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Everything posted by Jenn79

  1. My MIL is great with a sewing machine, and since I couldn't find any flower girl dresses I liked (too poofy, too expensive!), we went looking for a pattern together, picked out material, and she made the flower girl dress (our flower girl is my husband's neice, her grandaughter). She also planned a shower with her daughter and daughter-in-law. I absolutely love my in-laws, and was really lucky throughout the wedding plannig. Nobody tried to butt in, but were available for help if I needed it. Which was great, because my mom isn't big into weddings herself. She was happy for me and everything, but got a bit of a glassy look whenever I started to talk about any of the details.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Nassau2008 Hi, It's great to see some stuff on Bermuda. I actaully lived there for 5 years, and loved it. It's too bad that it doesn't get more attention, especially from the northeast crowd that's under 2 hours away! I haven't been back in a couple years, but would be happy to answer any questions anyone has, especially about the island itself. I have been to most of the resorts as well, but again-that was a couple years ago. Happy travels! I lived on the island too, twice, for a total of five years. Getting married there was like going home again.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride I heard you had school cancellations & everything this morning...that's gross!! LOL Please don't send any our way!! TIA!! I think it's heading further east towards Montreal...sorry anyone in Montreal!!!
  4. we got at least five inches or more last night, and it's still blowing around this morning. We just moved this past weekend, so I was running around trying to find the box with the winter coats and boots in it so I could get to work this morning. It's too frikken early for snow!! BOO!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz Mike laughs because whenever we're at a store and we're checking out, I throw some sort of candy on the counter just like a little kid would. haha, my husband does the same thing! He's also the king of hiding something he knows we don't need with the rest of the groceries, and it's always a form of junk food (chips and wine gums most often). He then has this face (I call it his five year old face) that is pretty much an "I didn't put something bad in the cart" face.
  6. only 5? Well here are the ones that I just CAN'T say no to no matter how hard I try: 1. poutine (fries, gravy, and cheese...mmm...so yummy) 2. pizza 3. chocolate covered macadamia nuts..or almonds..or any chocolate covered nut really 4. tacos (homemade ones, I still have yet to try Taco Bell) 5. mochaccinos (because they sure as heck aren't lowfat when I get them, complete with whipped cream and chocolate shavings)
  7. Having worked in customer service for twelve years before getting my current job, I have definitely seen more rudeness than I ever thought possible. I had a ten year old snap his fingers at me to get my attention when I was working at a coffee shop, heard coworkers get called "f***ing idiots" because they forgot to put sugar in the coffee, had an older couple tell me "if you can't speak the language properly you shouldn't even try" when I was trying to get better at speaking French, and have lost count of the number of snarky comments made about the length of the cashline in the last few days before Christmas (I get that people are frustrated and tired and just want to get their shopping done, but taking it out on the staff is far from the right way to go about it, especially when all the cashes are open and they are going as fast as they can). It makes me sad and worried for human kind when such behaviour is so prevalent. There are people I know who I will refuse to eat out at restaurants with because of their rude behaviour. They speak rudely to their servers, roll their eyes, and don't tip...ever. We may not have a lot of extra money, but my husband and I always make a point of tipping well. Nothing makes me angrier than people who think they have the right to talk down to someone just because they are a server. How do they know the waiter or waitress isn't putting themselves through school, or working a second job to make ends meet? sorry, I went off on a rant there. But rudeness is definitely high on my low-tolerance list. Oh, and don't get me started on the people who come to the cash counter talking on their cell phones (again, at the coffee shop), and trying to get them to place their order while the line up gets longer behind them. That's just the height of rude. When I'm in a store and am heading to the cashline, I turn my phone off until I've finished my transaction.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* Wowsers, I'd say it's just a matter of time until a full-on fight breaks out! Especially between your dad and your hubby - the Sens-Leafs rivalry isn't going to die down anytime soon I don't think! For now I'm just lucky my dad thinks the world of my husband. Otherwise I think I'd sneak out of the house with my mom during games and wait for the worst to happen.
  9. I don't know that I can call myself an official fan yet, but I do have a new affinity for the game since meeting the husband. He is a diehard Ottawa Senator's fan, and the amount of information I seem to have obtained (player names, numbers, stats, who fights the most, who does the stupidest things, etc.) just from sitting with him while he watches his games (I read while he shouts at the tv) is actually quite impressive. It gets interesting when we have family get togethers during hockey season...My dad is a Leafs fan, my brother is an Oilers fan, and then my dear hubby,the Sens fan...there hasn't been bloodshed tough...yet!
