. It's nice to see I'm not the only one who still gets a kick out of wedding cake and flowers. As for what's new, well, not a whole lot. We're nicely settled in our house, have no travel plans for a year or so, and are really just trying to balance work and social life. Ho hum.
  13. We bought our couch from them last April. Love the couch, loved the service. It didn't take forever for it to arrive (about a month I think), the guys attached the feet for us (it wouldn't have fit through the door with them on), a great experience. And the prices aren't terrible, which is a big plus in today's economy.
  14. Oooh congrats!! We did Disneyworld for our honeymoon two years ago and loved every minute of it! Tough choice with the pictures, I'd want to do both! Have a great time!
  15. Looks like I'm an odd woman out, I loved number 3! They are all really pretty though, I can see where you are having the dilemma choosing! I think no matter what one you go with, it will be amazing. and ps, woo hoo for May 10th brides!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by trance_angelx0x Why is it that drivers think that because the law in Ontario says you can turn to the right on a red light mean that you don't have to stop to see if someone is trying to cross the street? Almost got ran over walking my dog yesterday and the dude had the nerve to beep at me. Let me tell you he got a nice "f*ck you". This happens to me ALL the time! My husband has gone so far as to kick the bumper, the vehicle has gotten that close. Idiots! Keeping with the car theme: Why is it that drivers think the signal light is optional? Are we supposed to psychically know that you are going to veer into our lane?
  17. My husband is a bit of an Excel junkie, does EVERYTHING he can think of in an Excel spreadsheet, so for him, he was all about making sure every detail was documented in a spreadsheet of some kind. Fine by me, I hate Excel and if he wanted to take on the task it was all his. I didn't notice it at the time, but he was also pretty picky about the shoes. He arranged it so that he and his two groomsmen wore the same brown sandals. They looked very nice, but i just didn't put as much thought into it as he did.
  18. I was a Maggie bride, and absolutely loved my dress (the Colby). It fit like a glove and didn't need any alterations whatsoever (yay for corset backs!). The fabric was light and flowy, perfect for the beach, and I wasn't tripping over it (I have a tendency to be clumsy). I had the best experience buying it too. The store was empty when I arrived, the saleslady (Brooke at Bridal Creations in Kinston, absolutely wonderful lady!) was very helpful, and when I stepped out of the changing room it was just the most amazing feeling...I still get goosebumps thinking about it! I just wish I could wear it again
  19. 1- I read more than I sleep. It's almost more important than breathing 2- When I met my husband for the first time, I had that whole "the world around me disappeared" feeling 3- I am most at ease sitting on the shore of a beach...any beach, as long as there are waves 4- I can't skate and yet I've lived in the city that has the World's Longest Skating Rink for 19 years 5- For seven of my school years I was a visible minority 6- I had black hair when I was a baby..like, jet black 7- I have never dyed my hair 8- I believe in love at first sight 9- Almost two years after the fact I am still obsessed with weddings (including my own wedding) 10- I hate when people look at me like I'm crazy because I love going to Disneyworld 11- If I could spend the next three years travelling the world I would in a heartbeat 12- I really want to be a stay at home mom when I have my kids 13- Star Wars and Twilight are my big obsessions, and I think they're getting "worse" 14- I really don't like most vegetables, but am trying (started adding chopped spinach to anything I can) 15- I have this crazy fear I won't be able to have children naturally (but will adopt if it doesn't work out) 16- I haven't followed a current tv show since Sex and the City ended 17- I don't have my full driver's license and am terrified to drive 18- I love cats but can't have one because of my allergies 19- I need a cup of tea first thing in the morning or I can't function 20- I can't drink coffee before 10am or else my stomach will be very unhappy with me 21- Footloose is my all time favourite movie, and I know the soundtrack by heart 22- Have been team Switzerland since before Twilight made it popular! 23- Consider Bermuda my home and native land (but am Canadian through and through) 24- I am half Newfie and damn proud of it! 25- I lived in the Northwest Territories when I was little and would love to go back as an adult
  20. Definitely not silly at all, we did a week at Disneyworld for our honeymoon and loved every minute of it. Wouldn't have changed it for the world! There's something to be said for being able to act like a child for a week, especially after all the work that goes into planning a wedding. It's all about fun!
