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Everything posted by Jenn79

  1. I feel bad, I've been MIA for a very long time! I just placed an order for six new books with some birthday money, and a bunch of the titles I ordered are listed here. Â LOVE this book, it's one of the few that had me laughing and crying at the same time while reading it. Â I just ordered the first one, I've been wanting to read it for a while. Â Looking forward to reading Girl WIth The Dragon Tattoo, it should be arriving this week along with the second in the series. Â Loved Secret Daughter, I couldn't believe how emotional it made me. Â I've heard good things about the Kobo, the one that Chapters is selling. I've played with the one on display in the store, and it actually seems pretty decent. I'm still on the fence myself, I love the feel of a good book...but, I hate having to wait until the book comes out in paperback, or, if I just have to have it in hardcover, it's so bulky to carry around. I bus to work, and it's difficult to balance. Â Definitely give Secret Daughter a go, it's amazing. I know what you mean about the pile of books; my mom just leant me six or seven, and I have six coming from Chatpers.ca this week. Â Loved this book, still haven't gotten around to reading the other four! I need to get on that! Â
  2. Anyone who likes soundtracks I thought you'd like to know, the Eclipse soundtrack is being released June 8th, and the score is being released June 29th. Just 48 days until it's finally out! I saw the trailer on the big screen last night before Iron Man 2, and keep getting more excited by the minute!
  3. Hey Ladies! A new trailer for Eclipse was released today, and shown on Oprah. Here's the link to it on YouTube, in case you didn't get to see it! YouTube - New Eclipse Oprah trailer!!!!!! (Official one).wmv Hopefully they won't take it down. Down to 68 days!!!! And I thought I was holding my excitement in...ha!
  4. The Shawshank Redemption always pops up at the top of my list. It's just such a great story
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by KAMAY11 Has anyone read or heard of "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett? I just picked this up...it's different from what I normally read but I'm all about reading different types of books lately.. I started reading this book months back, and got about 150 pages into it. It's a really good story, and I'll get back to it eventually, but the mood I was in wanted something with a little more meat to it. I put it aside to read a few Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child books (which I loved) and the new Diana Gabaldon (which I also loved but made me a teensy bit angry at the end), but am very curious to see how Pillars turns out.
  6. I just found out my best friend (who was my maid of honour) is engaged!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di Is there a hard copy somewhere online? I much rather to read it as a copy. As far as I know, there are no hard copies available, and the link on her site is security protected to avoid any issues with improper distribution. I've heard there's a way around that by using the PrintScreen button on your keyboard, but I haven't tried it so I'm not too sure if it works Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx I dont think i have the whole of MIDNIGHT SUN any one have a link ? i think mine is only partial? x THANKS xoxox The whole of Midnight Sun doesn't exist yet, only the first twelve chapters that you can read here. Her draft copy was leaked on the net a couple years ago, and Stephenie has yet to decide whether she will finish it.
  8. ooooh, that sounds amazing! My husband and I did a Disneymoon and had the time of our lives. I love the idea to watch Wishes from the Polynesian beach. I'm hoping to do that myself someday. You say your fiance's daughter is 10, do you think she would understand that this is your honeymoon, and while you know she loves Disney, this is a time where the two of you want some time to yourselves? I know it can be tricky with kids involved, but hopefully she's at an age where while she will be disappointed, she'll understand. Fingers crossed for you on that one. Have a great time on your honeymoon, I want to go back so bad!
  9. My niece was born on Saturday, and I've been super happy about it since then!
  10. Watched mine with the hubby Saturday night after work. It was torture having to wait through eight hours of work, knowing it was sitting at home waiting for me. I am slightly miffed though that none of the editions that have been released in Canada (at least, the ones on sale around here) have the deleted scenes. Yes, the interviews and stuff are fun to watch, but I love seeing what got cut from the original filming, and it seems that if I want to see it, I have to go to the States and find a Target and hope they have some left. Aside from that though, I'm planning on having my mom over tomorrow to watch it again. Only 100 days until Eclipse!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Just an FYI - New Moon is out on DVD March 30th! Eclipse will be released in theaters June 30th. This is weird because it's a Wednesday so I don't know if they will stick to that date or what. I haven't seen an official trailer yet. Don't know if it's different in the States, but we have New Moon coming out on DVD March 20th....not that I have a countdown or anything going on... I just can't wait to be able to watch it again, I only saw it in theatres twice, whereas with Twilight I went four times. I can't even let myself think of Eclipse yet (but I have a countdown going for that too) or else I might go a teensy bit nutty. Too many things coming up that I'm excited for!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by aimee! and the new Flavia de Luce book by Alan Bradley is coming out on March 9. Hooray! OOoh!!! I loved the first one, I'm so glad there's another one coming out
  13. Making a special dinner for my husband's birthday and having him say it smells amazing. Knowing that in six months I'll be at my very first Star Wars convention! Yes, I'm a geek, and I'm proud of it!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB We haven't talked about this in a while! Anyone still watching? I know that tonight's episode is the last until March, for sweeps maybe? Haven't watched yet but it's waiting for me on DVR. I heard it was scary! I'm still watching too, but I still have last week's episode to get caught up on before I get to this week's. March It won't be back on until March Yuck!!! I have three shows that I follow, this being one of them...oh well, I guess it means I'll have more time to read
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ Speaking of the time traveler's wife, it's out on DVD today! I hope it's close to the book, though I doubt it will be lol. It actually did stay pretty close to the book...enough to make me cry like a baby. But they did leave out the very end part of the book, which I was hoping would stay in, but overall I really enjoyed the movie. Reading the book it's hard to figure out how it would be translated into a film, but the director managed fairly well.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Lisa*~ I just picked up The Lovely Bones. I'm not too far into it right now but so far I really like it. It's so interesting!! Quote: Originally Posted by butterfly4kathy2 Oh! I really want to read The Lovely Bones! Another one on my top 5 of all time, I've read it twice and loved it both times. I saw the movie two weeks ago, and really liked how it was done. Hoping Stanley Tucci wins the Oscar for his performance as the neighbour, he was amazing.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by hat0112 It wasn’t James Patterson. I know his books, my mom has read every one of his books. I know the book has a female main character and I think she was a detective or some one who investigates crime scenes. Sounds like it could be Patricia Cornwell or Kathy Reichs, they both write books where the main character is a female crime scene detective.