  10. Happy Wedding Day! All the best to you and your new hubby!
  11. Have a great wedding and a wonderful trip! All the best!!!
  12. ooh, boy, where do I start -Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears -Rio/Hungry Like the Wolf/The Reflex by Duran Duran -Every Little Thing She Does is Magic by The Police -Red Red Wine by UB40 -Straight Up by Paula Abdul -Thriller/Billy Jean/Bad/The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson -Rhythm Nation/When I Think of You by Janet Jackson -Time After Time/Girls Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper -99 Red Balloons by Nena -It's My Life by Talk Talk -Tenderness by General Public -Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For?With or Without You/Sunday Bloody Sunday/I Will Follow by U2 -Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi -Jump by Van Halen -Material Girl/Get Into the Groove/Crazy For You/Open Your Heart by Madonna I think my brain is done in for now...I'll post more when I can think of them!
  13. I couldn't believe it when I read this story in my paper today! Firstly, what the heck was the 7 year old doing there by himself (since his parents weren't mentioned until the suing came up), and secondly, how the heck does a 7 year old even think something like that Freaks me the heck out...
  14. Fun!!! I can't talk about Twilight with the hubby, he gets this glazed look on his face and starts changing the subject to Hockey. I will start by saying I never saw Bella with anyone but Edward, but the whole teams thing, well, I don't get it. There doesn't need to be a team...so it's Team Switzerland for me all the way. She's in love with Edward, that was never in doubt, but she loves Jake as a friend. There's no reason she should have to choose. I wanted her to be a vampire by the end of Twilight, let alone wait until the end of Breaking Dawn. So when it finally happened, I'm pretty sure I was cheering through my book (and was getting a rather odd look from my hubby). I likely would have made the same choice regarding carrying Renesmee to term as well. I have seen so many arguments against her choice, saying it strayed from her character since she had never mentioned any desire for children before. Well, she'd never been pregnant before, added to that she was still in high school and completely infatuated with Edward, a being she didn't even think was capable of fathering children, so why should the subject have even been necessary? No one knows how they are going to feel about a given situation until they are in that situation for themselves. I should probably stop there, because I really could go on ad nauseum if you let me....
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita I completely agree!! I feel this way about the Twilight series actually Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Me too because book 4 didn't answer all the questions but made more! Like how is Renesemee going to develop? (I hope that wasn't a spoiler, but I don't think I gave away much.) glad I'm not the only one! I've actually had to go back and re-read all four of them (yes, I'm slightly crazy) just to regain some feeling of normalcy. The Lovely Bones and Memoirs of a Geisha left me feeling similarly, I just got so caught up with the characters.
  16. WOOT!! That's awesome news! Yay for you! It really is the best feeling to finally know where the wedding is going to be. Totally aside from that, I just noticed your wedding day is the day after our anniversary! Yay for May Bermuda Brides!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I agree! I read A LOT too! I was an English major for goodness sake! At first, I thought I was kinda stupid for reading young adult but then I realized that I was not alone. haha, I was an English major too, go figure! I never let the young adult thing turn me away, I gladly read all the Harry Potter books even though they are targeted at 8-10 year olds. I will agree that an 8 year old reading the Twilight series is a little young (they are geared towards 12 and up, if you take the Young Adult label seriously), but I can't really say much..I snuck reading Flowers in the Attic when I was 9 And to answer Kaylee's question, yes, they are most definitely available in Canada, run out to Chapters (or SUperstore, or Costco, they are really everywhere!) right now! Kidding
  18. A) Four places that I go to over and over: Home, work, Chapters (book store), mom's house Four people who e-mail me (regularly): Emily, Sheila, Sonya, Teresa C)Four of my favorite places to eat: Red Lobster, Moxie's, mom's house, Quizno's D) Four places I would rather be right now: Bermuda, Disneyworld, New York City, asleep E) Four people I think will respond: ErinB, LC Rachel, Casey, EricaG F) Four TV shows I watch: Law and Order: SVU, Sex and the City (reruns), Ellen Degeneres, Amazing Race G) List something life has taught you through the years! never be too quick to trust people