  21. Love the red shoes! Looks like it was a wonderful day! Congrats!
  22. I didn't invite two cousins who I grew up with...not because of any current drama, but to avoid drama up to/including/and following the wedding. The cousins are sisters, and where one would have come whether she could afford it or not, the other would not have been able to afford it (both moneywise and the taking time off work). I know I caused some bad blood in the end, but I really didn't want this to turn into a family vacation for everyone but the one cousin. I also didn't invite my grandfather. He's extremely opinionated, rude, and racist, not exactly the personality you want around on your wedding day.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by estella1007 I see that there are a few of us out there, and quite a few of us from Jersey! I am getting nervous because I see that no one is mentioning the Surfside, and when they do it's not very good. I am planning to get married there in early October of 09. I am only having the ceremony, followed by a cocktail party, then back to the ship for dinner. Is the Surfside really as bad as the reviews I am hearing? I looked into all of the other resorts, and they are sooo much more expensive for such a basic package. Am I going to be disappointed with my choice? Congratulations! Yay for Bermuda Brides! I think the only real concern with Surfside is their lack of a real beach. There is a small patch of beach area, but not something that could accommodate a wedding. For me, a beach was a necessity for the wedding, so doing Surfside was not an option. You will still have great views of the ocean and greenery of the island, and if you only want a beach for some photos you should be fine. Don't let negative reviews turn you away, there really isn't a bad place on the island, just different places that appeal to different tastes. Good luck with your planning!
  24. In case any of you are planning on getting the DVD/Blu-Ray, it's going to be released March 21!
  25. Tv shows 1. Fraggle Rock 2. Punky Brewster 3. Knots Landing 4. Growing Pains 5. Charlie's Angels 6. Facts Of Life 7. Small Wonder 8. Step by Step 9. The Love Boat 10. Bosom Buddies 11. The Wonder Years 12. Family Ties 13. Moonlighting 14. Living Single 15. My Two Dads 16. Blossom 17. Saved by the Bell 18. Who's the boss 19. Dallas 20. The Muppet Show 21. My so called life 22. The Smurfs 23. Three's Company 24. Knight Rider 25. The A Team 26. Dynasty 27. Today's Special (was this just a Canadian show? I'm not sure) 28. The Cosby Show 29. Wonderful World of Disney 30. My Little Pony 31. Alice 32. Kids Incorporated (hehe) 33. I Dream of Jeannie 34: She-Ra: Princess of Power 35. Gem 36. Truth or Dare 37. Ally McBeal 38. Mork and Mindy 39. Full House 40. Family Matters 41. 3rd Rock From The Sun 42. What's Happening 43. Different Strokes 44. Party of Five 45. Voyage of the Mimi (PBS) 46. Life Goes On 47. You Can't Do That On Television 48. Suddenly Susan 49. Pin Wheel 50. Star Search 51. Double Dare 52. Star Trek 53. Degrassi High 54. A Different World 55. Melrose Place 56. Charles in Charge 57. Third Watch (and they are taking forever to release s.2 on DVD!!!) 58. Inspector Gadget 59. Baywatch 60. 227 61. Buffy the Vampire Slayer 62. Good Times 63. Little House on the Prairie 64. 90210 65. Amen 66. Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood 67. Santa Barbara 68. Fresh Prince 69. The Jeffersons 70. Angel (the spin-off from Buffy) 71. Perfect Strangers 72. Gilmore Girls 73. Friends 74. Miami Vice 75. are you afraid of the dark 76. hart to hart 77. Mr. Belvedere 78. Las Vegas 79. The X files 80. Silver Spoons 81. Mork N Mindy 82. The incredible Hulk ! 83. Fantasy Island 84. Webster 85. Murphy Brown 86.The Electric Company 87. Married with Children 88. That 70s show 89. Romper Room 90. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego 91. Firefly
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