  18. For me it was a combination of a few things: I lived in Bermuda when I was younger, and decided at a very young age I would be going back to get married. Picking the actual location happened when I saw the staircase leading down to the beach, I just fell in love with how it looked. The legalities of getting married in Bermuda were pretty straight forward, and the marriage is recognized in Canada so there was no need for a legal ceremony on top of the one in Bermuda. Because I had lived there, I knew what I wanted and what wouldn't work, no matter what the coordinators tried to suggest. They had some great ideas, but I just wanted to get married barefoot in the sand, and without having previous knowledge, I might have been coerced into something I didn't need.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by KAMAY11 I don't like bent pages (unless I do it) or cracked spines.... I have a nervous twitch when I see people crack spines...it just seems so wrong! My FIL teases me when he sees me reading my books, open just enough for me to read the pages but not enough to make it crack.
  20. I don't know how sexy mine are, but here's my attempt: These were taken last May on our second anniversary by a photography friend of ours.
  21. mine was a bit of both. I had wanted to get married in Bermuda since I was six years old, so that was the all about me part. The cruise is where it became about the family...sort of. It was more cost effective for everyone to cruise to Bermuda versus fly and stay. But, I'd also always wanted to do a cruise, so here we are back to the all about me. But only sort of. Good luck with your choice!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by stacey Has anyone read Gone with the Wind? I borrowed the book from my grandmother 10 years ago. And finally got around to reading it just a little while ago. That was a GREAT book. I would deffinalty recommend it. BUT it was a hard read, it took me what seemed like forever to read the book. I read Gone With the Wind in high school and loved it...loved the movie too, but missed certain parts from the book, there was just so much more to it. Quote: Originally Posted by stacey Im a little embarrassed to say that I am currently reading the twilight series for the second time. Im on book two. If its possible I love it even more the second time. If it makes you feel better, I've read each of them four times I got a teensy bit obsessed when I got them last year, and just couldn't let them go. They get better with each read
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by *Rachel* However, Memoirs of a Geisha has been on my list for way too long so I REALLLLY need to read it. I haven't even watched the movie because I wanted to read the book first. This is getting ridiculous! This book is in my Top 5 of all time, it really is such a good story.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie hi jenn! i saw you post and had to check it out im LOVING the true blood books (sookie stackhouse books). they are SO fun! we dont have cable so i havent watched the show yet. but the books are really quick but enjoyable reads. if anyone is into janet evanovich's stephanie plum series, and you like supernatural stuff too, you will love them. the main character is a hoot and i cant wait to read each next book so see what kind of trouble she will get herself into. haha, thanks for taking a peek! I read the first of the Sookie Stackhouse books last Christmas (2008 ), and while I enjoyed it, I wasn't compelled to pick up any more in the series right away. I'll probably read them eventually (they are vampire books after all), but I've got so many in my "to read" pile, adding eight more might just tip me over the edge Funny you should mention Janet Evanovich, I've been meaning to pick up her as well...but again, never got around to it. I'll have to get the first of her Stephanie Plum books sometime in the near future. For now, it's all I can do to keep from running out and buying the next of the House of Night books. I have Diana Gabaldon's newest to read, Under the Dome by Stephen King, The Princes of Ireland by Rutherford, and a handful of other books that my MIL leant me. And I've decided I need to re-read The Lovely Bones.... It's just a good thing I love having a pile of books to read, or else I might feel overwhelmed!
  25. For any of you non-fiction readers, or if you just like a compelling read, I recently started The World Without Us by Alan Weisman. It's really quite interesting, and touches on a bunch of scientific speculations on what would happen to the planet if humans just up and disappeared. I've had it in my "want to read" list for a few years, and was finally able to pick it up a couple weeks ago. Absolutely fascinating stuff. Another book I read recently was P.S. I Love You by Cecilia Ahern, and I cannot believe it took me so long to pick it up. I really enjoy her writing style.
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