  19. I got all four for my birthday just over a month ago, and in less than a week I had them all read...OHMIGOD...I just so totaly LOVED these books. Obsessed does not even begin to describe how I feel, it's like they have taken over... my husband will attest to that! He too was slightly jealous at first, but he's come to accept that it's not just me that has this problem. I got his mom hooked on the series, and on a plane ride to Orlando a month ago (but after I had already read the four) I sat next to someone reading Eclipse (book 3). I had brought along New Moon to re-read, and the two of us started gushing about the series. Seriously though, I am blown away by how these books have affected me. I love to read, and in all the books I have read, none of them have made me feel the same way...it's really hard to get used to!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by trophywife is that a mouse mermaid topper??!! yes it is! Good eyes. It's actually part of a series of collectible figures that my husband started giving me while we were dating, but it was perfect for our cake topper. here's the collection here: Charming Tails - Fitz and Floyd, Inc.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie I just hung up with Barbara. We actually talked about your wedding Jenn! She remembered you! She's doing a wedding in Oct at Jobson's Cove then cocktails at Surf Side. She is going to let me know how it works out. She's never done anything like that so she's not sure how it's going to work. I also talked it over with my mom, I think we're going to go with 9 Beaches, just because the cabana's on stilts remind us of some homes on the jersey shore here. Also I do like the different rock places to do photos. I already have the photographer for 2 hours, so we're talking about just doing our cake and toast, then spending time doing pictures and not being rushed. Then heading back to the boat. I'm hoping to make reservations for our group at Portofino's on the boat for after the wedding. I know it can be done, its just getting the right person from RCCL on the phone and getting it done. I'm just getting anxious to know where my wedding actually will be held. I've just been telling people on a beach in Bermuda. It would be nice to be able to describe the resort! Well that's sweet that she remembered me, it's been well over a year and I can imagine she's done a number of weddings in between. I really think you'll be happy with 9 Beaches. As I said, it's different from the rest of the resorts on the island, but in a good way...it's very laid back, and very secluded. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Tell me about the anxiety! Before we decided to cruise to Bermuda, we were researching everything we could to find an affordable way for people to join us, and it was becoming such a headache! I just wanted to get married barefoot in the sand on the island that I loved, how hard could that be to work out? oooh, Jobson's Cove is very pretty too, very intimate...right next to Stonehole Bay actually. Not that you need even more ideas to float around in your head! Hope everything works out for you soon!
  22. OH....MY....GOD I have no other response...just that... those are relly amazing!
  23. I would go with 9 Beaches...it was actually one of the first places we looked at for our wedding, because of the whole nostalgia factor. The location is quite pretty, and private, with a number of different coves and small patches of sand available to use. I'm glad you decided against Surf Side, it's nice but not the best wedding location. Have you taken a look at the website for 9 Beaches yet? They have a photo album of weddings they have performed, and they turned out really nice. I'm trying to think of another resort you could look at, but most of them will be along the same price line as the Coco Reef...as I'm sure you've noticed, Bermuda isn't on the cheap side of things. There is The Reefs, or Pompano Beach, but I know for a fact that Pompano's beach is too small (almost non-existant), and the Reefs might have a similar issue. Worth taking a look at though, but I can't guarantee lower pricing. Have you asked about pricing for the ceremony at one of the beaches (Stonehole Bay, Warwick Long Bay and John Smith's Bay come to mind), then have the cocktail reception at a hotel? I know this means more back and forth for your guests, but it might be an option as well...
  24. there are a lot of mixed reviews out there about 9 Beaches, mostly because it is unlike any of the other resorts on the island. It's at the extreme opposite end from St George's and the airport...however, if you're docking at King's Wharf (aka, Dockyard to the locals), it's fairly close by (maybe 15 minutes). The rooms are actually small huts on stilts, some over the water, some over the grassy areas of the resort. Not grassy huts like Tahiti, but more like small replicas of the houses you see on the island (bright colours, white roofs). They are small, but the ones over the water have a glass window in the floor so you can see the water life underneath you. The resort itself is build on the former site of the Canadian Forces Military base, which I spent five years of my life on growing up. The beaches aren't drop dead gorgeous, but they are still very nice (in my opinion). There are really no waves to speak of, the current is too slow, but you can still hear the soft sound of water lapping on the shore. I have heard that the food is PHENOMENAL, from friends who still live on the island...most of the food available on the island is phenomenal though, so you can't really go wrong there. I can't really think of much else...are there any specific questions you had?
  25. must be something in the air up here, because I have the same problem! I can't stop sneezing, my throat is constantly itchy/scratchy, and I have this ridiculous cough that comes out of nowhere. Mine's been hanging on since early August, and shows no sign of letting go anytime soon. I had thought it was allergies, but really, this goes beyond any type of allergy problem I've had in the past. Hope you feel better soon. I know when I'm feeling particularly awful, a chug of Dayquil helps.
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